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Everything posted by ArturR

  1. I want to be wrong but from TK latest post it looks like we will stay on the same level in avionics department...
  2. A must see

    'The Force' still the best
  3. If I remember correctly even in arcade Novalogic sims you can control E-O weapon and pointing seeker where you want. Like Teras said why not unlock guided weapons but still have this magic E key for not so experienced players?
  4. Well FM in general is some kind black magic for me not to mention how this all crazy things like flaps works in RL bug I need to do some more reaserch.
  5. Dancing with 'NODE's' model or whatever these things are called Fubar you're right about automatic_speed I mentioned this because TK used this deployment method in F-16.
  6. I think there is also AUTOMATIC_SPEED. I playing around with Bug and made working flaps in double mode - automatic and manual. thanks God for OUT file Im still not sure about values, in automatic mode work only inner flaps and they move to the max 20 degrees. This mode is used in normal flight. In manual mode inner and outer (flaperons) move to the max 45 degrees. 45 deegrees set is used to the landing, 30 degrees to the take off.
  7. No flyable bomb trucks? It's not a problem...
  8. Ridley Scott's Prometheus trailer

    Oh I cant wait, half year is a very long time... and this creepy music reminds me first Alien climate so it could be epic.
  9. Why this line I associated with "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." anyway I started thinking about these big hunky A-S missiles under red birds. If I'm not mistaken next TK addon after Tomcat game will be Mirage F1... and his one of the main weapon is (was?) Exocet right? Soooo... oh it could be still just my wild conjecture
  10. Im not sure if it was earlier but I noticed that after falling into a spin in F-15 rudders are now automatically moving.
  11. Version


    F/a-18 Superhornet avionics mod v1.0 - 21.07.2010 For SF1 and SF2 I made this avionics mod based on Jane's F/a-18, Digital integration F/a-18 Superhornet and other "bug" sims, also used sources like guncams, photos etc. Its still far from ideal (TW engine limits) but I tried to give imaging of real APG-73 radar and Hornet Hud using this what TK implemented in avionics70.dll F/a-18E/F/G INIs are the same Later I will do avionics for older Hornets. -------------------------------------------------------- Installation - First make backup cockpit folder and avionics.ini and cockpit.ini files - Put all 'cockpit' content from this mod to ...Objects/Aircraft/FA-18X/Cockpit folder - Put properly avionics.ini and cockpit.ini files from this mod to ...Objects/Aircraft/FA-18X and let overwrite (If you are using SF1 series, copy properly INI files from 'SF1' folder). In this mod I also added Erwin Hans repainted cockpit panel for F/a-18 Superhornet if you decided to use it just put F-18_Cock1.bmp from 'superhornet panel' folder in this mod to ...Objects/Aircraft/FA-18X/Cockpit and let overwrite. -------------------------------------------------------- I used: -Mirage Factory few tga graphics -Crusader a-g gunsight -EricJ hud target box -Erwin Hans repainted panel Thanks ArturR If you have any questions, sugestions etc. just PM to me at www.combatace.com
  12. Yes I added IFF but of course its only imagination :-) I have no idea how it is displayed in real. I don't think so that IFF informations are displayed on radar screen. But all in all better to have this than nothing. Here is friendly guy I also made little pdf where is explained "target lock" stuff Radar mode1.rar
  13. Well I have SF2 Europe + exp2, hmmm dont know what is the problem...
  14. Unfortunately does not work in SF2, it hangs up when we go to hangar section.
  15. I mean it has slower acceleration(?) but is more maneuverable at lower speeds...
  16. Yes, from your mods Przemek BTW Is it me or A-10 has slightly changed FM?
  17. Finally disappeared flare anomalies
  18. [TextureSet003] Directory=USAFGrey1 Name=USAF Grey MASK-10A Nation=USAF Squadron=510TFS StartDefaultDate=1992 <--------------- Specular=0.400000 Glossiness=0.400000 Reflection=0.000000 DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE <--------------- hmm these entries were previously or it something new?
  19. Weapons Editor no longer sees stock weapons
  20. Did you tried to reduce the second parameter in ViewportTopLeft entry? It should work.
  21. Look at the hud section, there are entries: ViewportTopLeft= <------------ this responsible for left and upper hud drawing limits ViewportBottomRight=
  22. I suspect that he somehow modified avionics60/70.dll using hex editor.

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