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Everything posted by hurricane3

  1. weapons editor question question

    I checked my weapons,and though I have a weaopens Data Dat. file ,there is no INI file of any kind. How would removeing the weapons file help? Also I don't know what files you mean. For some reason I have the old weapons Data Dat file and the old Weapons config file, both are already in my weapons file. I tried replaceing them with the old files but didn't make any difference so I put the new Data Dat and weapons config. files back ,but as I said,there are no ini files in the folder.
  2. weapons editor question question

    Yes ,those are the missions I picked to work with. I think when I reinstalled the EP the installer deleted some weapon files ,but you know more about this than I do.
  3. weapons editor question question

    OK here goes just for giggles ,these are the planes I don't have addon weapons for: AEG-G4,50 and 100kg bombs,Albatross DIII,Oaw,DV,DII,DIIL,all gernades,Aviatik CII ,bombs,Avro 504d,bombs,BE2a Quirk,gernades,Be2c@d bombs,gernades and large bombs,Bristol Fighter F2B,light bombs,heavy bombs,DFW C1,bombs,Farman FE .2b@ FE8, bombs,Fokker D.VIIand f,model ,and Fokker DR1and FokkerE III,all gernades,Gotha GIV ,light bombs,bombs,heavy bombs,Halberstadt,Hanriot HD1,CAM,and Dual,all bombs, Nieuport 11, LePrieur rockets,Nieuport17 ,same,Nieuport17 Two Gun,wing gun,Nieuport24 and 28 ,bombs,Pfalz D III, bombs and gernades,Pfalz D VIII and D XII, bombs,RAF SE5A ,bombs,Roland CII Walisch,bombs,Spad VII CI ,bombs and rockets,Spad XIII.CI(220),bombs,Siemens-Schuckert DIII, bombs,Sopwith Dolphin, bombs and rockets,all three stock Camels (110,130,and150),bombs,Sopwith Pup,bombs and rockets,and finally,Whew Sopwith Snipe, bombs. So there's the list ,as I said you guys don't have to do anything, it's too much work. Thanks for the offer ,your the best.
  4. weapons editor question question

    Guys although I thank you from the bottom of my heart ,I can't let you go to all that work just for a flight sim. Here's why ,I listed every plane I have and the list numbers 46 including the stock planes like the SE5a and all the Camels and AEG-G4. Although it be nice to have bombs on bomber's like the Gotha and AEG , it's too much to ask of you to do all that work just for one person. Yes I'd be willing to pay for all this but it wouldn't be much ,as money's tight right now. Unless there is a simple way to do all planes at once ,I can't expect you to do this. I guess I should have said 44 planes cause two don't require loadouts. I can list them all and the loadouts for each,but it's going to take a while. Bottom line is I have no addon weapons for any plane ,either stock or addon. Thank you so much for the offer but it's just too much.
  5. weapons editor question question

    once again I was thinking,(I gotta stop that) that the new planes Camel are what I'am thinking now ,not sure of the rest ,AEG maybe?Had bombs after the Expansion pack,now since I did the overwrite thing with the expansion Pack to get the seasons ,none of the new aircraft have bombs Etc. either. Did the new aircraft have weopens like bombs?I don't rember. I know your busy but is it possible ,even if it takes weeks to make a simple way to put everything back? I may be asking way too much here ,but I loved to see the gernades and rockets and bombs on the aircraft. BUT, if it's too much work then please don't do it on my part ,cause I'am sure there are a lot of very smart people out there who have the time and smarts to put the weaopens back and are reading this and thinking ,what a dumbo head. FE is a great sim and I'am sure a lot more people would buy it if there was an easy way to add weapons,kinda like the weaopens pack for CFS3(not the greatest sim in the world). Thanks
  6. weapons editor question question

