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Everything posted by JonathanRL

  1. File Name: SF2E: TSF: Mannerheims Shield "Viking Total War" Patch File Submitter: JonathanRL File Submitted: 25 April 2012 File Category: User Made Campaigns The Scandinavian Front: Operation Mannerheims Shield: Viking Total War By The Scandinavian Front Team This is a rewrite of this campaign: http://combatace.com/files/file/12729-sf2e-tsf-mannerheims-shield/ If you do not have it, download above file first, then install this file. Following files are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Sarcasm 1.3: http://combatace.com/files/file/12836-sarcasm-slightly-artistic-representation-of-clouds-and-sky-mod-v-13/ Baltic HD Tileset; Part 1: http://combatace.com/files/file/12805-baltic-region-hr-tileset/ Baltic HD Tileset; Part 2: http://combatace.com/files/file/12812-baltic-region-tileset-additional-seasons/ The project with renewing Mannerheims Shield has become slightly larger then I first anticipated; and I wanted to give you guys my reasons behind this. First of all, I worked for the original Mannerheims Campaign for several months, often awaiting skins or aircraft. At some points, I became stressed to release the campaign, when I was supposed to be thinking to make it good. I say with full honesty that I am ashamed about Campaign in Mannerheims Shield, and that I somewhat wasted the assets I was given. I do not think it is bad, but a few missions naval battles that was not properly thought out; you guys deserved better; simply put. You deserved my original vision of a great, grand Viking Total War. Then SF2: NA came out and we got all these new good toys, and I decided to learn how to use them; resulting in the above mentioned patches. So it is time to make the last vision come true. It will not be entirely the same of course, but it will be interesting still. And here it is. In my full, honest opinion - This is a Viking Total War worthy of the Aircraft and skins my team provided. Credits: A-1H Skyraider by MontyCZ Credits: MontyCZ for creating this aircraft, oh so long ago!, and fulfilling a request to revist the LOD and fix some issues Crusader/Moonjumper/Otto for converting the unworking LABS timer into the DME; The inestimable assistance of CA's own 331KillerBee, for coloring and markings and other help I can't even remember! Royohboy for some bits off his AD-4 template I shamelessly borrowed; the other 2 dozen or so WW2 Prop-heads out there in 3rd Wire Land... and, of course, TK hisself, for creating this marvelous playground for us to enjoy... Riga Class Frigate by WhiteBoySamurai ARA Intrepida (Redesigned as Soviet Patrol Boat) by terceraescuadrilla F-86K By Bunyap, Skins by Paulopanz Sorry for the wait. You guys deserved this to be the 1.0 release. Click here to download this file
  2. In case you find the Ground War a little too difficult (and you should :D), I suggest you re-download the package. It will make the first three soviet divisions slighly less OP and adds reinforcements down the road.
  3. It is out, peps! http://combatace.com/files/file/12893-sf2e-tsf-mannerheims-shield-viking-total-war-12-patch/
  4. Version 1.11


    The Scandinavian Front: Operation Mannerheims Shield: Viking Total War By The Scandinavian Front Team This is a rewrite of this campaign: http://combatace.com/files/file/12729-sf2e-tsf-mannerheims-shield/ If you do not have it, download above file first, then install this file. Following files are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Sarcasm 1.3: http://combatace.com/files/file/12836-sarcasm-slightly-artistic-representation-of-clouds-and-sky-mod-v-13/ Baltic HD Tileset; Part 1: http://combatace.com/files/file/12805-baltic-region-hr-tileset/ Baltic HD Tileset; Part 2: http://combatace.com/files/file/12812-baltic-region-tileset-additional-seasons/ The project with renewing Mannerheims Shield has become slightly larger then I first anticipated; and I wanted to give you guys my reasons behind this. First of all, I worked for the original Mannerheims Campaign for several months, often awaiting skins or aircraft. At some points, I became stressed to release the campaign, when I was supposed to be thinking to make it good. I say with full honesty that I am ashamed about Campaign in Mannerheims Shield, and that I somewhat wasted the assets I was given. I do not think it is bad, but a few missions naval battles that was not properly thought out; you guys deserved better; simply put. You deserved my original vision of a great, grand Viking Total War. Then SF2: NA came out and we got all these new good toys, and I decided to learn how to use them; resulting in the above mentioned patches. So it is time to make the last vision come true. It will not be entirely the same of course, but it will be interesting still. And here it is. In my full, honest opinion - This is a Viking Total War worthy of the Aircraft and skins my team provided. Credits: A-1H Skyraider by MontyCZ Credits: MontyCZ for creating this aircraft, oh so long ago!, and fulfilling a request to revist the LOD and fix some issues Crusader/Moonjumper/Otto for converting the unworking LABS timer into the DME; The inestimable assistance of CA's own 331KillerBee, for coloring and markings and other help I can't even remember! Royohboy for some bits off his AD-4 template I shamelessly borrowed; the other 2 dozen or so WW2 Prop-heads out there in 3rd Wire Land... and, of course, TK hisself, for creating this marvelous playground for us to enjoy... Riga Class Frigate by WhiteBoySamurai ARA Intrepida (Redesigned as Soviet Patrol Boat) by terceraescuadrilla F-86K By Bunyap, Skins by Paulopanz Sorry for the wait. You guys deserved this to be the 1.0 release.
