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Everything posted by Timmy

  1. Oh! I will not buy this tobacconist, it is scratched.
  2. Take a look at this link - It's for model paints but I think it's pretty much what you are looking for... Scroll down to the heading: Authentic Colours by Country http://www.ipmsstockholm.org/colorcharts/colorcharts.asp Or try the Model Master line - they have a few stock colors available. http://www.venturahobbies.com/paint-mm-acryl.html
  3. Your WINGMAN smoked him? Stop the presses Margaret, we have a new front page story!
  4. Give me some pictures or 3-view diagrams and dimensions and I'll make one.
  5. If you add this line to the misbehaving animation (ReverseModelOrientation=FALSE) or TRUE depending on what it says now - will fix the problem with the ailerons. I don't know anything about the FM's but I'm trying to learn by trial and error on some of the models I'm working on... That is one trick I've figured out.
  6. The FW P.II. is released at combat ace. Hurray! I don't have to look at it any more!
  7. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=4054 File Name: Focke Wulf Projekt II File Submitter: Timmy File Submitted: 13 Feb 2007 File Updated: 7 Feb 2008 File Category: Axis Fighters File Version: No Information Website: No Information This was the second design from Kurt Tank of the Focke-Wulf company for a single-jet engine, single-seat fighter, submitted June 9, 1943. The wing was mounted mid-fuselage and had a slight sweep on the leading edge and straight trailing edges. A turbojet was slung beneath the fuselage because of fears of operational problems associated with mounting the jet engine on top of the fuselage. The main advantage was to facilitate maintenance, but there were several bigger disadvantages to this design, such as the nose wheel blocking the intake on takeoff and landing, foreign matter being sucked into the intake since it was so close to the ground and the destruction of the jet engine in case of a belly landing. I have created three skins for the aircraft - JGI, JGII and JG26. Airplane Model by Timmy with generous help from Capun. FM horribly done by Timmy - based on Geo's He-162 with bits and pieces taken from Wolf257's FW-190. Thank you Gentlemen. Click here to download this file
  8. Focke Wulf Projekt II



    This was the second design from Kurt Tank of the Focke-Wulf company for a single-jet engine, single-seat fighter, submitted June 9, 1943. The wing was mounted mid-fuselage and had a slight sweep on the leading edge and straight trailing edges. A turbojet was slung beneath the fuselage because of fears of operational problems associated with mounting the jet engine on top of the fuselage. The main advantage was to facilitate maintenance, but there were several bigger disadvantages to this design, such as the nose wheel blocking the intake on takeoff and landing, foreign matter being sucked into the intake since it was so close to the ground and the destruction of the jet engine in case of a belly landing. I have created three skins for the aircraft - JGI, JGII and JG26. Airplane Model by Timmy with generous help from Capun. FM horribly done by Timmy - based on Geo's He-162 with bits and pieces taken from Wolf257's FW-190. Thank you Gentlemen.
  9. According to recent intelligence out of Nazi Germany, Focke Wulf has tested a new jet aircraft that analysts say could become operational as soon as the winter of 1945 or spring of '46. Photos attached:
  10. The FM probably needs more work than I'm capable of - but after I finish the 2nd LOD I'll upload it.
  11. You've got to be effing essing me... Put them back in the hovercraft where they belong.
  12. Has anyone had any luck applying decals to the outer wing positions on the Draken? I am reasonably new to the sim but I have never had problems with decals like I'm having with this J-35... I'm beginning to wonder if the fact that all the skins made for it have painted on national markings should be telling me something... I can get decals to appear everywhere except the leftouterwing and rightouterwing meshes. Are they named something else? What in the Wide, Wide World of Sports am I missing here? Any help would be appreciated.
  13. I was placing the decals on both the wing and outer wing positions to no avail but then I was told to look at the .out file by some intelligent gentlemen and realized that the outer wings were actually named "RightOuterW" and "LeftOuterW" for some odd reason. In the .ini file they are listed as "LeftOuterWing" and "RightOuterWing." After naming the correct mesh to lay the markings on - the decals now work like a charm. Thanks gentlemen - your check is in the mail. TD

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