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Everything posted by WarlordATF

  1. Flyboys Skins?

    Has anyone made or is working on the Black and Red Dr.Is from the movie Flyboys? I know the movie was kinda fake, but those two planes look really cool and i would love to have those skins for FE. Thanks!
  2. The last Voss

    Looks Great!
  3. I'm running Vista and i cant even get the TE to start. I agree some upgrades on the flying enviroment could benefit greatly from the community. I believe all TK would need is a standard release form for any community based work he used in future releases. I think most modders would have no problem agreeing to it. He just needs to discuss this on his Thirdwire forums and publish the release form.
  4. Flyboys Skins?

    Those clips are great, the blue max is my favorite WWI movie. I actually liked Flyboys, it had it flaws, but it was a cool story and Hollywood does not make many avation movies so i overlooked the mistakes. What i did think was kinda insulting was the director decided to use Dr.1s for all germans because he figured we wouldnt be able to tell the sides apart. Um. Does an albatros look anything like a nieuport??? LOL But its not as bad as some, i hate when they say a plane is an F-16 and then show a Hornet like some TV shows did. Whats kinda cool about flyboys was they didnt use total CGI, the Replicas were flown in alot of the scenes. Heres a story about the Replicas, http://www.ultralightflyer.com/airshow-snf05/7.html I would love to build one of this companys Dr.1s!
  5. Flyboys Skins?

    Those skins are the Real World Versions of the Lafayette Escadrille's aircraft. The replicas in the movie used a slightly different paint job. Heres a shot of the Toy which is the only pic i could find, Notice the indian head is much further back and the indivdual pilots logos. And in the hollywood version the gun is offset to the right so they could see the pilots faces during filming.
  6. Flyboys Skins?

    No Problem, If Von Deutschmark says its ok with him i'll contact you with the request. What should be included with the request? Should i include the .7z file when i send the e-mail? Maybe you guys can pretty em up a little better than i did. I have no problem going through the proper channels, like i have said before you guys are the artists and i respect your work, i just did some very minor edits to make the movie skins. The greatest happyness i would ever hope for from this is that someone would enjoy these skins, maybe someone will even be inspired to make the N17 movie skins one day. i'm pretty sure thats why everyone makes mods for these sims, for all of our enjoyment.
  7. Flyboys Skins?

    I just finished the Standard Red and Black Dr.1 that all the other Germans used in the Movie. I have the 1.99 meg package ready for upload and release, but i will ONLY do so if the A-Team and von Deutschmark respond in this thread and give there permission as well as Firecage who already has. Full Credit is given in the readme.If any of them want a pre-release 7.z package to examine before giving permission just let me know and i will E-mail them a copy. I would like to make them available to everyone, however I consider these skins to be there property and will not make them public without there ok first. Here some screenshots...
  8. Udet's Dr.1

