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Mr. Lucky

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Everything posted by Mr. Lucky

  1. My wife said "You couldn't skin a cat!"

    Last time I washed a cat, I wore heavy leather welding gloves, that came up to my elbow. I was then able to merely hold on to it's collar and hose it down. IT whirled, twisted and clawed, all to no avail and no harm to me. It sure was fun....oh btw, I don't like cats.
  2. I agree with Fortiesboy and had some of the same thoughts. I've been to many airshows including the Dawn Patrol Rendeszvous at the Dayton Air Force Museum. many people at these events are usually afficianados of some degree and get caught up in the event. Wanting to be a part of it, somehow, they buy things they otherwise might not such as cheap T shirts, memorabilia, pictures, games, puzzles, etc. I think these would be excellent venues to showcase OFF with some computers set up or at least videos showing some of the action. Also, in that situation, as has been mentioned before, it would be almost vital to bundle CFS3 with it. Of course, this would require some type of arrangement to obtain copies of CFS3 at special pricing and OFF the same or on consignment otherwise the initial cost along with booth rental might be prohibitive. I have other ideas as well, but need to flesh them out more.
  3. I didn't know your sister-in-law was available. What she look like? Does she support multiplayer? Sorry, just couldn't resist. As far as reviews, you're right. I contacted an online magazine about a review, which they encouraged and wrote one a few months before P3 came out (of P2 naturally) and never heard from them again. I never saw it in the mag either.
  4. I'd love to have an OFF badge on my flight jacket. Hmmmm.
  5. Wheel Chocks

    It's chocks, not chokes. Sorry, but after reading it for the fifth time, I had to say something. Now say it with me "chocks...chocks....chocks" That's better. And, another valid suggestion for immersion, I agree. Reminds me, didn't we see a mechanic working in an airplane in one of the previews a long time ago? Or is my memory confused?
  6. The Wingmen Who Would not Die!

    On my last mission, all four of my flight were shot down. I went down from collision, but somehow survived. It was behind our lines and all low level (<300 feet agl). The flight leader showed as MIA at this point.
  7. Idea for more indecisive action

    "Gentlemen, today we get a change of underwear!".."Yeeeaaahhh!"....."Ok, John, you change with Charlie, Roger you change with James ......."
  8. A question about MvR

    Also one must consider, for most of the war, the Germans had twice the fire power on their machines plus more ammo. Don't know how much of a factor though given MvR's style of hunting and not dogfighting.
  9. ATI 9.4 drivers

    I installed the new drivers and it put BHAH back in the playable range for me until I upgrade my PC. Pulled my butt out of the cockpit of the AV8B for Falcon 5.0 and Back in the Albatross DII where it belongs.
  10. Sounds like a sensible strategy to me. This gives you guys an opportunity to cool down a bit and work on models, squads and scenarios at a more leisurely pace. Most of us are just scratching the surface of P3 so I don't think there's any rush to push out a major new phase. Your all's work on patches and updates to address, bugs, concerns and complaints has been outstanding to say the least. I expect the sales will continue for a long time and hope that word spreads and they increase. You guys deserve some prosperity and happiness surely. As our captain used to say 'Hot $h!t, Good on ya'! Keep up the good work. Cheers
  11. early war suggestions for Phase 4

    I got that WOW years ago but never really played it. I can tell you that aircraft weren't able to make a difference in the 1938 radio version. It was still bacteria. Also, I can't tell you about the book, but the musical version with Richard Burton did figure the Thunder Child. Still have the vinyl album.
  12. ATI 9.4 drivers

