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Everything posted by JonathanRL

  1. "Thoose blokes over at MiG stole our engine licence! And they put it into a great fighter! Jolly good show of them! But we need to show them proper Gentlemen does not accept defeat so easily." "Break out the Bear plans. Make a copy, but a better one. That will show them. Oh, and bring me the tea. Black."
  2. TSF Lead here with some evening toughts about modding and his progress trying to apply new tech on old things. Good things: The Task Forces actually seems to move. They certainly are not where they started. Bad things: This has triggered no responce from the Air Forces who seem to keep ignoring that the Navy exists. While this is realistic, its not fun. Question: How the hell can a naval unit in the middle of Helsinki be Unidentified?
  3. Nope. Also, everybody ignores the Task Forces. Will try Daves trick once I am done with this.
  4. Currently working on implementing new campaign features in TSF. I must say; its easier then I expected. Most of the legwork is already done for OIB. Of course, now one have to see if it actually works too :D
  5. You simply add them onto the Task Force in the Campaign file. One may need to convert the Task Force itself into SF2: NA standard, but just adding the escorts is cut and paste.
  6. Thats easy. Check the screen shot a few posts up.
  7. PureBlue: What changes have been done to the terrrain_water map?
  8. Adding taskforces is simple. Making them appear where you want is a little more tricky
  9. NAVAL_STRIKE mission command works in single missions, and orders you to engage a Task Force. This has hilarious consequences on a 3rd Party Map. Not tested other TK Maps yet. In short, you are asked to go to find and destroy a Naval Task Force on Land that is not present ;-)
  10. Kelps ;-) This probably means they are not crusie missiles, just meant to draw fire from the Crusie Missiles.
  11. I dont see why not. Nothing in the .ini yet suggests that it should not be able to. When i did my testing a few days back with the older commands, a Crusie Missile Flight of Lansens used RB-04 against AA. The "CrusieMissile" weapon type ought to sort that out.
  12. From Tu-16 Mod: [CruiseMissileAI] ReleaseRange=280000.0 ReleaseAlt=10000.0 ReleaseInterval=5.0 Cruise Missiles seem to be ASMs - Thats quite glorious to say the least. Funny. Do they count as ASMs? Badger has primary role CM but can only carry ASMs.
  13. MissionChance[NAVAL_SEARCH]=0 MissionChance[NAVAL_ATTACK]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT_JAMMER]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT_DECOY]=0 MissionChance[CRUISE_MISSILE]=0 MissionChance[EARLY_WARNING]=0 This seems to be the sum of the AI Only roles for campaigns. Going to boot up TSF and see exactly how much I can get away with. Anybody found the entries for Crusie Missiles yet btw? Naval Attack is obviously a Strike mission, but aimed at Task Forces. Naval Search is radar recon - they relay mission information for the Crusie Missile Attackers Escort Jammer is obvious, but have never gotten them to show aside from Mission Editor. Escort Decoy seem to be the fakeout - like Red Storm Rising Early Warning is an AWACS role. We needed that one bad, and it will be most fun. Need testing to verify, but I would hazard a guess this gives priority to the Naval Battles. Also, Task Forces have a ObjectivePosition=380000.0,380000.0 Wonder what happens when they reach it? Amphib Task Force have it. NavalUnitID=2 O. M. G This is connected to the ground unit. This means a task force can ACTUALLY DEPLOY TANKS! I just blew a exitement inhibitor. AlwaysInSupply=TRUE = I think I am drooling. This probably means the unit cannot run out of supply and will keep advancing. Most useful!
  14. Somebody wants a cheap Komet?

    Anybody know what kind of licence you need for Aircraft Cannons?
  15. Somebody heard the Soviet Navy is hunting Tomcats and offered a token support...
  16. My review at CtrlAltElite have been published: http://www.ctrlaltelite.se/2012/03/14/recension-strike-fighters-2-north-atlantic/ (It is in Swedish) http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=sv&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ctrlaltelite.se%2F2012%2F03%2F14%2Frecension-strike-fighters-2-north-atlantic%2F&act=url Google Translate Note that their rule is that I do not put the total score. I give the separate scores and the editor calculates this into the total.
  17. You really should make a fictional "Island Home defence force" with J-32Bs :D
  18. I just did a guest review of SF2: NA for a Swedish site I worked with before, and I have to say while SIM HQ brings up relevant points about the bugs, the fact is he lets almost a quarter of the review be just about them. The work standard is to mention bugs but not to this almost hilariously large extent. One would think he got an axe to grind with TK. Btw, if you wonder WHY one never makes a review largely about bugs, its because most day 1 bugs are fixed whereupon the review becomes obsolete and you have to rewrite it.
  19. Cage? I left that one behind when I set up a new partition just to try out a mod idea :D
  20. Did some futher testing with above. Do not know why, but triggering a flight of Lansens with RB-04 with Crusie Missile Attack made them break and engage SAMs. Either Crusie Missiles need a certain setting or something is amiss. However, flying Strike Missions with them is entirely feasible despite "Strike" command being omitted entirely.. Going to test an anti-ship mission next.
  21. Aight, We will prob implement SF2: NA features into the game soon, and I will make sure the cockpit fix is implemented :)
  22. CONFIRMED: AI Roles from SF2: NA now works in installations without SF2: NA I created a seperate testbed on a seperate drive with no connections to SF2: NA, then entered the following: PrimaryRoles=NAVAL_SEARCH,SEAD_ESCORT,ESCORT_SHIP,ESCORT_JAMMER,ESCORT_DECOY,CRUISE_MISSILE I am happy Swede :)
  23. I'm on a Horse

    Stop stealing Daves ponys!
  24. Firing missiles - like a BOSS! Also, the Soviets seemed to have a dullness tracker to find the AWACs. EDIT: Also confirmed that SF2: NA roles was patched into non NA installations with march patch.
  25. You dont want to hear it. Intercepting the crusie missiles is a pain.

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