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Luiz Carlos

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Posts posted by Luiz Carlos

  1. I´m using Win XP at this time and still suspicious about Win 7 and my old games like Il2 and Rfactor not functioning properly on it.

    I have been playing SF series since initial launch and the screenshots that I saw don´t clarify to me if I will have graphics or gameplay gains if I do the upgrade to Win7 and buy WOV2 and WOI2.

    What about to play WOI2 in Win XP? Are there noticeable graphics changes vs Win 7, because DX10 shaders?

    Thanks in advance for replies.

  2. Hi, well, maybe depends on where are you...


    At 1982 at the south Atlantic, maybe the worst thing to find is a couple of Sea Harrier with their lethal 9-L.

    At the time of the Beagle crisis bettwen Argentina and Chile, the FaCH's Hunters and F-5 should meet Mirage III and V, and maybe some Peruvians airplanes too.

    In Korea a Mig-15, at the six days war or Yom Kippur, an Israelian Mirage 5 "Nesher".

    The 9-L was so dangerous at that time that it gained the nickname "Wish me" missile, because all was needed are to "wish" the enemy dead.

  3. new pics! :smile: good to know you guys are still working on it!


    edit: Is it just me that I see transparent water on the second pic?

    No, it isn´t just you.

    C´mon guys , ROF team launched their sim in an unfinished state.

    Do the same, go for the open code model , letting the comunity help to expand the game and you will have a winner, I asure you.

    Just see the loyal base of fans ( me included) that TK has.Do you remember Strike Fighters when it was launched (sad...) and what it turns to be today?

  4. There is also a British Green Tracer SPG Mark VIIG mod available under the Modding Tools and Add-on Software section. Haven't tried them out myself yet....

    The effect is fine to me, really.

    I´m asking only because I have seen this effects in a video here and it seems to look better than what I remember.

    I realize that impression was because the video shows the tracer effects from a external point of view, and I play only in internal view, and with all the head shaking by TrackIR use.

  5. Yep, I confused the magazines,that´s for sure.The important is :you are doing well , what means we WILL see JT in the near future!(I´m a selfish little bastard,I know :rolleyes: )

    Please, tell us when the History Chanel episode goes to the air!

    Keep the good work and :a video?

  6. Hi,Dante.

    Does you have any news like a video or possible release date to us?

    Maybe it can be a good thing to keep the fire between those that are not following the JT developing.

    BTW, I read the "Sucesso" magazine ,about ThunderWorks studio,you guys are doing really well, congratulations!

  7. im in the bomb alley. i dive to attack a ship but a miscalculated the airspeed and altitude and suddenly i CRASH in the water ,horrible !! :ok: how it will be shown? will we explote and bounce like in wings over israel? will we sink literaly? wwill the aircraft have like a small motion of a crash?? Give your opinion

    Oh and one more thing do you thing we will be able to make kamikaze bombing ? like we are in an a4 and want to bang ourselves to a ship and make A LOT of damege if not sink it? :dntknw:

    I vote for a realistic aproach, following the laws of physics.

    And not forgetting appropriate ejection sequences.Please not repeat the sad ejection of WOE/WOV.

  8. What is it, 10 days or two weeks ?


    Sounds lke Ground Hog Again, and again, and again, again.


    I hope Bert Piels and his seven brothers are up to it

    I have killed 9 in one mission using the Twin Vickers Tripe in campaign,full real DiD.(with auto-mixture on)

    The tripe is untouchable by Albatrosses,if you keeps turning and count with some luck, you can do the job.

    The thousand rounds helps a lot.

    Sadly I was killed four missions later in a nasty side slip stall...

    Doesn´t had too much time to cheer myself after having the kills confirmed...

  9. I'm sure the medals could be improved...but until I have a pilot who actually earns more than 25 medals flying DiD style, I can't say it much matters to me. But since they have stated the will continue to improve P3, who knows? They may well put that on the list. My wish list leans more towards Gothas and HP 400s as well as Random Enemy Aircraft choice for QC so you never know what you'll fight next, or how many. But whatever they do, it will be well thought out, realistic and fun as hell.


    Just saw your post Paarma. You must have been putting it in as I was doing mine. To me, those look great.




    Yes,I´m Flying DiD too, but I have to say that I saved my pilot once, when I exit warp and the plane enter so violent spin that my right wing was ripped off.

    To me this isn´t a normal situation, so I saved him without pain in the heart.

    I´ll try to reach the 25 kills score and retire him after this.

    I´ll try the german side after this ( don´t like it very much , I find german planes a bit heavy,with excption of Dr1 of course.