    I'am totally lost,until someone comes up with a simple way to add weapons ,then I'am way in over my head. I tried to follow the instruction given in Combat Aces but nothing is the same and it seems like WAY more than I want to get into. For instance the instructions said to left click on the weapons Editor and bring up properties ,then click compatability mode. Well when I do that there is no compatability mode. Also I can get the weapons editor to work by useing the combatibility utility in accesseries(not spelled right I know) but there's nothing to tell me what to do with the screens that I get. Also I tried to open the Data Dat file with the SFpie utility but it wants Cat files and the only thing in my weapons file is the Data Dat file. This is way over my head so I'll do with out the added weapons. I know this is asking a lot but can someone come up with a simpler way to put the weaopns back?I have them all in my weapons folder but can't get them on the planes. Maybe someday someone will come up with something for dummies like me,kinda a Weopens Editor for Dummies ,like the computer books. Thanks anyway.
  7. weapons editor question question

    OK we did it. I took a chance and deleted the Cambrai folder then (since I saved the Expansion pack to disk) reinstalled just the expansion pack and there were the three folders under the Cambri folder . I extracted each file as you said to each season folder and have snow(although it's more gray than white) drab terrian in the fall( although I thought the trees should show fall colors ,but they don't only the ground is brown) and greener colors in the spring dates. The only thing I had to do was uncheck the read only box under the controls section and reset all my controls then recheck the read only box again. For some reason I always have a problem with my CH rudder pedals wanting the rudder to go left but after recalibrating and unplugging and replugging and reseting the rudder's a doezen times I got them to work. Now I should make this another post but since this was the oridginal reason for this post ,I'll ask this. You said with the weapons editor ,you don't have to do each plane separtly but I printed out the instructions from Combat Ace and it gives me the impression that you do. So ,say I want to put bombs on the planes or rockets,how do I do this? You don't have to answer right away ,you (and me) need a break,and if it's too involved I'll just have to be happy with dogfighting and strafing, cause I have too many addon planes to do each one separtly. Anyway the season thing seemed to work with out loseing anything other than control settings, so thanks once again
  8. weapons editor question question

    Off hand don't remember the seasons ever working,When I said I took them out I deleted the Vogesen season folders because thats the first time I ever saw any seaason folders under Cambrai. Last time I talked with you I deleted the Vogesen folder and the seasson folders I made, since I empty my recycle bin any time there's anything in it, those are gone. Since I deleted the folders when the seasons wouldn't work I probley deleted the oridginal folders as well. This is very hard to explane since I've done so many things trying to get the Cambrai seasons to work I don't remember all I did. If I wanted to reinstall the expansion pack how would I do it with out uninstalling the whole sim? Last time I reinstalled the Vogeson terrian from the RAR file it wouldn.t show and I had to extract it and copy and paste it to the terrian folder. This whole mess has gone on far enough for both of us so I'll live with it unless some simple way to fix it comes up. I only have two questions ,then I'am outta here. One if you can reinstall the expansion pack and have it overwrite the other files should I take out the Vogesen stuff, and if I did delete the oridginal Cambra iseason folder's ,how would that effect any other expansion packs? So thankyou for going above and beyond the call of duty to help me ,your one of the good guys for sure.
  9. weapons editor question question

    I've been thinking back(a dangerous thing for me to do) and I never saw any season files in the Cambrai folder from the first install. if I open the folder their are what look like files with pictures on them and opening these, list everything in that file, but never have seen any season folder's before or after the patch. You said there were always season files but where they hidden at? Also checking the readme file again it said to put the Vogesen file in the terrian folder, and the season files in the Cambrai folder and the mission folder in missions, all of which I did. Only then did the Cambrai folder have the three season folders. Maybe I don't know how to work the RAR file but I put them in from extracting the files into their places according to the read me file, then when that didn't work I extracted (after taking them out) to my documents then copying and pasting the files into the Cambrai folder. I have the Vogesen and mission and they work fine ,it's just those damn season folder's. You don't have to reply because I know your busy and I hate to keep beating a dead horse ,but if there were stock files in the Cambrai folder I couldn't find them. Thanks for trying to help and I hope you get less busy in the future and can relax a little without people like me bugging you.
  10. weapons editor question question

    Although I thought I followed the directions,(I always read the read me file )guess I screwed up somewhere,like you said such is life. Thanks
  11. weapons editor question question

