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About WLJet

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    Asia Pacific
  1. Jug Has Passed Away

    May he rest in peace.
  2. R.I.P. Windows XP

    Everyone, the end of support timescale is published here (Win 7:2020; Win 8.1: 2023): http://windows.microsoft.com/en-sg/windows/lifecycle
  3. Does one need to own SF2NA in order to obtain the new avionics feature at April 2012 patch?
  4. 10 Years with Combat Ace

    Happy 10th Anniversary Combat Ace!! Thank you everyone for making this such a great site especially for TW sims!
  5. The "MUD FIGHTER"

    Aces: Iron Eagle III
  6. Some of my favourite dates have been taken, so I go by 5 March 2012 then :)
  7. It's a known bug for WOV at that patch level. But if I remember correctly, installing the WOV Expansion Pack Gold solves the problem.
  8. Hey MiGBuster, I think you meant to say June 2010 patch? I don't see any July 2010 patch for SF2 in Thirdwire's download site and I remember 1st reading the feature in TW's forum concerning the June 2010 patch (see GrimViper's comment: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB3w/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=7753&start=16). I also found it being implemented at that 2010 patch. Personally I didn't like how that feature is being implemented. It feels like a cheat mode to me. Upon requesting help, within a minute additional allied fighters seem to pop out of nowhere. I did some experimenting and observing that happened through the Map view. It looks to me that the enemy AI can do the same thing too.
  9. Thanks for the replies man. It is really informative
  10. Thanks very much for the info Crusader. Any idea how the pre-LASTE A-10 variant bomb their targets with the dumb bombs since it doesn't have the CCIP function?
  11. Thanks Crusader for the mod. I have a question though. Which year was the HUD avionics in the A-10 upgraded that resembles the default HUD in SF2E or WOE? I tried to look for information on this but not successful.
  12. Birthdays

    Thank you guys
  13. It may not be new in that the Strike Eagle cockpit was already modded or included in the F-15 Superpack for SF2. But if I'm not wrong it's new for SF1. So, I do look forward to use this cockpit for the WOE Desert Storm mod :)

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