    And the new medal system looks really great!

  10. I´m flying with RNAS as usual ( I love their planes)

    Now I have a 21 kills confirmed and received four DFC.There is no other medals, or this is a bug that repeats the same medal all the time?

    Anybody knows what kind of medals we have in game by service and what´s necessary to earn a medal?

    I think a DFC is earned for each 5 kills, am I right?

    But I´m not sure if this is realistic or if was this way in WW1.( an English ace with a 60 kill tally had 12 DFCs?)

  11. Date is february 1916, im a british at Bertangle. Althought I can understand that airplane where not that common over the sky at that particular time. Come on , 15 missions and nothing ? I got air activity set a heavy. My radar is on and nothing. ITs a bit boring.

    Yep, it seems that is nothing ou there in early 1916.It happens to me too.

    I think this is caused by the OFF stable not been complete at the moment,it will probably fixed by adding new early planes in the future.

    Try a campaign started in august/september 1916.There are more activity then.

  12. I would like to say something to you OBD guys.

    The most part of people here are veteran combat sim players , I suppose.

    We have experienced a lot of flight sims in the last what?fifteen years.

    Your masterpiece are been compared to us against nothing less than Il2,RB3d,EAW ,Aces of Pacific,red baron and some other sims and guess what?

    You are on the top of the list with your sholders against only the best.

    This is no easy to reach.For me you are a complete surprise.In a month , I have your team in my mind in the same height of Oleg maddox, for example.

    In many ways even better.I was resisting to buy your game because I hated so much in the past CFS3.It´s a mistery for me how you guys achieved to do a Picasso from a grafitti in the wall.

    THAT is talent, nothing else. :ok:

    I would like to say:we need you in the market.Now and in the future.

    We just can imagine what you could do with a more modern engine.You have the raw material to be the best in market for years and we all support you in whatever you decide to do.

    PS:put more videos in the net in other flight sim sites.Your videos convince me to buy OFF the first time I saw it.

  13. is there a fix for the constant locking/freezing suffered in game?

    I have a good system Intel core duo E 8400 with Ge Force GTX 260 and 4 GB RAM, and I am able to reach 18-72 fps (18 over airfield)

    I have no graphics problem with settings 5-5-3-3-5-2 , with the exceptio of the occasional freezing in the image.The interesting is that the game continues to doing his calculations, because when the image unlocks, the plane "jumps" to another location and I learn to manage the stick trying to guess a way of not "jump" to a nose down position( died one time because this)

    I read something about a "Frame Cap" that could solve this.

    Do you have experienced this and knows a solve?

    Thanks in advance.

  14. I take-off from Droglandt airfield going to Defend Airfield Patrol.Reaching Rougefay we engage the at least eight enemy A/C .I started to turn like mead, doing rolls, half-loops , firing every time any aircraft enter my sight without too much planning.

    I couldn´t fire more that two secs at time, because at least one or two Albs was trying to gain my six everytime.

    I was seeing enemy aircraft crashing in the ground but was not able to say if the was really my victories.

    In the end of mission , I had no clue how many I had shot down, so I fill the claim with five victories, expecting to down the bet until the claim was accepted by OFF manager.

    I was staggered when all the five kills were accepted!So I was doing after mission review when I discovered that I actually had shot down NINE Alb DIII!

    The maximum kill tally I had was three, so I know that probably will not happen again.

    But was really great and the fight is so great in this game, that you really feels rewarded.

    I cannot praise enough my beloved Tripe twin Vickers, what a fighter!

  15. Yep, the Immelmann works very well; did that, when attacking a two-seater.

    But when I read Interlocuter's careful handling the right turn, I ask myself again:

    does perhaps my older rig not perform the whole trickyness of that crate?

    Or is a pilot, who is used to a heavier plane like the Albatros, predesinated for flying her?

    I find her easy to fly - with no problems at all.

    And the next thing I'll try later today, would be a loop.

    I find it easy too and I know that I am not better than anyone...

    It makes me think that the trick may be going soft with the stick.

    If you are naturally careful to fly any crate you might not be entering in dangerous situations related to the flight envelope?

    Or maybe it is just waiting to killing me in the next turn...

  16. Chew on this for a while


    In the proper hands, it was a great weapon, if the pilot lived long-enough to learn it. In 1917 she killed so-many pilots, she was called the widowmaker. If you can get it up in the air, too steep a climb, it stalls. A tight turn at low speed, it stalls. A sharp turn to the left it climbs, a sharp turn to the right, it dives. If it turns too long, to the left, it stalls.

    When you turn quickly to the right, if you're not expecting the dive, it's a killer.

