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Everything posted by WarlordATF

  1. Nieuport Tactics

    will try that, thanks. Also the Data.ini i have has... [AircraftData] DefaultArmorType=WOOD DefaultArmorThickness=28 [TopWingLeft] DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE DamageRating=DESTROYED
  2. F-102A

    Looking really good! I love how this community can take a beta release and update it so quickly. I have been flying this bird alot over Vietnam and while its not a dogfighter i still have managed to bag a couple Migs. Thanks to everyone who is bringing this beast to life!
  3. Dogfights!

    I've been watching Dogfights also. That show does an amazing job of re-creating the action and their graphics are great. Cunningham and Driscoll's episode was done very well, To think of downing all those Migs just to get nailed by a Sam shows how murphys law effects even fighter pilots.Its amazing that they could stay in a burning Phantom for as long as they did after the Sam damage. Don't try that in our Sim! Another kinda cool thing is the Legendary Col. Toon (Tomb). No Pilot by that name is listed by the NVAF and Cunningham has been denied access to our intercepted Communications tapes between that pilot and his ground control as not having a "Need to Know." Some people believe that Col. Toon (Tomb) was a name given to Soviet pilots flying North Vietnamese Aircraft, Which would explain why even after Cunningham was a member of congress he was still denied acess to those tapes. Anyway, The Pilots shown on Dogfights did some pretty incredible things and the History Channel does a great job bringing those fights to life.
  4. whoa!

    Yeah, i heard about this earlier today, Sad and Great at the same time. I live in Fort Myers, I'll have to check out your link because i'm wondering if they landed him at RSW or Page Field. RSW is our major international airport and Page field was a fighter base in WWII. They operated P-40s,P-39s and some bombers from Page,I read that its claim to fame is a section of runway was marked to simulate a carrier deck to see if the bombers could takeoff and land for the Doolittle raid. Now its a GA Airfield and still in use. Heres a link to the Doolittle Raid Info, Look under Southwest Florida... http://www.fsu.edu/~ww2/fl_during_ww2/flor...itary_bases.htm
  5. Nice! The Century Series is complete at last! Thank You Veltro!
  6. Captain freed?

    This is wonderful news, i was afraid the pirates would manage to get the Captain ashore and we would never see him again. A big <S> to the Navy and the Captain!
  7. I fly the F-16A and C alot and a tactic i have developed if i get jumped and i'm outta ammo is to roll inverted and skim the deck at around 50ft and as fast as i can go. The AI does not like to go that low so they tend to dive on you when they attack,Several times this has caused the AI to lawndart. Its tricky because everything is reversed and one little distraction and your dead, but it has worked and let me escape. I really don't know if going inverted helps, but it sure adds to the thrill!
  8. customer service?

    LOL! They finally made an ad for Star Wars Galaxies!!
  9. RIP Ed

  10. Thats really cool. It Looks like alot of fun! Great job on the Balloons! I never played Dawn Patrol, but i used to have a Luftwaffe board game when i was a kid, I loved that game.
  11. Cold Starts

    What i do is start a flight and Taxi the aircraft to the parking area and then shut everything down. Then i save the flight and check the Make Default Flight box. Then just exit and restart the sim and when you start a flight it should be cold and dark. This is in FS9 and older versions, i don't have FSX so i'm not sure if anything has changed to prevent using this method. Hope it helps!
  12. It's the BLT's B-Day!

    Happy Birthday, Hope its been a good one!
  13. The ADF was one of a few types to carry sparrows, IIRC a few National Guard Vipers were also setup to use Aim-7s. I have also seen some other addon aircraft in game that refuse to fire the sparrows and will use heaters or even guns while they still have AIM-7s on the wings, i suspect it might be related to pilot skill level because sometimes these same planes will use them. I hope we can find a fix for this, anyone have any ideas?
  14. Great Work Guys! I am as amazed as everyone else that you managed to get this amount of detail without killing FPS! Very Nice Job!
  15. If its not one of the above, Maybe you should check the TextureSet.INI for typos.
  16. Hey Looks Whose 16 today!

    Sucks to be sick on your b-day, but have a good one anyway!
  17. 100 things I learned from airplane!

    66 If theres a problem with the Autopilot i ain't fixing it!
  18. I don't see much anyone could say bad about this mod. I love it, Its one of the best projects yet. The New aircraft,New Map,New Campaign and all new menus make this look like a very professional effort. In fact i like the new menu system so much that i made a copy of the Menu folder and i now have the ODS menu screens in my primary WOE install. Its kinda silly but WOE with the ODS Mod is the Phoenix of Jane's Fighters Anthology. I spent alot of time in FA and WOE/ODS is the game i wished i was playing way back then. Great Job to Everyone involved and Thank You!
  19. Amazing, You guys gave the game a whole new feel. Love the Janes-ish theme! Nice Work!
  20. Airliners.net

  21. Ok first, did it let you save the flightengine.ini file? If that worked then right click on your desktop icon and click properties, then click the Advanced button and make sure you have a check mark in the Run As Administrator box, then click OK. Then click the Compatibilty tab in the properties window and make sure there is a check mark in the Run this program as an Administrator box, Click Apply and then click Ok. If that does not fix it, i'm outta ideas but i am sure someone else will be able to help.
  22. Whole install, I installed mine to C:Wings over Europe. Vista does not like to let files in the Program Files folder be modified. Its a pain, but i think M$ did this to combat viruses.
  23. if your install is in the program files folder you will get that error message. Try installing it to the root c: drive, i had the same problem and doing that fixed it. i believe it has something to do with Vista's security settings. I hope this helps.
  24. EELs?

    The eels were quite tasty after i roasted em in the afterburner of my F-35. Sorry i fueled that. I didn't realize i was just feeding his ego. I thought i was defending our community, but now i know better, please stop the shipments of eels, i'm full now. <SALUTE> Sorry guys, won't happen again!
  25. EELs?

    No Prob Man, thats the way i took it.

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