    Nice work A.D.! That makes the pit look much more unique and functional. It amazes me with some of the stuff you guys come up with. And ShrikeHawk, Are you planning to release that awsome Voss skin you were working on? IMO it looks alot better than the one thats available now. Anyway, Thanks to everyone for the mods! I hope to one day contribute more to the community, but i'm still learning right now.
  9. Fair Enough, I Would never knock what the modders have done for this series. They are a large part of why this series is so great. I also agree that TK should consider tapping into that talent and there generous offers. At the same time i think that raising system requirements is a bad idea. My system would not be effected, but if anyone elses is than i think its wrong for me to put my wants above there needs. If better looking graphics can be done without making the game run badly for others than i am all for it. Another thing to consider is that this engine is completed and owned by TK, I can understand why he would not want to spend more time and money to create a new one. There is nothing wrong with this engine, It works quite well and is not half as buggy as some of the more advanced engines. So if we want advances, lets think about what can be done with what we have to make it better, instead of calling it dated, i see it as reliable and stable. So what do you think we could help TK add to this engine that he has not already thought of? Lets put a positive spin on this instead of insulting the work that has already been done on this engine. Things i think should remain unchanged is the ease of modding and good frame rates. Better terrain details and textures that are adjustable for lower end systems are something i think we all agree on, right?
  10. I Don't like using the F-16As Cockpit for the later model Vipers so I have been tweaking the F-16C cockpit to use the F-2A/F-16A Cockpits Hud and i have it about 90% working, however i have set the original BoresightOffset=0.0,0.0 to BoresightOffset=0.0,0.08 in the F-16C_Avionics.INI to make the HUD line up with the HUD in this Pit and now the HUDs target boxes are now below the actual targets and the CCIP is throwing eggs past the targets. Where do i make the edits to line things back up? Heres the F-16C_Avionics.INI... [TextureData] RadarTexture=cockpit\f-4e_radar.bmp RWRTexture=cockpit\f-4e_rwr.bmp [AvionicsData] AvailableModes=SEARCH,ACQUISITION,TRACK,BORESIGHT,GROUND_MAP RangeUnit=NM RangeSetting[1]=10 RangeSetting[2]=25 RangeSetting[3]=50 RangeSetting[4]=70 RadarPosition= MaxElevationAngle=60 MinElevationAngle=-60 MaxAzimuthAngle=60 MinAltitude=350.0 MinReturn=0.05 SearchRangeSetting=1,2,3,4 ScanPattern[1].BarElevation[1]=1.875 ScanPattern[1].BarElevation[2]=-1.875 ScanPattern[1].ScanRate=120 ScanPattern[1].ScanBeamAngle=6.7 ScanPattern[1].ScanArc=60 SearchStrength=100 SearchTargetTime=5.0 AcquisitionSymbolSpeed=0.3 AcquisitionTime=5.0 LostAquisitionTime=1.0 TrackRangeSetting=1,2,3,4,5 TrackCapabilities=HOJ,TARGET_MEMORY TrackStrength=100 TrackMemroyTime=5.0 BoresightRangeSetting=1,2,3 BoresightElevation=-2.0 BoresightAzimuth=0.0 BoresightBeamAngle=3.7 GroundMapRangeSetting=1,2,3 [RadarDisplay] FadeImageIntensity=0.3 TargetFadeTime=0.25 ImageFadeTime=0.30 SweepIntensity=0.4 StrobeIntensity=0.6 ElevationScale=100 ElevationStrobeSize=0.07 TargetStrobeSize=0.07 TargetShadowIntensity=0.1 AcquisitionSymbolHeight=0.05 AcquisitionSymbolSize=0.07 NoiseLevel=0.0 DitheredSweepWidth=0.05 DitheredSweepIntensity=0.35 RangeStrobeWidth=0.07 RangeStrobeHeight=0.04 RangeGateWidth=0.05 RangeGateHeight=0.05 RangeGateIntensity=0.25 MissileRStrobeWidth=0.07 BreakXSize=0.50 BreakXIntensity=0.8 PPIArc=35 GroundReturnFadeTime=2.0 GroundClutter=0.0 MapBackgroundLevel=0.2 MapHighlightLevel=0.6 RangeRateCircleSize=0.86 RangeRateCircleScale=926 RangeRateCircleTexture=RadarVcCircle.tga HorizonBarSize=1.00 HorizonBarTexture=RadarHorizon.tga ASERadarCircleMinSize=0.20 ASERadarCircleMaxSize=0.35 ASERadarCircleMaxSizeRange=0.6 ASERadarCircleTexture=RadarASE.tga ASEHeatCircleSize=0.14 ASEHeatCircleTexture=RadarASEHeat.tga AimDotSize=0.03 AimDotTexture=RadarAimDot.tga BreakXRemovesRangeRate=TRUE BreakXRemovesASECircle=TRUE [RWR] Type=3_RING AirSearchTexture=RWRair1.tga AirTrackTexture=RWRair2.tga AirLockTexture=RWRair2.tga GroundSearchTexture=RWRground1.tga GroundTrackTexture=RWRground2.tga GroundLockTexture=RWRground2.tga SearchPosition=0.90 TrackPosition=0.55 LockPosition=0.15 SearchSize=0.075 TrackSize=0.075 LockSize=0.075 SearchFlash=FALSE TrackFlash=TRUE TrackFlashRate=0.2 LockFlash=TRUE LockFlashRate=0.1 TrackSound=RWRTrackSound.wav LockSound=RWRLockSound.wav [RadarDisplaySearch] PPI=FALSE Symbol[01]=B_SWEEP Symbol[02]=HORIZON_LINE Symbol[03]=ELEVATION_STROBE Symbol[04]=ACQUISITION_SYMBOL Symbol[05]=TARGET_SYMBOL [RadarDisplayAcquisition] PPI=FALSE Symbol[01]=DITHERED_B_SWEEP Symbol[02]=HORIZON_LINE Symbol[03]=ELEVATION_STROBE Symbol[04]=RANGE_GATE_STROBE Symbol[05]=RANGE_STROBE [RadarDisplayTrack] PPI=FALSE Symbol[01]=DITHERED_B_SWEEP Symbol[02]=HORIZON_LINE Symbol[03]=ELEVATION_STROBE Symbol[04]=RANGE_GATE_STROBE Symbol[05]=RMIN_STROBE Symbol[06]=RA_STROBE Symbol[07]=AIM_DOT Symbol[08]=ASE_CIRCLE Symbol[09]=BREAK_X Symbol[10]=RANGE_RATE_CIRCLE [RadarDisplayBoresight] PPI=FALSE Symbol[01]=DITHERED_B_SWEEP Symbol[02]=HORIZON_LINE Symbol[03]=ELEVATION_STROBE Symbol[04]=TARGET_SYMBOL [RadarDisplayGround_Map] PPI=TRUE Symbol[01]=PPI_SWEEP Symbol[02]=HORIZON_LINE [HUD] HUDColor=0.5421,0.0741,0.0741,0.75 BoresightOffset=0.0,0.08 ViewportTopLeft=-0.125,0.0 ViewportBottomRight=0.125,0.3 