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Posts posted by ArturR

  1. I think there is also AUTOMATIC_SPEED. I playing around with Bug and made working flaps in double mode - automatic and manual.


    thanks God for OUT file


    Im still not sure about values, in automatic mode work only inner flaps and they move to the max 20 degrees. This mode is used in normal flight.

    In manual mode inner and outer (flaperons) move to the max 45 degrees. 45 deegrees set is used to the landing, 30 degrees to the take off.





  2. "Once upon a time the Soviets launched a massive offensive in Europe..."


    Why this line I associated with "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." :grin:




    I started thinking about these big hunky A-S missiles under red birds. If I'm not mistaken next TK addon after Tomcat game will be Mirage F1... and his one of the main weapon is (was?) Exocet right? Soooo...


    oh it could be still just my wild conjecture :grin:


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