    I fully understand what your going through , for one ,sorry to bother you at a time like this and two the seasons have me beat. I did what you said and flipped back and forth and according to the dates and weather given by Gepard you should get snow 50% of the time with overcaste conditions ,if I'am interperting this correctly . Well I almost wore out the keyboard out going back and forth but never any change, so on this I'll give up. Who knows ,I'll leave the folders in and maybe one day before the computer wares out I might hit snow.I hit the correct dates many times but if it's only set for 50% of the time it might take all night. I'am not putting this addon down but (ok yes I am) it's set up very poorly. Thanks again , I printed out all I could find about how to use the extracter for the ini.files and how to use the weapons editor but doubt I'll try it. Maybe someone will come up with a simple way to make the weapons work and change the seasons,but I doubt if it's before I'am ready for a new computer ,then I will have Vista to contend with. PLEASE tell me when the fun part of flight simming comes,I'd hate to miss it. At least I have snow with the Max 188 option .Thanks and good luck to you.
  12. weapons editor question question

    Thankyou so much for taking the time to explain all this ,you did a good job,I just have to have the nerve to try the weapons editor. As far as the season terrian ,I probley wouldn't have had to ask if I'd just take time to read the manual , I think I understand but have to experiment to find out. I thought they would show like Maxe's 188 option which says winter under the Verdun folder ,so thats way I couldn't understand why they didn't show up. I put them back so I'll see what happens. Thanks again for your trouble I know how busy you must be. I know this computer is already 6 years old ,but I'am trying to keep things going as long as possible. I guess when you hit 60 and a half you get stubborn and I hate to give up. Thanks again
  13. weapons editor question question

    Can anyone give me a link or instructions on how the weapons editor works. Was told in last post that you don't have to do every addon plane on an individual basis. Also according to the last post the weapons have been changed so maybe I should wait till some one comes out with a fix. The only way I can get my editor to work is run it in Windows 98 compatability mode ,I don't understand whey ,is it because my install of FE is on my E drive(my second hard drive?) Also and I know this is off topic so please don't yell ,as you know when I downloaded the Vogesen terrian the seaseon folders show in the Cambrai folder in Windows explorer but I thought thay would show in the sim under Cambrai like Maxe's 188 option,but they don't ,and I was told their date spefic ,but under single missions all I can change is the year (1917 ,1918)and the weather and time. I haven't had time to read the manual yet so am I missing something?
  14. weapons editor question question