  5. Little Brother is watching over us.
  6. May I suggest a better title for your thread? "SF2 WOE" hints at you want something regarding SF2: Europe, but what you really want - one has to check the undertitle - is a F-4M Repaint.
  7. Convert them in Paint.net - Thats how I avoid that issue.
  8. I also would like to know a ETA :)
  9. The New Mannerheims Shield: Operation Retcon Personal Notes: The project with renewing Mannerheims Shield has become slightly larger then I first anticipated; and I wanted to give you guys my reasons behind this. First of all, I worked for the original Mannerheims Campaign for several months, often awaiting skins or aircraft. At some points, I became stressed to release the campaign, when I was supposed to be thinking to make it good. I say with full honesty that I am ashamed about Campaign in Mannerheims Shield, and that I somewhat wasted the assets I was given. I do not think it is bad, but a few missions naval battles that was not properly thought out; you guys deserved better; simply put. You deserved my original vision of a great, grand Viking Total War. Then SF2: NA came out and we got all these new good toys, and I decided to learn how to use them; resulting in the above mentioned patches. So it is time to make the last vision come true. It will not be entirely the same of course, but it will be interesting still. I also released very little story behind Mannerheims, so what I am going to give you now is a Retcon. The main story does not change, but some details does: Pre War: Ten years have passed since the great Nordic War ended and a showdown between the two major superpowers of the Earth was narrowly averted. Trouble is brewing in the Soviet Union; the humiliation of their inability to defeat Finland for the second time in twenty years, annoyance of the Swedes interference and now a foreign sabotage team arrested - and then sprung from their clutches - in front of the world. The Soviet Union is not without friends in the world. Friends who over joints and with loose women speak more then they should, because they want to; because they believe the Soviet Union is the solution. Meanwhile, The United States are committing forces to a small nation in South East Asia, angering the general public of Sweden whose military and government are thinking about both NATO membership and atomic weapons. Protests erupt in Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö. The Vietnam War is seen as unjust provocation, a chance for the strong to bully the weak, in the same manner the Soviet Union did to them ten years earlier. The Soviet Union observes this and smiles. They see the Workers rise and feel the time is ripe to do what they should have done ten years earlier. This time Sweden will not be underestimated ! Sweden is not oblivious to the Soviet preparations and begin conspiring with Norway and Finland to defend themselves. The United States allows Norway and Denmark to deploy as much forces as they deem Necessary to defend the North, but Denmark refuses. Only with some clever manoeuvring on the part of the Danish King are Danish Forces sent to defend Helsinki. The Soviet Union cannot delay. They must strike now to pacify both Sweden and Finland - to put them under their control and force Norway to abandon NATO altogether. War Timeline: 5th March 1966: The Soviet Union begins the war with a massive offensive against Gotland, attempting to capture the Island with paratroopers. The Soviet convoy OLG-64 with standard re-supply for forces in Central Europe departs from Leningrad. 6th March 1966: Soviet Bombers strike Stockholm, Helsinki and Nyköping. Convoy OLG-64 is mistaken for a invasion force and attacked with overwhelming firepower by Swedish A-32A Lansen Aircraft. The Danish public and government are informed of their actions in the war, sparking spontaneous celebrations about the victories of Danish Pilots. The Danish Pilots who scored the kills are celebrated by Finns by throwing them out of a Sauna into the snow and then back in 7th March 1966: Soviet Forces move out from Leningrad, pushing towards Helsinki. Three reduced Finnish Battalions are all that stands against them. 8th March 1966: A covert deal is made between the US President and the USSR Politburo. NATO is allowed to reinforce Sweden and Finland, if the Soviet Union may reinforce Vietnam with an equal number of forces. This is seen as the best course of action to avoid open war between NATO and the Warsaw Pact. 1th of April 1966: The message to expect RAF Lightning at F 11 Nyköping is widely regarded as a bad joke; until the aircraft appears on the radar screen. A S-32C scrambles to confirm visual contact and to guide the new arrivals down on the ground. 