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Mike Dora

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File Comments posted by Mike Dora

  1. A very impressive mod, look forward to trying it out.

    Regarding FM’s comment,  there is a lot of truth in that. If you think deterrence is expensive, try having a war.


    I was on board the old Ark for a few weeks in 1978. By then she was beyond tired, she was knackered!!  (..underfunded maintenance; besides, Eagle was always the more serviceable ship).

    We left Devonport with only 3 shafts working, and halfway across the Atlantic the ship broke down completely. Came to a dead stop for repairs, happily it was a nice calm day. Remember looking out to sea at the time, watching our circling escorts (Devonshire, Antelope), thinking “good job there isn’t a war on”…

    • Thanks 2
    • Confused 1

  2. Like it Wrench!

    Quite reminds me of the Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania. It’s like a “Lost World”, with a  floor is about 5000 ft above sea level, and a unique ecosystem plus unique species, quite separate from the environment outside its ~11 mile diameter crater wall.

    Did a very enjoyable safari there (with a rather lovely friend ;) back in 2003.

    On a more prosaic note, was amused by your inclusion of a location called Easthaven.

    Easthaven is just 5 miles south of my home town in Scotland, Arbroath,


    Changing subject slightly, have enjoyed “flying” around your forest bowl terrain in Royal Navy FAA Skyrays FAW1 and FAW2.

    ”More to follow” as they say..


    and stay well



    • Thanks 1

  3. I remember a long time ago reading in Flight magazine, in the context of a discussion on how great the RR Merlin engine sounds, a former WW2 German pilot describing the DB601 as sounding like an "asthmatic stone-crusher".


    Now I know what he meant!

  4. Stephen this is so good, a Ninack at last!


    Now if one without modelling skills can ask a master please, how about a DH9 proper? That is one of the few important types still missing from the FE world.


    Of course, ideally it would have to be programmed for a high frequency of engine failures.. :-)



    But thanks again, stick with it, people like me are very grateful for the efforts of people like you.



  5. malibu53 & eburger68,


    This looks like an incredible package, but I have what must sound like a very basic question. How can I make it work with WOV v1.0? Or maybe to put it another way, what would I have to do to my WOV v1.0 installation, to upgrade it to WOV v2.0 standard? Because somewhere along the way I seem to have missed out on the whole SFP/WOV/WOE/WOI v2.0 thing..






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