    My question is ,before the patch , I think I had to do something ( don't remember what, maybe add the Weaopens data Dat.file ,I don't remember now,) and all the weapons worked,,so now if I get what your saying is ,I have to do each plane on an individual basis. I'am not putting you down for this ,I just don't want to do all that "legwork." Guess I'am not a modder ,to that extant. Please don't misunderstand me ,but after doing so much work in all my flight sims and adding terrian mods and planes which was relativity easy ,I just don't want to go to all that "legwork"for each plane. I thank you for all the work you put into FE and the patches and updates,I know that couldn't have been easy ,so I'll just live with out the extra weapons. Thanks ,I hope you understand
  15. I installed the Vogesen Terrian,and have two grapics problems. One is the snow,spring and autum parts in the download will not show up in the sim. I have Vogesen showing up in the terrian in the sim,but the snow, autum ,and spring show in Windows explorer under the WWI Cambrai folder under the Terrian folder but not in the sim. I have Maxe's terrian installed with the Max 188 option but that should only effect the Verdun terrian I would think I ended up deleteing the snow, autum,and spring folders from the Cambrai folder since I didn't see any sense them being there if they didn't do anything.As I said if you clicked on the WWI Cambrai folder the snow ,spring and autum folders were there but not in the sim. Ok two ,the Vogesen terrian seems to have clouds that go the whole way to the ground with trees showing through almost like fog. When the plane flys through this it loses textures till it clears the clouds(fog?) One more thing I forgot is when (in any location) you choose inclement weather the overcast seems to stop in a straight line about an inch or so from the horizon ,this just doesn't look natural. I;am running an older 128 mb ATI Radeon 9800 pro with water set to low and horizen distance set to minimun. Is all this caused but my card ,which seems to run all my other flight sims just fine. I have a new NVidia 256 Ge Force that I'am keeping when the ATI goes bellyup.Will it run this sim? I know this is very long but I had to try and explain all this. Any who can wade through all this and provide some help(please make it simple if possible,as I'am not as computer literate as you guys.) Thanks
  16. Didn't know the seasons are date speific,how do I acess the dates?
  17. Thankyou so much for your trouble,but ,first I deleted the season folder's from the Cambrai folder because they won't show up in the sim but do show in the Cambrai folder in Windows explorer. I tried putting them back but same thing,won't show in the sim, so I took them out again cause could not see haveing them cluttering up the Cambrai folder when they don't show in the sim. I decided not to try to put them in the Vogesen folder because I just don't think it's worth the trouble. At 60 years old I want to make things as simple as possible. The Vogesen terrian ,while ok does have some problems anyway with some of the clouds seeming to be at ground level with trees showing through but when you fly trough the clouds the plane textures dissapear until you are clear of the cloud. Since I have Maxe's terrian with the Max 188 option which gives you snow in the Verdun textures when you want it anyway I guess I'll leave well enough alone. I'd rather fly than be a computer programer and am not as computer literate as you. Maybe it has something to do with the Max terrian I put in ,though thats for Verdun so I don't see why, but who knows? As for the clouds having a straight line in incliminite or heavy cloud ,maybe thats my graphics card ,again who knows? Anyway thankyou for trying to help it was very kind of you. Thanks again.
  18. I have the expanded pack with the last patch, and I haven't renamed my Cambri folder unless it got renamed when I put the expansion pack in. It's listed as wwiCambrai, is this how it should be named? If not then maybe it got changed when I put Maxe's terrian in. If this isn't right how should I rename it?
  19. Smoke

    I can't get any responce from either Third Wire's forum or Sim Hq,so your my last hope. Is it my imagination or are there fewer smoke trails(burt castol oil) on addon planes since the new addon? I thought(though I may be wrong,wouldnt be the first time) that addon planes like the Sopwith Triplane had a very noticable smoke trail before the addon. The stock planes have a smoke trail but only the addon Nieuport 28 seems to have one now. Did addon planes leave a more proment trail before the addon or am I just imaging things?
  20. Smoke

    No I have an older ATI 2800,and when I installed the latest drivers , I got the smoke trails back. I have a NVida Ge Force 256 mb 7600GS I've held back installing in case my ATI goes belly up, but now I'am lerry of installing it after you said they require constant updates. Corse my ATI has a new driver out it seems every couple of weeks also.
  21. After reading the artical on Gnome engines in the latest Over The Front,I'am wondering if the Fokker Dr1 or for that matter all Sopwith Camels had blip switches. According to what I understand from the artical ,only the Gnome engines had blip switches,and only the 100hp Gnome was used in the Camel. As far a the Fokker DR1 the only engines I can find they had are the Oberursal @ captured Le Rhone 110. The Gnome9n 160 hp was used in the Nieuport 28 ,and I know it had a blip switch,but did only Gnome engined aircraft have blip switches?
  22. blip switch on Fokker Dr1?

    Thanks again for clearing things up ,Heck
  23. Smoke

    Thanks for being the only one who cared enough to reply. I made no mods to the smoke files but I found that by updating my graphics driver I now have a smoke trail from most of the planes.
  24. I love the detailed cockpits in FE,but when it comes to any other country but England(and sometimes even these are a bit hard to read) how do you know what each instrument is for? I tried changing to metric readings then compareing them with the HUD,but I can't match up any instrument reading with the HUD. It be nice,(but I know a lot of work) if you could mouse over an instrument and it would show you what it is and the reading, like in FS9. Lacking this ,is there any references on WWI aircraft panels ,and also the starting and flying procedures? Do the instruments in FE really show whats happining,or do the needles just move for show?Thats they way it seems when compared with the HUD. Thanks

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