5th of May 1966: US Marine Squadron VMA 331, flying A-1H Skyraiders land at Luleå AB; causing general laughter and amusement by pilots and ground crews of the parked Drakens and Lansens. US Marine Squadron VMF 55, flying F-4B Phantom II arrives at F 1 Hässlö and are greeted with traditional swedish meatballs and a hearty welcome. The Americans suprise the Swedes by unloading a gift from their families to the brave pilots of Sweden, five crates of Coca Cola. 10th of June 1966: A flight of Canberras arrive at Söderhamn AB, providing the Alliance with some much needed medium bomber support. And the rest? That is up to you ;-)
  10. Did you target the ship with the target ground button?
  11. EA won "The Worse Company" award.

    That was the least suprising thing all year.
  12. Why did I suddently get the urge to create a installation for some unknown part of the world? :D
  13. I prefer surgical strikes. Did you know that if you hit the cargo ships in the cargo compartment with guns, they will actually go down. As if they are carrying ammunition. Quite nice. (That is using their LOD as collision lod)
  14. I don´t suppose you got plans for a downgraded version for how they appeared at their first tours in the mid 70s?
  15. Task Forces and the Lansens who destroy them <3
  16. Working on a proper Mannerheims Shield Campaign. I was kinda embarassed over the state the last version was released in, so going to make it a proper Viking total war.
  17. Naval War: Arctic Circle

    I got an entire three changes into the game on first patch
  18. SF2: NA patch (that works for people without SF2: NA) for Mannerheims Shield will take a little while longer; as I will make sure it is more along the lines of the original vision. I wont try and hype it; just so you know why its not out yet ;-) Meanwhile, patches for Operation Isbjörn & The Catalina Affair are avalible. The reason for putting them as patches is because TK has advertised he may disable SF2: NA features for non-NA installations. http://combatace.com/files/category/407-sf2-series-add-on-missions-and-campaigns/
  19. That does not make them invulnerable; rather it makes them priority targets.
  20. File Name: SF2E: TSF: The Catalina Affair 1.2 PATCH File Submitter: JonathanRL File Submitted: 19 April 2012 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Missions and Campaigns SF2E: TSF The Catalina Affair 1.2 By Team TSF THIS IS THE PATCH VERSION; NOT STAND-ALONE!!!!!!!!! Installation: Unzip in TSF Folder; allow any overwrites. A minor patch, adding SF2: NA features to The Catalina Affair including Task Forces, naval attacks and so on. Contains updates to existing units as well. Also makes it compatible with Midvintermörker Note: Catalina / S 31 Squadrons is pretty much broken. You can fly Naval Search with it, but no briefing text. Credits: Cavalier by Hinchinbrooke, updated by Wrench Foch by Hinchinbrooke Catalinas by Velcro2K, Skinned by Paulopanz Enjoy :) Click here to download this file
  21. Version


    SF2E: TSF The Catalina Affair 1.2 By Team TSF THIS IS THE PATCH VERSION; NOT STAND-ALONE!!!!!!!!! Installation: Unzip in TSF Folder; allow any overwrites. A minor patch, adding SF2: NA features to The Catalina Affair including Task Forces, naval attacks and so on. Contains updates to existing units as well. Also makes it compatible with Midvintermörker Note: Catalina / S 31 Squadrons is pretty much broken. You can fly Naval Search with it, but no briefing text. Credits: Cavalier by Hinchinbrooke, updated by Wrench Foch by Hinchinbrooke Catalinas by Velcro2K, Skinned by Paulopanz Enjoy :)
