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Everything posted by WarlordATF

  1. Come on in!

    Orbiter is great, I have been flying it for a couple years now. There are several great addons for it and with a little editing you can create your own space program. Its hard to believe spmething this cool is totally free, Martin deserves a medal! I really like flying the early Mercury missions. I Know, I Know, Mercury does not require alot of pilot input, but it gives you an idea of what it was like for the first astronauts. The Gemini,Apollo and Shuttle Fleet mods are also pretty good. My First moon landing in the LM was quite nerve racking and i ended up a pretty long distance from my planned landing site, but it was a blast!
  2. Semper Fi Marine!, but not in their town........

    Maybe during the next earthquake the military should say they are too busy to help with the rescue efforts. It's hard to believe this kinda crap can be done to our troops! They deserve much better!
  3. Voss Triplane

    Theres a model of the Voss triplane at this page... http://www.flyingmule.com/products/CA-7122 Hope it helps!
  4. Flyboys Skins?

    Thank You! I used your wings on V.Deutchmarks MvR Last Dr.1 Fuselage skins as the basis for the Crossed Swords Triplane and it gave the plane a unique look. The Black Falcon was made from the Jacobs Black Dr.1 that came with the Dr.1 package. I'm not very good at creating skins from scratch, so i used what i had available.It was never my intent to release them, it was just something i wanted to do. However if V.Deutchmark and the A-Team will give permission i'll be more than happy to put the files together in a skin pack and give full credit to the original authors in the readme.txt. What i did was minor, you guys are the artists!
  5. I have all of them except Strike Fighters and cant wait for the next release!
  6. Flyboys Skins?