GunBoresightAngle=-0.50 RocketBoresightAngle=0 [HUDFont] TextFontName=Arial TextSize=11 TextBold=TRUE [HUDModeNav] Symbol[01]=HUD_FlightPath Symbol[02]=HUD_AttitudeBars Symbol[03]=HUD_HeadingScale Symbol[04]=HUD_AirspeedScale Symbol[05]=HUD_AltitudeScale Symbol[06]=HUD_NavModeText Symbol[07]=HUD_WaypointID Symbol[08]=HUD_WaypointRange Symbol[09]=//HUD_waterline Symbol[10]=HUD_TD Symbol[11]=HUD_G Symbol[12]=HUD_LaserTarget Symbol[13]=//HUD_BankIndicator Symbol[14]=//HUD_GSymbol Symbol[15]=//HUD_WPSymbol Symbol[16]=HUD_Mach Symbol[17]=HUD_RadarRange Symbol[18]=HUD_CText Symbol[19]=//HUD_ALT_LOW_TEXT Symbol[20]=HUD_RadarAltText Symbol[21]=HUD_ALText [HUDModeAA] Symbol[01]=HUD_FlightPath Symbol[02]=HUD_AttitudeBars Symbol[03]=HUD_HeadingScale Symbol[04]=HUD_AirspeedScale Symbol[05]=HUD_AltitudeScale Symbol[06]=HUD_LCOS Symbol[07]=HUD_TD Symbol[08]=HUD_SRM Symbol[09]=//HUD_Alpha Symbol[10]=HUD_Mach Symbol[11]=HUD_G Symbol[12]=//HUD_AlphaSymbol Symbol[13]=HUD_RadarRange Symbol[14]=HUD_ASE_SRM Symbol[15]=HUD_ASE_MRM Symbol[16]=//HUD_BankIndicator Symbol[17]=HUD_Max_G Symbol[18]=//HUD_GSymbol Symbol[19]=//HUD_MachSymbol Symbol[20]=HUD_Guncross Symbol[21]=HUD_AAModeText Symbol[22]=HUD_RadarAltText Symbol[23]=//HUD_RSymbol Symbol[24]=HUD_ARMText Symbol[25]=//HUD_ALText Symbol[26]=HUD_CText Symbol[27]=//HUD_ALT_LOW_TEXT [HUDModeAG] Symbol[01]=HUD_FlightPath Symbol[02]=HUD_AttitudeBars Symbol[03]=HUD_HeadingScale Symbol[04]=HUD_AirspeedScale Symbol[05]=HUD_AltitudeScale Symbol[06]=HUD_CCIP Symbol[07]=HUD_G Symbol[08]=HUD_LaserTarget Symbol[09]=HUD_RollIndicator Symbol[10]=HUD_MavSeeker Symbol[11]=//HUD_BankIndicator Symbol[12]=//HUD_GSymbol Symbol[13]=HUD_RadarAltText Symbol[14]=HUD_Guncross Symbol[15]=HUD_AGModeText Symbol[16]=HUD_Max_G Symbol[17]=HUD_Mach Symbol[18]=//HUD_RSymbol Symbol[19]=HUD_ARMText Symbol[20]=//HUD_ALText Symbol[21]=HUD_CText Symbol[22]=//HUD_ALT_LOW_TEXT [HUD_FlightPath] SymbolType=FLIGHTPATH_MARKER ImageFilename=cockpit\HUD\HUD_flightpath.tga ImageSize=0.03 [HUD_AttitudeBars] SymbolType=ATTITUDE_BARS ImageFilename=cockpit\HUD\HUD_attitude_bars%d.tga ImagePosition=0.0,0.00 ImageSize=0.170 StepInterval=5 StepHeight=0.25 [HUD_AirspeedScale] SymbolType=AIRSPEED_SCALE ImageFilename=cockpit\HUD\HUD_vel_scale_caret.tga ImagePosition=-0.065,0.023 ImageSize=0.0125 ScaleImageFilename=cockpit\HUD\HUD_vel_scale.tga ScaleImagePosition=-0.080,0.023 ScaleImageSize=0.125 //0.105 Scale=160.0 MaxValue=999 MinValue=60 HorizontalAlignment=RIGHT VerticalAlignment=CENTER ScaleTextInterval=50 ScaleTextUnit=1 ScaleTextPosition=-0.076,0.023 //-0-080,0.023 ScaleTextFormat=%0.0f- DisplayUnit=KNOTS [HUD_AltitudeScale] SymbolType=ALTITUDE_SCALE ImageFilename=cockpit\HUD\HUD_alt_scale_caret.tga ImagePosition=0.062,0.023 ImageSize=0.0125 ScaleImageFilename=cockpit\HUD\HUD_alt_scale.tga ScaleImagePosition=0.077,0.023 ScaleImageSize=0.125 Scale=1600.0 MaxValue=99000 MinValue=0 HorizontalAlignment=LEFT VerticalAlignment=CENTER ScaleTextInterval=500 ScaleTextUnit=1 ScaleTextPosition=0.072,0.023 //0.075,0.023 ScaleTextFormat=-%0.0f DisplayUnit=FEET [HUD_HeadingScale] SymbolType=HEADING_SCALE ImageFilename=cockpit\HUD\HUD_hdg_scale_caret.tga ImagePosition=0.0,-0.065 //0.0,0.204 ImageSize=0.0125 ScaleImageFilename=cockpit\HUD\HUD_heading_scale.tga ScaleImagePosition=0.0,-0.081 //0.0,0.190 ScaleImageSize=0.08 Scale=20.0 HorizontalAlignment=CENTER VerticalAlignment=CENTER ScaleTextInterval=10 ScaleTextUnit=10 ScaleTextPosition=0.0,-0.084 //0.0,0.178 ScaleTextFormat=%02.0f DisplayUnit=DEG [HUD_Guncross] SymbolType=IMAGE ImageFilename=cockpit\HUD\HUD_guncross.tga ImageSize=0.025 ImagePosition=0.00,-0.055 //--------------------------ALT_LOW_TEXT test [HUD_ALT_LOW_TEXT] SymbolType=ALT_LOW_TEXT Text=LOW ALTITUDE TextPosition=0.045,0.070 HorizontalAlignment=RIGHT VerticalAlignment=CENTER //-------------------------- LEFT TOP [HUD_G] SymbolType=CURRENT_G_TEXT TextPosition=-0.045,-0.062 HorizontalAlignment=RIGHT VerticalAlignment=CENTER TextFormat=%0.1f //--------------------------LEFT inside speed scale [HUD_CText] SymbolType=TEXT Text=c TextPosition=-0.062,0.015 HorizontalAlignment=RIGHT VerticalAlignment=CENTER //-------------------------- LEFT LOW [HUD_ARMText] SymbolType=TEXT Text=ARM TextPosition=-0.038,0.120 HorizontalAlignment=RIGHT VerticalAlignment=CENTER [HUD_Mach] SymbolType=MACH_TEXT TextPosition=-0.040,0.136 HorizontalAlignment=RIGHT VerticalAlignment=CENTER TextFormat=%0.02f [HUD_Max_G] SymbolType=MAX_G_TEXT TextPosition=-0.070,0.152 HorizontalAlignment=RIGHT VerticalAlignment=CENTER TextFormat=%0.1f [HUD_NavModeText] SymbolType=TEXT Text=NAV TextPosition=-0.070,0.168 HorizontalAlignment=RIGHT VerticalAlignment=CENTER [HUD_AAModeText] SymbolType=TEXT Text=AA TextPosition=-0.070,0.168 HorizontalAlignment=RIGHT VerticalAlignment=CENTER [HUD_AGModeText] SymbolType=TEXT Text=AG TextPosition=-0.070,0.168 HorizontalAlignment=RIGHT VerticalAlignment=CENTER //--------------------------- RIGHT LOW inside ALT scale [HUD_RadarRange] SymbolType=RADAR_RANGE_TEXT TextPosition=0.038,0.090 HorizontalAlignment=LEFT VerticalAlignment=CENTER TextFormat=%0.1f DisplayUnit=NM //-------------------- RIGHT below ALT scale [HUD_RSymbol] SymbolType=TEXT TextPosition=0.048,0.120 //0.136 Text=R HorizontalAlignment=RIGHT VerticalAlignment=CENTER [HUD_RadarAltText] SymbolType=RADAR_ALT_TEXT TextPosition=0.070,0.120 //0.085,0.136 HorizontalAlignment=RIGHT VerticalAlignment=CENTER TextFormat=%.0f DisplayUnit=FEET MaxValue=20000 MinValue=0 [HUD_ALText] SymbolType=TEXT Text=00: 00 TextPosition=0.070,0.136 HorizontalAlignment=RIGHT VerticalAlignment=CENTER [HUD_WaypointID] SymbolType=WAYPOINT_ID_TEXT