  22. File Name: SF2E: TSF: Mannerheims Shield File Submitter: JonathanRL File Submitted: 07 March 2012 File Category: User Made Campaigns The Scandinavian Front: Operation Mannerheims Shield By The Scandinavian Front Team UPDATE: After you installed this file; install this one: http://combatace.com/files/file/12893-sf2e-tsf-mannerheims-shield-viking-total-war-patch/ This makes for a far more enjoyable experience and is highly recommended!!! The year is 1966. Ten years have passed since what is commonly called "The Soviet War" in Sweden and Finland. Many hoped that the end of the war would result in a lasting peace for Scandinavia. Both Sweden and Finland openly applies for membership in NATO to protect themselves from the horrors of war and a nuclear bomb program is now a joint-effort between both countries. Despite this, as a gesture of good faith, Soviet sells Finland a number of MiG-21 Figthers and MiG-15 UTI Training aircraft. In 1965, a report is sent to Moscow by the extremist left of Sweden. It claims a nuclear bomb is less then a year away, a shock to the Union who expected such a weapon to be at least five years away. During this time, demonstrations - part of the global peace movement - break out in Sweden and Finland. The leaders of both countries suspect Soviet involvement, and raise funds to the military. February 1966, a small force under Lauri Törni is arrested at a naval base in Murmansk. Suspected as sabotours and spies, they are tried and sent to prison, while Sweden and Finland denies involvement. A few days later, the prison convoy is ambushed with the guards either dead or suspected captured by the unknown attackers. Törnis team is also missing. Soviet angrily demands the surrender of Törni to their custody or war may be declared. While Törni in a press conference from Washington DC agrees to surrender himself, it is clear that war cannot be averted. The report about the nuclear bomb is spooking the Soviets to such a degree that they have declared that they will attack. Knowing that the Swedish Air Force is the key to victory for Scandinavia, they make plans to almost entirely bypass Finland and attack Sweden directly by Sea. NATO Agents, active within the Union catch wind of the plans and send them to Stockholm. They choose the plan Mannerheims Shield as their best hope for survival... Installation: If you are using a mod, or plan to use one, TSF will mess around with settings other mods may be using. As such, creating a seperate mod folder for TSF is a good idea. If you only plan to use TSF, then this step can be bypassed. Go to your installation folder (Usually C:\Program Files\Thirdwire\Strike Fighters 2). Make a copy of Strike Fighters 2.exe / Strike Fighters 2 Europe.exe depending on what you prefer and got installed. Name the Copy Strike Fighters 2 TSF.exe . Start your new .exe once, then close the game. Now go to your Mod Folders. For Windows 7/Vista, this is located in C:\Users\Name\Saved Games\Thirdwire. Unzip the contents of the 7zip file into the mod folder of your choice. Allow any overwrites. As long as this package is installed last, it can and should be merged with the other The Scandinavian Front packages. Credits: - Gnat by Markfighters (Updated by Paulopanz) - Mi-8 by Markfighters (Updated by Paulopanz) - MiG 21F Finnish Skin by Paulopanz - Vampire 52 by Pasko - IL-28R by Paulopanz - J 35 Draken FM Mods and Skins by Paulopanz - A/J/S 32 Lansen FM Mods and Skins by Paulopanz - Jaktraketkapsel M/57 by Cocas - Danish F-100D by Paulopanz - Norwegian F-104 by hgbn - Norwegian F-5A by Column5/The Mirage Factory - Su-9A by Pasko, updated by Wrench - Swedish Weapons by Ravenclaw007 - Unified Effects Pack 1.1 by Stary - Ground Effects Collection by SF - Better Widesky for SF2 by Cellisky and Insky_orsin - Alternative Cloud layer 1.0 by SF Big thanks to all of you. We could not done this without you. Goes double for Paulopanz If I forgot anybody, this is completely unintentional and will be corrected. Just drop me a line and I fix. There will be bugs, ladies and gentlemen. I cannot guard against everything. So you are my eyes and ears. Find them. Report them. Hunt their mothers. And we will destroy them. Click here to download this file
  23. Appearently Midvintermörker broke The Catalina Affair. Working on SF2: NA Patch.

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