    Nevermind, I made em. I used the MvR Last DR1 and Firecages worn skins as a basis for the Crossed Swords and Jacobs DR1 for the Black Falcon. I can't release them because they are 90% others peoples work but what do you think? black.bmp crossed.bmp
  7. Looks Great! If you decide to do the Florida ANG and need any pics of the Makos F-16s just let me know!
  8. This has been a very interesting discussion. IMO I think that if the aircraft had the ability to carry the weapon than it would be realisticly wrong not to include that option. At the same time i agree that the loadouts should reflect the real loadouts. So if the A-6 could carry Sidewinders than the sims version should be able to also, but it should not be a part of the loadout since they were not used in operations. Both sides to this discussion have valid points and i can understand both points of view. From a realism standpoint, you really need the aircrafts full loadouts, Then each person can decide if they want to use them or not. In the real world there are higher ranking officers who make the call about what is and is not loaded, however in this sim we are the ultimate authority so it should be up to us to make the call. I'm not saying that we should give fantasy loadouts, just that what the aircraft could actually carry should be available.
  9. The stick im using is a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro with the twist rudder control. Well like almost all of these types it developed alot of play in the rudder axis and the other axis are working fine. I noticed that all the ThirdWire sims only offer a single deadzone adjustment, which is annoying since the other axis are all working great. I have found a way to adjust the individual axis in the control.ini, but everytime i even brought up the options screen it overwrote my settings with the sliders position. So after adjusting it in the ini again i set the file properties to Read Only. It works great, but you have to change it back if you need to change control mapping. Sorry ifthis has been covered before, but does anyone know of another way to do this? If not i hope this helps someone else with this same problem and maybe TK will add individual deadzones in a future release or patch.
  10. I've been a flightsim junkie since BAO's Flight Simulator 2.0 on the Atari AT. I logged hours in most of the popular sims we have discussed and each seemed to offer something different. I used to love F4 and F4AF, but the drama that the hardcore crowd created kinda turned me off to it. When i found Thirdwires Sims it was fun again. No one was telling anyone else that "You Can't Do That, Its Not Realistic" or "You Can't Do That, Its Against the EULA". We have planes like Firefox (beta) that have no basis in realism, but they sure are fun! The hardcore crowd is without a doubt the most vocal, but alot of us don't need every last fact checked to the nth degree to enjoy a good sim. Like was said earlier, its about fooling our minds into believing its realistic. Give me a decent 3d model,cockpit and a reasonable flight model and avionics and i'm happy. Thats why i have become addicted to Thirdwire sims, It looks like an F-4C,Cockpit looks good,Flight Models decent and its got the right weapons, Bingo! Homerun! I really like the direction that TK has taken, some would say it a lite sim but i personally think its one of the best sims out right now. A huge thanks goes to the community modders who have given us tons of new content and to TK for his hardwork and for giving us sim we can make mods for.
  11. Please tell me you are including the Florida Makos! I made a rather amature version for the Block 30, but i'd be greatful for a good skin! Would also be great for the Cuba terrain since Homestead is one of the default airbases. Anyway, Thanks! I am sure these will be awsome!
  12. That would be a great tool to have. Targets would be alot easier to place ad it would save alot of time!
  13. Ok, I got it working on the Bering Straits Map. I used the KMD to get the LAT/LONG Positions and added 2 new shipping routes to Savoonga Airfield. 1 runs from Nunivak and the other from White Mountain. I tested it with the MiG-27 and now we can attack Allied Shipping in the Straits! Below is my modified BeringSt_movement.ini, backup your original and replace its data with this... [FrontLine] FriendlyBase=Savoonga Airfield EnemyBase=Gambell Position[001]=100000.000,0.000 Position[002]=242000.000,338000.000 Position[003]=319000.000,441000.000 Position[004]=300000.000,465000.000 Position[005]=400000.000,500000.000 Position[006]=482000.000,562000.000 Position[007]=511000.000,675000.000 Position[008]=511000.000,1000000.000 StartShow=1 EndShow=9 [Route001] RouteType=GROUND_ATTACK StartArea=Gambell EndArea=Savoonga Airfield RoutePosition[001]=473000,415000 RoutePosition[002]=459000,413500 [Route002] RouteType=GROUND_ATTACK StartArea=Gambell EndArea=Savoonga Airfield RoutePosition[001]=368000,428000 RoutePosition[002]=432000,418000 [Route003] RouteType=GROUND_ATTACK StartArea=Gambell EndArea=Savoonga Airfield RoutePosition[001]=315000,425000 RoutePosition[002]=335000,434000 [Route004] RouteType=SHIPPING StartArea=Diomede Island EndArea=Kolvcinskaja RoutePosition[001]=472000,568000 RoutePosition[002]=453000,592000 RoutePosition[003]=346000,640000 RoutePosition[004]=267000,653000 RoutePosition[005]=170000,651000 RoutePosition[006]=165000,650000 RoutePosition[007]=163000,644000 RoutePosition[008]=177000,625000 [Route005] RouteType=SHIPPING StartArea=Gora Kejni EndArea=Jandrakinot RoutePosition[001]=147000,491000 RoutePosition[002]=200000,468000 RoutePosition[003]=251000,467000 RoutePosition[004]=292000,486000 RoutePosition[005]=307000,510000 RoutePosition[006]=302000,537000 RoutePosition[007]=290000,550000 RoutePosition[008]=280000,557000 [Route006] RouteType=TRUCK StartArea=Providenja EndArea=Nycgicen RoutePosition[001]=270164,487828 RoutePosition[002]=269930,488233 RoutePosition[003]=270068,488307 RoutePosition[004]=270500,491498 RoutePosition[005]=270481,492491 RoutePosition[006]=268541,493145 RoutePosition[007]=262615,493159 RoutePosition[008]=262011,493466 RoutePosition[009]=261325,493832 RoutePosition[010]=259035,496110 RoutePosition[011]=259689,500679 RoutePosition[012]=263332,503230 [Route007] RouteType=SHIPPING StartArea=Nunivak EndArea=Savoonga Airfield RoutePosition[001]=684729,240259 RoutePosition[002]=648640,288961 RoutePosition[003]=620689,310064 RoutePosition[004]=594417,332792 RoutePosition[005]=543513,352272 RoutePosition[006]=505747,381493 RoutePosition[007]=492610,397727 RoutePosition[008]=471264,405844 [Route008] RouteType=SHIPPING StartArea=White Mountain Airfield EndArea=Savoonga Airfield RoutePosition[001]=796387,484552 RoutePosition[002]=758620,481300 RoutePosition[003]=732348,476422 RoutePosition[004]=676518,461788 RoutePosition[005]=640394,443902 RoutePosition[006]=615763,419512 RoutePosition[007]=500821,403252 RoutePosition[008]=471264,396747
  14. Both of those Areas are on the Soviet Side of the frontline. How can i get the Lat/Long positions to write new shipping routes on the Allied side? Thanks!
  15. Those Tiles Look Great! It must have taken a ton of work, great Job! As for the other situation here, All i can say is that while all this crap was going on Fubar was nice enough to help point us in the right direction in the AI Ships thread. <SALUTE> Thanks Man!
  16. I think this is the Issue, Is this the shipping routes in the Movement.ini? If so how do i set a route to be used by the Allies? Below is the Movement.ini for the Bering Straits, How would i add Allied Routes to it? I checked the KB and cant find anything about the Movement.ini THANKS! Bering Straits Movement.ini [FrontLine] FriendlyBase=Savoonga Airfield EnemyBase=Gambell Position[001]=100000.000,0.000 Position[002]=242000.000,338000.000 Position[003]=319000.000,441000.000 Position[004]=300000.000,465000.000 Position[005]=400000.000,500000.000 Position[006]=482000.000,562000.000 Position[007]=511000.000,675000.000 Position[008]=511000.000,1000000.000 StartShow=1 EndShow=7 [Route001] RouteType=GROUND_ATTACK StartArea=Gambell EndArea=Savoonga Airfield RoutePosition[001]=473000,415000 RoutePosition[002]=459000,413500 [Route002] RouteType=GROUND_ATTACK StartArea=Gambell EndArea=Savoonga Airfield RoutePosition[001]=368000,428000 RoutePosition[002]=432000,418000 [Route003] RouteType=GROUND_ATTACK StartArea=Gambell EndArea=Savoonga Airfield RoutePosition[001]=315000,425000 RoutePosition[002]=335000,434000 [Route004] RouteType=SHIPPING StartArea=Diomede Island EndArea=Kolvcinskaja RoutePosition[001]=472000,568000 RoutePosition[002]=453000,592000 RoutePosition[003]=346000,640000 RoutePosition[004]=267000,653000 RoutePosition[005]=170000,651000 RoutePosition[006]=165000,650000 RoutePosition[007]=163000,644000 RoutePosition[008]=177000,625000 [Route005] RouteType=SHIPPING StartArea=Gora Kejni EndArea=Jandrakinot RoutePosition[001]=147000,491000 RoutePosition[002]=200000,468000 RoutePosition[003]=251000,467000 RoutePosition[004]=292000,486000 RoutePosition[005]=307000,510000 RoutePosition[006]=302000,537000 RoutePosition[007]=290000,550000 RoutePosition[008]=280000,557000 [Route006] RouteType=TRUCK StartArea=Providenja EndArea=Nycgicen RoutePosition[001]=270164,487828 RoutePosition[002]=269930,488233 RoutePosition[003]=270068,488307 RoutePosition[004]=270500,491498 RoutePosition[005]=270481,492491 RoutePosition[006]=268541,493145 RoutePosition[007]=262615,493159 RoutePosition[008]=262011,493466 RoutePosition[009]=261325,493832 RoutePosition[010]=259035,496110 RoutePosition[011]=259689,500679 RoutePosition[012]=263332,503230
  17. Which thread in the KB deals with this? It seems to work fine when flying for the Allies, however no joy when flying for the Soviets. I tried it in both the Bering Straits and Vietnam and Soviet Anti-Ship Missions act like recon missions, fly to a point and then Mission Complete. I Have several US Ships set to Cargo_Ship, but so far no luck.
  18. My new hobby is getting pricey