TextPosition=0.070,0.152 HorizontalAlignment=RIGHT VerticalAlignment=CENTER TextFormat=%d [HUD_WPSymbol] SymbolType=TEXT TextPosition=0.045,0.186 Text=STPT HorizontalAlignment=RIGHT VerticalAlignment=CENTER [HUD_WaypointRange] SymbolType=WAYPOINT_RANGE_TEXT TextPosition=0.054,0.152 HorizontalAlignment=RIGHT VerticalAlignment=CENTER TextFormat=%0.1f DisplayUnit=NM //------------------------------------ [HUD_LCOS] SymbolType=LCOS [HUD_CCIP] SymbolType=CCIP FallLineImage=cockpit\HUD\HUD_FallLine.tga ImageSize=0.100 [HUD_TD] SymbolType=TD_RADAR ImageFilename=cockpit\HUD\HUD_TD_radar.tga ImageSize=0.0250 [HUD_SRM] SymbolType=TD_HEAT ImageFilename=cockpit\HUD\HUD_srm_seeker.tga ImageSize=0.0350 [HUD_waterline] SymbolType=IMAGE ImageFilename=cockpit\HUD\HUD_waterline.tga ImageSize=0.025 ImagePosition=0.00,0.05 [HUD_Alpha] SymbolType=ALPHA_TEXT TextPosition=-0.082,0.120 HorizontalAlignment=RIGHT VerticalAlignment=CENTER DisplayUnit=DEG TextFormat=%0.01f DisplayUnit=DEG [HUD_AlphaSymbol] SymbolType=IMAGE ImageFilename=cockpit\HUD\HUD_alphasymbol.tga ImagePosition=-0.118,0.120 ImageSize=0.0125 [HUD_MachSymbol] SymbolType=TEXT TextPosition=-0.115,0.136 Text=M HorizontalAlignment=RIGHT VerticalAlignment=CENTER [HUD_GSymbol] SymbolType=TEXT TextPosition=-0.115,0.152 Text=G HorizontalAlignment=RIGHT VerticalAlignment=CENTER [HUD_ASE_SRM] SymbolType=ASE_HEAT ImageFilename=cockpit\HUD\HUD_ase_srm.tga ImageSize=0.100 ImagePosition=0.00,0.05 [HUD_ASE_MRM] SymbolType=ASE_RADAR ImageFilename=cockpit\HUD\HUD_ase_mrm.tga ImageSize=0.200 ImagePosition=0.00,0.05 [HUD_LaserTarget] SymbolType=TD_LASER ImageFilename=cockpit\HUD\HUD_laser_target.tga ImageSize=0.025 [HUD_MavSeeker] SymbolType=TD_EO ImageFilename=cockpit\HUD\HUD_mav_seeker.tga ImageSize=0.050 [HUD_BankIndicator] SymbolType=ROLL_INDICATOR ImageFilename=cockpit\HUD\HUD_BKI.tga ImagePosition=0.0,0.0 ImageSize=0.25 ScaleImageFilename=cockpit\HUD\HUD_bankindic.tga ScaleImageSize=0.10 ScaleImagePosition=0.0,0.0 Scale=0.90 MaxValue=35 MinValue=-35 HorizontalAlignment=CENTER VerticalAlignment=BOTTOM And the Cockpit.INI [CockpitData] Directory=cockpit HUDMode=CAGED,AG,AA RippleQuantity=1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12,16,24 RippleInterval=1,15,30,60,100,140.250 [GunsightFront] HasGunsight=TRUE GunsightMilSize=50 GunsightName=F-16C_sight.tga AGGunsightName=F-16C_sightAG.tga RangeBarOrientation=6TO12 RangeBarHasGunRange=TRUE RangeBarUseWeaponRange=FALSE RangeBarMax=6096.0 RangeBarMin=914.4 RangeBarMaxGun=2032.1 RangeBarMinGun=304.8 LeadComputing=TRUE MinLeadRange=300 MaxLeadRange=1300 DefaultLeadRange=500 MaxDepression=245 DefaultDepression=50 [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=cockpit Position=0.0000,5.2241,1.055 ViewAngles=0.0,-5.0,0.0 MaxYaw=152 MinYaw=-152 MaxPitch=90 MinPitchFront=-47 MinPitchRear=-35 LightRange=1.5 LightInnerConeAngle=50 LightOuterConeAngle=60 LightAngles=0.0,-30.0,0.0 DiffuseLightFactor=0.5 NightLightOn=0.25 NightLightColor=0.25,0.88,0.25 Gunsight=GunsightFront // Instrument Listing Instrument[001]=AirspeedIndicator Instrument[002]=MachIndicator Instrument[003]=Altimeter-1 Instrument[004]=Altimeter-2 Instrument[005]=VerticalVelocityIndicator Instrument[006]=Tachometer Instrument[007]=NozzlePositionIndicator Instrument[008]=EngineTempInlet Instrument[009]=InternalFuelIndicator Instrument[010]=TotalFuelCounter Instrument[011]=ExternalFuelIndicator Instrument[012]=InRangeLight Instrument[013]=HeatLight Instrument[014]=RadarLight Instrument[015]=GunLight Instrument[016]=MasterArmLight Instrument[017]=LandingGearLights Instrument[018]=LandingGearLever Instrument[019]=RWR Instrument[020]=RadarScope Instrument[021]=HUD Instrument[022]=FireLight Instrument[023]=FireLightAux Instrument[024]=OverheatLightM1 Instrument[025]=OverheatLightM2 Instrument[026]=MasterCautionLight Instrument[027]=LowAltWarningLight Instrument[028]=AoAIndexerSlowLeft Instrument[029]=AoAIndexerOnSpeedLeft Instrument[030]=AoAIndexerFastLeft Instrument[031]=CourseArrow Instrument[032]=AoAIndicator Instrument[033]=HSIWheel Instrument[034]=StandbyCompass Instrument[035]=TurnAndSlipIndicator Instrument[036]=RangeCounter] Instrument[037]=CourseCounter Instrument[038]=AttitudeIndicator1 Instrument[039]=AttitudeIndicator2 Instrument[040]=CourseDeviation Instrument[041]=HSI_BearingMarker Instrument[042]=ADI_BankIndicator Instrument[043]=FuelFlowIndicator1 Instrument[044]=OverheatLightExhaust Instrument[045]=OverheatLightInlet Instrument[046]=InternalFuelLowLight1 Instrument[047]=InternalFuelLowLight2 Instrument[048]=FuelFlowIndicator2 // Flight Instruments ------------------------------------ [AirspeedIndicator] Type=AIRSPEED_INDICATOR NodeName=needle_speed MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=KNOTS Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=15.0 Set[02].Value=100.0 Set[03].Position=70.5 Set[03].Value=150.0 Set[04].Position=119.5 Set[04].Value=200.0 Set[05].Position=172.0 Set[05].Value=300.0 Set[06].Position=210.0 Set[06].Value=400.0 Set[07].Position=245.0 Set[07].Value=500.0 Set[08].Position=319.30 Set[08].Value=800.0 [MachIndicator] Type=MACH_NUMBER_INDICATOR NodeName=Mach_Plate MovementType=ROTATION_Z Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=-29.0 Set[02].Value=0.4 Set[03].Position=-144.0 Set[03].Value=1.0 Set[04].Position=-192.0 Set[04].Value=1.4 Set[05].Position=-128.0 Set[05].Value=1.8 Set[06].Position=-241.0 Set[06].Value=2.0 Set[07].Position=-267.0 Set[07].Value=2.4 [Altimeter-1] Type=PRESSURE_ALTIMETER_3 NodeName=Alt_Needle MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=FEET Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=-360.0 