    I have WinXP, so if you have a different OS, you might have to do something different. Once you have your config settings tweaked the way you like them, you need to go to your C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Application Data\Microsoft\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder. %username% is whatever your current user login is. Also, you need to have folder options set so you can see system and hidden files. There will be a file ConfigOverrides.xml which you want to make a copy of. Some people set the attributes to read only as well. Whenever you change config settings this file gets overwritten. Also when you change / update drivers, it get's overwritten by the default config file. Anyway, to put your saved copy back in, first open the current ConfigOverrides.xml with notepad and write down the value under "DeviceID val" about 6 lines from the top. This will be different in your saved file. Next delete the current ConfigOverrides.xml and copy your saved file, renaming it to ConfigOverrides.xml. Open the new ConfigOverrides.xml in notepad and replace the value under DeviceID with the one you wrote down and click file; then save. Your old config should be set then with the new deviceid to keep OFF happy. It all seems a bit convoluted so I've taken to just keeping screen shots of my config once I get it set and use those to rest the config. Seems quicker for me. You could use this methodology for different profiles naming each copy with the profile you want, but as you see, it's not quick and easy. HTH.
  13. I saw the same thing one time, flying for 56 squadron. You have to be careful though, because quite often the AI planes crash instead of land. I've lost wingmen and squad mates that way. Now, I exit as soon as I land and shut down.
  14. ATI 9.4 drivers

    No you don't. You only have to redo the config settings which you can do with the offconfig.exe. If you saved a copy of your previous config, you can just reuse that, but it takes some finagling of the version numbers. I usually just save screen shots of my config once I get it set right. It's not necessary to reset in the manager which I think you're right, blasts your pilots also.
  15. Frame Rate Drop Over Airfields

    I think we're stuck with the fps drop over airfields. It's a CFS3 thing and has plagued us since Phase I and even more so II and III. It's a shame too because there are so many airfields and so many grouped close together that the problem is multiplied in some places. It's like Birddog said, and also throw in a town plus the other aircraft and nice.....and.....slooooowww...... But, Allies on top in spring of '17?????? Ever heard of Bloody April? It wasn't the Germans who called it that.
  16. You've got hyper-threading which makes the system act like there's two cpu's which helps for multi tasking but doesn't help for OFF. It's setable in bios. I have used my P4 both ways and haven't seen much difference in OFF. I have a slightly more powerful system than yours and had no trouble with Phase 1 and Phase 2 but that was with an X1950 AGP. I went to an HD3850 and I can't run it acceptably. I'm lucky to get 6 fps. But I'm almost positive it's the vid card. I don't know what you'll get on an X850. It's definitley worth a try.
  17. Added immersion.

    I used to do that while flying. One time, flying near my home at about 1000 feet I saw a guy in a Super Cub crossing below me right to left patrolling the power lines at about 100 feet. I banked left and dove right down on his six. Of course he never saw me, but the speeds, etc. were pretty much what we encounter in OFF. If I'd had guns, I'd have peppered him pretty good from my Taylorcraft, but since he had a more powerful engine he could've made good his escape unless my first hits were telling.
  18. O/T WWI for IL2

    A few points. I'd really like to give this a go. A WWI sim on Il2 engine needed to be done a LOoooong time ago. So does a Korean war mod. It was already 90% done just stock. Considering my low end system, I'm really interested in it. Those guys are doing great work, yet it really helps illustrate the superb visuals of OFF...skins, models, scenery et al. It somewhat bewildered me that almost everyone on that thread acted like they'd never heard of OFF. Except CJ of course.
  19. recommendations for ati

    P4 3.2ghz, 2g ram. I can play IL2 1946 on high settings and most everything else with no problems. Only CFS3 related games...OFF,MedAirWar, etc. It seems I bought exactly the worst card for this.
  20. recommendations for ati

    I feel your pain...only more of it. When my x1950 died, I replaced it with an HD3850. Bad move. I am lucky to get around 8 fps and usually get about 5. I've basically resigned myself to giving up OFF till I can lay out the cash to upgrade motherboard, cpu, ram and video card. It's a relatively expensive experiment, but I might get a good nvidia agp card in the interim to see if it makes OFF at least playable. Otherwise I'm grounded for a long while.
  21. Probably, but it does deal a lot with the other, morale aspects of combat flying like 12 o'clock high.
  22. Isn't that what you guys call a 'scrum'?
  23. WF2 is right, there are many elements of flying that can't be replicated in a sim such as tactile response (feel). I use light plane techniques in this sim and they serve me well, especially on landing. One other point that needs to be mentioned is too much rudder at low speed can throw you into a spin esp. on finless aircraft like Nieuports and Fokkers. Also to echo WF2, Stick and Rudder is an excellent book.
  24. During the squadron selection part of pilot creation, in the upper right, you have left and right arrows in which you can select a different time period. This also may change location and aircraft. Lotsa luck.

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