    Working on old bikes is alot of fun. One Suggestion though, if you have already replaced the throttle cable you might want to go ahead and replace the clutch cable also. You really dont want that to snap on you when your out riding. Have Fun!
  19. It works! The OSAII used its guns and the missile boat launched a SAM. I've read through the KB a dozen times but somehow i missed the whole Cargo_Ship change. This makes Anti-Shipping Missions alot more interesting!
  20. I only get Cargo Ships and Tankers Too, I looked around in the .ini files but i'm still not sure what needs changed to make other ships appear.
  21. Hehe, BUSTED!

    LOL!! Jeez didnt the poor guy have an internet connection???
  22. I fly mostly Single Missions because with all the different aircraft in this sim i never seem to want to fly the same aircraft twice in a row. I have 3 or 4 customized Campaigns i made but i have only completed 1 or 2 because i always get distracted with new stuff and go back to single missions to test the latest releases. With all the great addons i feel like a little kid with ADD!
  23. Do you actually have the F-111 and A-4K? It sounds like you just have the skins. Anyway, To Install an Addon Aircraft... 1)Unzip or Decompress the Downloaded file. 2)Look inside the new extracted folder and note what folders were created. 3)If the aircraft folder has other Folders like effects or weapons, copy the files inside them to the matching folder in your WOE install folder. For Example, Wings Over Europe/Effects or Wings Over Europe/Objects/Weapons. 4)Copy the Aircrafts folder into your Wings Over Europe/objects/aircraft folder, pilot files go here too. And skins are easy... 1)Unzip or Decompress the Downloaded file. 2)Copy the new Skins folder into that aircrafts Wings Over Europe/Objects/Aircraft/(Plane Name) 3)Run the game a select the new skin from the loadout screen. That should get you started, if i'm wrong about any of this someone please correct me, but thats the way i do it.
  24. Nice Planes!! The .pdf manuals with the aircrafts history were great, I wish more addons had those. Very Nice Work!
  25. Home Owners Associations

    My Buddy is going through this same kinda crap. He has a Pool Table in his Garage and on friday nights several of us get together and shoot pool with the garage door open. The HOA did not like this and tried to push him around. He told them that he was not a member of the HOA, Didnt plan on becoming one and they could shove there opinion... well you get the idea. In our area the HOAs have no real power, but they like to think they do and they try to intimidate people. The Worst they can do here is call code enforcement if you have a violation. Without that all they can do is issue empty threats. Check your local laws, but its probably the same where you are. Just keep your house within Code Restrictions, paint it any color you like and tell them to talk a long walk off a short pier!

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