Set[02].Value=100.0 [Altimeter-2] Type=PRESSURE_ALTIMETER_3 CounterNodeFormat=alt_dig%d MovementType=ROTATION_X ValueUnit=FEET Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=100.0 [VerticalVelocityIndicator] Type=VERTICAL_VELOCITY_INDICATOR NodeName=VVI_Wheel MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=FPM Set[01].Position=-173.0 Set[01].Value=-6000.0 Set[02].Position=-60.0 Set[02].Value=-2000.0 Set[03].Position=0.0 Set[03].Value=0.0 Set[04].Position=56.50 Set[04].Value=2000.0 Set[05].Position=173.0 Set[05].Value=6000.0 // Engine Status Instruments ----------------------------------------------------- [Tachometer] Type=TACHOMETER NodeName=needle_rpm ItemNumber=1 MovementType=ROTATION_Z Set[01].Position=0.00 Set[01].Value=0.00 Set[02].Position=185.35 Set[02].Value=0.80 Set[03].Position=278.61 Set[03].Value=1.00 Set[04].Position=328.00 Set[04].Value=1.10 [NozzlePositionIndicator] Type=NOZZLE_POSITION_INDICATOR NodeName=needle_noz ItemNumber=1 MovementType=ROTATION_Z Set[01].Position=0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=245 Set[02].Value=1.0 [EngineTempInlet] Type=EXHAUST_GAS_TEMPERATURE_INDICATOR NodeName=needle_temp ItemNumber=1 MovementType=ROTATION_Z Set[01].Position=0.00 Set[01].Value=200.0 Set[02].Position=98.0 Set[02].Value=700.0 Set[03].Position=158.0 Set[03].Value=800.0 Set[04].Position=219.5 Set[04].Value=900.0 Set[05].Position=280.0 Set[05].Value=1000.0 Set[06].Position=301.0 Set[06].Value=1100.0 Set[07].Position=321.0 Set[07].Value=1200.0 // Fuel Status Instruments ------------------------------------------------------ [FuelFlowIndicator] Type=FUEL_FLOW_INDICATOR NodeName=FF_dig%d MovementType=ANALOG_COUNTER ValueUnit=LB Scale=0.99999 [TotalFuelCounter] Type=TOTAL_FUEL_QUANTITY_INDICATOR CounterNodeFormat=fuel_dig%d MovementType=ANALOG_COUNTER ValueUnit=LB Scale=0.999999 [ExternalFuelIndicator] Type=EXTERNAL_FUEL_QUANTITY_INDICATOR NodeName=needle_extfuel MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=LB Set[01].Position=0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=122.0 Set[02].Value=2000.0 Set[03].Position=242.0 Set[03].Value=4000.0 [internalFuelIndicator] Type=INETERNAL_FUEL_QUANTITY_INDICATOR NodeName=needle_fuel MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=LB Set[01].Position=0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=122.0 Set[02].Value=2000.0 Set[03].Position=242.0 Set[03].Value=4000.0 [internalFuelLowLight1] Type=INETERNAL_FUEL_QUANTITY_INDICATOR NodeName=fuel-low MovementType=LIGHT ValueUnit=LB Set[01].Position=1.0 Set[01].Value=250.0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=300.0 [internalFuelLowLight2] Type=INETERNAL_FUEL_QUANTITY_INDICATOR NodeName=MasterCautionLight MovementType=LIGHT ValueUnit=LB Set[01].Position=1.0 Set[01].Value=250.0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=300.0 Weapon Status Instruments ------------------------------------------------------ [HeatLight] Type=WEAPON_TYPE_SELECTOR NodeName= MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber= [RadarLight] Type=WEAPON_TYPE_SELECTOR NodeName= MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber= [GunLight] Type=WEAPON_TYPE_SELECTOR NodeName=GunLight MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber= [MasterArmLight] Type=MASTER_ARM_INDICATOR NodeName=AAArmLight MovementType=LIGHT [inRangeLight] Type=RADAR_IN_RANGE_INDICATOR NodeName=in_range MovementType=LIGHT [ECMIndicator] Type=ECM NodeName=ecm_light MovementType=LIGHT // SMS Display ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [station1_] Type=WEAPON_STATION_SELECTOR NodeName= MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber= [station2_] Type=WEAPON_STATION_SELECTOR NodeName= MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber= [station3_] Type=WEAPON_STATION_SELECTOR NodeName= MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber= [station4_] Type=WEAPON_STATION_SELECTOR NodeName= MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber= [station5_] Type=WEAPON_STATION_SELECTOR NodeName= MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber= [station6_] Type=WEAPON_STATION_SELECTOR NodeName= MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber= [station7_] Type=WEAPON_STATION_SELECTOR NodeName= MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber= [station8_] Type=WEAPON_STATION_SELECTOR NodeName= MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber= [station9_] Type=WEAPON_STATION_SELECTOR NodeName= MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber= [inRange] Type=RADAR_IN_RANGE_INDICATOR NodeName= MovementType=LIGHT // Flight Control Instruments ------------------------------------------------- [LandingGearLever] Type=LANDING_GEAR_INDICATOR NodeName=LandingGearHandle MovementType=ROTATION_X Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0 Set[02].Position=40.0 Set[02].Value=1 [LandingGearLights] Type=LANDING_GEAR_INDICATOR NodeName=Gear-Lights MovementType=LIGHT Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0 Set[02].Position=40.0 Set[02].Value=1 // SA Instruments -------------------------------------------------- [RadarScope] Type=RADAR_SCOPE NodeName=RightMFDScreen [HUD] Type=HUD NodeName=HUD [RWR] Type=RWR NodeName=RWR // Warning Lights --------------------------------------------------- [FireLight] Type=ENGINE_FIRE_WARNING_LIGHT NodeName=MasterCautionLight MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=1 [FireLightAux] Type=ENGINE_FIRE_WARNING_LIGHT NodeName=overheat-warn MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=1 [MasterCautionLight] Type=MASTER_CAUTION_LIGHT