    High Rudder must be used in turns, when the aircraft is sideways, the rudder is used as a huge elevator.

    It'll then turn tighter then anybody.

    It then becomes a very dangerous weapon, with the twin guns, and the great sight.

    IF you're still alive that is



    It's advisable to Go Medium until you feel confident, or perhaps you enjoy making new pilots, that I don't now

    But,Uncleal , I would like to add that after proper training,you CAN fly it without fear, but you have to learn the tricks.Yes,using the rudder in turns is a great tip, and becames natural with time.

    It´s not difficult to master it to any experienced flight simmer here.In real life they throw the poor young pilots into combat with 17 hours FLIGHT time(not COMBAT time)

    It´s like to fly this beast without having previous experience with ANY flight simulator at all.

    With the little difference we don´t have to risk our lifes...

  17. As luck would have it I've not seriously tried the Camel before. Had a brief fling several releases ago and found her rather like my first wife, petite and pretty but bloody tempramental (with the emphasis on the latter two syllables!) :dntknw:


    So my present campaign pilot now finds himself bereft of his beloved Tripe and saddled with the Widowmaker. I tried her out in QC and thank God I did! She's well-named 'Camel'. Not only does she seem to have the hump with me she often turns around and spits in my face. :spiteful: :black eye:


    Just to check really that I'm not missing a trick, re: the OFF FM as opposed to the RL FM:


    Should I expect to have to stick on loads of downward trim on the elevators?

    I know she has a vicious and famous right hand turn but should she be so incredibly sluggish on the left?

    Should I expect to bleed off energy so quickly in a zoom if she's tail-heavy... seems to stall sooner than is practical. I mean, I know her reputation for stall = spin but what's her best angle for a quick climb?


    All that said, when trimmed and respected in Free Flight she is agile, hammerheads beautifully, barrels poorly (that's probably me), loops as well as the Tripe and sideslips and skids in a way that could be a real combat bonus. And I'm glad my TrackIR will be sorted tomorrow... I can't fly a Camel on Padlock!


    So, how do I fly her aggressively and on 'the edge of the envelope'?


    'Wooden Cross, Red Cross or Victoria Cross' they told us when we took delivery. I seem much more inclined toward the first two. :skull: :crutch00:


    Any advice welcome, ta. :salute:

    My Camel pilot died yesterday with 6 confirmed and 4 pending,DFC, in 8 missions.

    He falls in a combat against 6 Albs , had downed two before taking shots from three more on it´s six.

    Probably they cut me a cable, because I lose aileron control.It was difficult not to ending the mission to save my pilot, but I fly DiD, so I let the man find his fate.

    The Camel is so agile , that in normal fight conditions you are out of range of an Albatross.You can turn on a dime, it climbs very quickly, and the two Vickers helps a lot in finishing fast your opponent.

    I can fight one versus two Albs without too much fear,(not WITHOUT fear), usually bagging the two.

    The range is about 333 miles, so good that I fly with 60% of the tank in most missions.

    And, yes, TrackIR4 will help you a lot because upward view is not very good.

  18. Pol,


    I think you did a masterful job on the flame DM

    I haven't had a flamer in a while

    Mostly smokers that eventually lose control and auger in


    But I sure remember a scrap about 2 weeks ago where I got 2 Camel flamers!

    1st one burst into a fireball on the 1st burst, snap rolled & spun in

    2nd one took more short bursts but eventually a fire lit on the starboard engine

    I pulled off expecting a crash

    He pulled out and it looked like he was actually attempted a landing

    Didn't make it though and folded her up


    Wow, just like RL!

    I like that flamers are present but not too common ...more special tht way


    Thanks for all your efforts :clapping:

    Yes, I put an Eindecker down once that plummet slowly to the ground.I was after him, just having the sweet taste of victory,waiting for the right spot of crash to fill my claim form.It ignites a flame, only seconds before impacting .It really looks like real life, indeed.

    Cheers to all devs efforts, here too! :good:

  19. Normal DM is the most accurate from my point of view. You get flamers only with careful shots at the engine area. Flamers were not that usual you know...From Bishop's 72 victories only a few were flamers.

    I revert to normal DM, too, after reading a lot of combat reports and seeing Eddie Rickenbacker´s episode in "Dogfights" I realize that probably was much more easier to down a plane that in Hardcore.

    I was a Lieutenant in the Brazilian army , (doctor) and I was able to fire a MAC field machine gun once(7,62 mm french build)

    Well ,that does A LOT of destruction in my point of view.I imagine what it could have done in a wood and canvas full of gas airplane.


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