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Everything posted by gerald14

  1. That skin is based on the early patches, and the new ones are different. There is no way to fix that ( I think I am not sure if any one tried too). Only if you make a new skin with the new skin fixes. Try out my Skin Pack and Fixes I have in the downloads. Then you should have them fix. I am not sure about the skin you have on the picture.
  2. Mirror mirror on the wall whos the ugliest of them all

    this is ugly!!! It has jet engines!!!!!
  3. I am working on the Mig-21bis L and N ( the early and late ones). There is a lot of differences between the MiG-21MF and the Mig-21bis. The early MiG-21bis has the same cockpit as the Mig-21MF but later types has a HUD. Plus it has a better engine which it can do extreme afterburner which can out climb the F-16A and the F-14 tomcat. And other stuff that the MiG-21MF doesn't have.
  4. File Name: Part One J-7II and F-7 Pack File Submitter: gerald14 File Submitted: 3 Nov 2007 File Category: Mig-21 J-7II Pack by Gerald14 Part One J-7EH In A Anti Ship Mission with Eagle Strikes ******************************************************* Beta 0.1 First pack of the J-7II or later types Types of J-7II that are in the pack: China J-7II J-7 IIA J-7 IIH J-7 IIK J-7 IIM J-7E J-7EH J-7PG Egypt F-7M Zimbabwe F-MG Pakistan F-7PG ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Info For the J-7E and later types are third wire's Mig-21F-13 models not new ones , since a hard drive crash I lost the J-7 models but not my MiG-21's. Once I start doing the models, I will upload them. In the early 1950s and 1960s, the Soviet Union shared most of its conventional weapons technology with the People's Republic of China. One of these was the famous MiG-21 short-range interceptor and fighter aircraft. Powered by a single engine and designed on a simple airframe, these fighters were inexpensive but fast, suiting the strategy of forming large groups of 'people's fighters' to overcome the technological advantages of Western aircraft. With the delivery of a handful of MiG-21F fighters along with technical documents, China set about to reverse engineer the aircraft for local production. The effort was largely successful, as the Chinese design showed only minor differences from the original. Poor initial quality and slow progress resulted in full scale production only coming about in the 1980s, by which time the design was showing its age. However, the fighter is affordable and widely exported as the F-7, often with Western systems incorporated like the ones sold to Pakistan. ##################################################### History Most actions carried out by the F-7 have been air-to-ground missions. In air-to-air missions, there have rarely been any encounters resulting in dogfights. In the mid 1990s, the PLAAF began replacing its J-7Bs with the substantially-redesigned J-7E variant. The wings of the J-7E have been changed to a unique "double delta" design offering improved aerodynamics and increased fuel capacity, and the J-7E also features a more powerful engine and improved avionics. The newest version of the J-7, the J-7G, entered service with the PLAAF in 2003. The role of the J-7 in the People's Liberation Army is to provide local air defence and tactical air superiority. Large numbers are to be employed to deter enemy air operations. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Bugs Loadouts are not right It's a beta, so it will have bugs Not any I know of. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THANKS TOO Gerald14 (me): J-7 data and fm's, F-7 sight Wrench: for the data cockpit files and screens ??????:For late A-4 cockpit Badger: MiG-21F-13 cockpit ThirdWire: Mig-21F-13 C model Loading Screens:Sinodefence Info: Wikipedia and Sinodefence CombatAce: for hosting the file Sorry for anyone I miss and PM me %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Install You must have the lastest Weapons Pack! Also you must have the MF's MiG-21F-13 for the effects. Place file in the Aircraft folder and cut and paste the J-7's to your Aircraft folder!!!!!! Also you need the Nations Pack get it here :http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?automodule=downloads&showfile=1630 ADD Weapons Data to your Weapons Data and open Weapon Ed and save Eagle Strike Then go Fly!!!!!!! Please email me at gerald14juarez@yahoo.com or PM if you have any problems. Click here to download this file
  5. Hehe 2 weeks means that it is not finish or just to make you happy. :)
  6. Infidel of the week

    Hehe ^_^ 0_o Thats some good stuff
  7. Just to tell you that is not a Mig-21MF it is a Mig-21bis.
  8. Single Player Demo - Crysis Oct 26th

    Well, that sucks. Ok then I guess we have to wait!
  9. Call of Duty 4 - Single Player Demo Available

    Yeah it's a cool game, too bad the demo was short though.. But it has some great graphics!!! Man I can't wait!
  10. MMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...................... Eels a Asian Special..... Hehe the eels know when the Asians start driving hover crafts =
  11. Well that's mean, it's must be something good if it is in two weeks. He he
  12. Yes! Now we are building up the Japan's Air Force slowly.
  13. You like Mig-21s?? How about modern ones? I am almost finish with the Mig-21 2000 and the Mig-21-93 and maybe a "what if" one.
  14. You know what? I shouldn't click on this, hehe.
  15. Seahawk is one of my favorites! All of the skins and the airplane it self is sexy! Also it is not crap, plus it takes skill for that plane. Which I have and it's fun to fly it!
  16. Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts

    Yeah I love RTS games and Company of Heroes was one of my favorites. I think I am getting and because I just got World In Conflict. The graphics looks like Call of Duty 2 and World In Conflict all together.
  17. Iran's latest....

    LOLZ, That was pointless, New Aircraft = F-15C's Target Practice
  18. Well how much will you spend? What type of PCI? PCI or PCI express? I have a ATI 2900 with 512mb. I used to have two x1950 pro's. For the video card may be a 7600 ( it's the best for your money) or a x1950 pros (these are sweet).
  19. Man I was waiting for this bird!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, the F-16 is so sexy.

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