NodeName=MasterCautionLight MovementType=LIGHT [LowAltWarningLight] Type=LOW_ALT_WARNING_LIGHT NodeName=lowalt-warn MovementType=LIGHT ValueUnit=FEET Set[01].Position=1.0 Set[01].Value=250.0 [OverheatLightM1] Type=INLET_TEMPERATURE_WARNING NodeName=MasterCautionLight MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=1 [OverheatLightInlet] Type=INLET_TEMPERATURE_WARNING NodeName=overheat-warn MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=1 [OverheatLightM2] Type=ENGINE_OVERHEAT_WARNING_LIGHT NodeName=MasterCautionLight MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=1 [OverheatLightExhaust] Type=ENGINE_OVERHEAT_WARNING_LIGHT NodeName=overheat-warn MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=1 // AOA Lights ------------------------------------------------------ [AoAIndexerSlowLeft] Type=ANGLE_OF_ATTACK_INDEXER NodeName=indexer_slow_left MovementType=LIGHT Set[01].Value=16.27 Set[02].Value=30.00 [AoAIndexerOnSpeedLeft] Type=ANGLE_OF_ATTACK_INDEXER NodeName=indexer_on_speed_left MovementType=LIGHT Set[01].Value=14.00 Set[02].Value=17.07 [AoAIndexerFastLeft] Type=ANGLE_OF_ATTACK_INDEXER NodeName=indexer_fast_left MovementType=LIGHT Set[01].Value=-10.0 Set[02].Value=14.80 // Navigation Instruments ------------------------------------------ [CourseArrow] Type=COURSE_ARROW NodeName=HSI_center MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=00.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=360.0 [AoAIndicator] Type=ANGLE_OF_ATTACK_INDICATOR NodeName=AOA_Wheel MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=-150.5 Set[01].Value=-30 Set[02].Position=-25.5 Set[02].Value=-5 Set[03].Position=0.0 Set[03].Value=0.0 Set[04].Position=25.5 Set[04].Value=5 Set[05].Position=155.5 Set[05].Value=30 [HSIWheel] Type=MAGNETIC_COMPASS NodeName=HSI-Plate MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=00.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=-360.0 Set[02].Value=360.0 [standbyCompass] Type=MAGNETIC_COMPASS NodeName=stby_comp MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=-360.0 Set[02].Value=360.0 [TurnAndSlipIndicator] Type=SIDESLIP_VELOCITY_INDICATOR NodeName=turnsphere MovementType=ROTATION_Y ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=15.0 Set[01].Value=-3.0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=0.0 Set[03].Position=-15.0 Set[03].Value=3.0 [RangeCounter] Type=RANGE_INDICATOR CounterNodeFormat=HSI_rangedig%d MovementType=ANALOG_COUNTER ValueUnit=NM [CourseCounter] Type=COURSE_ARROW CounterNodeFormat=HSI_coursedig%d MovementType=ANALOG_COUNTER ValueUnit=DEG [AttitudeIndicator1] Type=PITCH_INDICATOR NodeName=ADI_Ball MovementType=ATTITUDE [AttitudeIndicator2] Type=PITCH_INDICATOR NodeName=ADI_Backup MovementType=ATTITUDE [CourseDeviation] Type=COURSE_DEVIATION NodeName=HSI_CourseDeviation MovementType=POSITION_X ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=-0.018 Set[01].Value=-5.0 Set[02].Position=0.018 Set[02].Value=5.0 [HSI_BearingMarker] Type=BEARING_MARKER NodeName=HSI_pointer MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=0 Set[01].Value=0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=360.0 [ADI_BankIndicator] Type=BANK_INDICATOR NodeName=ADI_BankIndicator MovementType=ROTATION_Y ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=0 Set[01].Value=0 Set[02].Position=-360.0 Set[02].Value=360.0 What am i missing here? Thanks!
  11. Do you mean White Blocks where the hud should be? If so thats because you have to either remove the old hud textures from the .ini or replace them with a transparent .tga In the F-16C i replaced the following with a clear .tga... F-16C_rangebar,HUDGlass,F-16Pitch,F-16HUD And copied the HUD Folder from the F-16A cockpits folder to the F-16Cs cockpit folder. Sorry, No idea about the Tomcat or Eagles Though. Oh Yeah, I tried that change above and it didnt fix it, not sure what the issue is, but the ViewAngles setting seems to have no effect. This Screenshot shows the huds TD Box below the target in ATA mode with the ViewAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 setting and you can kinda see the transparent .tgas. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!
  12. I Think your missing the point of the Thirdwire Sims. They are not trying to compete with F4 for realism or Lomac for graphics. They are meant to be fun sims that almost anyone can run without hundreds of dollars worth of upgrades. They cater to a wide selection of systems, not just the uber elite super modded computers.Sure, they could look better or be more realistic, but thats not the goal. TW Sims are more like the old EA/Janes sims that almost anyone could enjoy. These games feature mass appeal and are not inended for the anal retentive rivet counters. There are plenty of other sims for them. Honestly, What these sims lack in world detail is made up for in the Aircraft models, which are very good. Better than F4AF, But not quite at LOMAC levels. IMO 50FPS and Average Graphics is alot more fun than 10-15 FPS and Hyper-Realism. Just My 2 Cents
  13. Thanks I'll Try that. I looked down a little at the MFDs, thats probably why it looks like that.
  14. Another thing you can do is get a decent paint program and open each aircrafts textures and reduce the size of each .bmp to 512x512 or 256x256. Some of the addon aircraft have large textures and that is a big frame rate killer.
  15. Heres a screenshot to show what i'm talking about, The MAVs Circle should be on top of the square target box. Its the same for all missiles and also the CCIP pipper is offset to low also. Thanks again!
  16. Lewis Gun

    What He Said! Thanks Everyone!
  17. Remember that TK has not told all the details of what WOI will have. I'm sure theres things he has not mentioned yet. I'll buy it just to support Thirdwire, TK has impressed me with how open to modding he has made his sims and how quick he is to assist with modding info! He knows how to treat TW's community, I came from the Falcon 4 community and i don't miss the no modding drama at all. Besides if TK wants to make sure it will sell all he has to do is add a Raptor,F-117,B-2 or F-35, Those are the most wanted planes and we know he has access to the F-22 that was used in USAF:AD. The time period may be wrong and i wouldnt count on it, but ya never know if an Easter Egg may appear! Even if we only get new ground forces i'll buy it to support TW. Like i said... TK knows how to treat TW's community!
  18. I could be wrong,It gets hard to keep all the different sims straight sometimes, But isn't there a way to make the engine use less aircraft per flight? In single missions i have no problems but in campaigns i end up with too many planes in the sky and it kills my frame rates. I noticed that sometimes its sending out flights of 8 aircraft at a time and i want to limit it to only 4 per flight. I seem to remember doing this for WOE, but i checked the Knowledge base and couldnt find how to do it. Am i thinking of another sim or is there a way to do this in First Eagles? Thanks!
  19. Cool! I hope TK puts it in the Thirdwire store also for those of us in the US. I Hate having to search local stores for a title.
  20. Udet's Dr.1

    Nice Work!
  21. Sopwith Snipe released

    Not sure about the Viewangle values, i didnt see any change when i adjusted them either. I think the 0.014 value was a stock setting that i didnt mess with. I have only been adjusting the cockpits for a few weeks now, so i'm not an expert. I just use alot of trial and error until i find something i can live with. Right now i'm working with the Spad 7s cockpit and i still have not found a setting i like yet. The windscreen either blocks my aim or the tracers are too high on the screen.
  22. Sopwith Snipe released

    I tweaked it until i had the aiming tube in view and lined up to be used as a sight. Heres what i am using... Cockpit.ini [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=Camel_Pit-R2.LOD HideExternalNodeName= OpenCockpit=TRUE ExternalClipDistMin=0.04 Position=0.014,-0.2,0.82 Offset=0.0,-0.5,0.70 ViewAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 Data.ini [LeftMachineGun] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunTypeName=303CAL_VICKERS_MK1 InputName=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN GunFireAnimationID=4 GunGroup=1 MuzzlePosition=-0.1379,1.2771,0.5807 AimAngles=0.0,0.2,0.0 MaxAmmo=300 EjectShells=TRUE EjectPosition=-0.35,0.37,0.5 EjectVelocity=-1.5,-0.25,-0.5 [RightMachineGun] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunTypeName=303CAL_VICKERS_MK1 InputName=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN GunFireAnimationID=4 GunGroup=1 MuzzlePosition=0.1325,1.2771,0.5807 AimAngles=0.0,0.2,0.0 MaxAmmo=300 EjectShells=TRUE EjectPosition=0.35,0.37,0.5 EjectVelocity=1.5,-0.25,-0.5 Works pretty well so far.
  23. Voss Triplane

    WOW! When can i download that!?!
  24. Whatcha building right now?

    I've got a kit im dieing to build, Its a Hasegawa F-16C in 1/32 scale. My uncle let me raid his shed when he moved and the Viper and a unknown 1/32 F/A-18C Hornet Kit were found in badly bug and water damaged boxes. The plastic bag kept all the parts perfect but both instruction sheets and boxes were destroyed. I really want to do the Viper right, but so far i cant find the instruction sheets online any place. Does anyone know of any sites i could check? The real bonus was a collection of RC planes and equipment that hasnt been touched in 20 years! I got field box,2 P-51Ds,a Spitfire,a wrecked helocopter (he says would be easy to fix),Some boxed RC plane kits and a wing and fuselage of a Huge uncompleted Ju-87 Stuka. and 1 radio that looks like it might work and 2 trashed ones. I'll try to get pics soon.
  25. Amazon Has it here... http://www.amazon.com/THIRD-WIRE-10207-Win...m/dp/B0006AAOIM

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