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Everything posted by bobrock

  1. Random Pic Time

    I always wondered if I could fit one of those in the trunk. I guess the answer is no.
  2. Porc..........

    Mannaggia, auguroni Veltro!
  3. Tornado! Ancoooora?

    Nada capo. Ma mi sembra di avere una vecchia rivista a casa con qualcosa, se la trovo ti aggiorno
  4. Buone feste a tutti!

    Auguri a tutti di Buon Natale. Ecco qualche consiglio per chi è rimasto bloccato dalla neve
  5. I'm glad to see there's interest in this plane. I can't spend much time on the project ATM, i hope i can resume it during the holidays. Have faith ;)
  6. SF-2E/NF series AMI Tornado

    Confermo, purtroppo son cose che capitano. Non ho mai capito se è un problema di mappatura o di mesh non chiusa. Io con AD non voglio avere niente a che fare, ma se mettete tutti 5€ posso pensare di fare un tornado nuovo come si deve Hai fatto un gran bel lavoro X, il mio contributo è marginale e meriti tutti i complimenti
  7. You can still find low mileage older cars

    In '94 I bought a 1967 Beetle (just like the one in Muesli's pic) with only 25.000 km on the clock. I'm pretty sure they were original since it was only used during the summer holidays. I happily did the remaining 100.000 before selling it with over 130k. The problem with these cars nowadays is that with the anti pollution laws we have, you almost cannot use them anymore. That Omega looks quite pristine and 80s Opels were really solid cars, enjoy your (almost) new ride.
  8. Veltro, ask Aleks or NGHENGO. Maurizio was the one working on it but I don't know what's the status right now
  9. SAITEK X-45 issue

    Well, after a few months without flying, I decided to take my X-45 off the closet and make a couple of scrambles in BoB. After a few minutes I remembered why I wasn't playing anymore, the throttle seems to disconnect randomly during the flight, the button lights go on and off and the overall performance of the stick is affected. I think the problem lays somewhere in the connection between stick and throttle, but due to my total lack of hardware skills I have no idea of how to fix it. Any suggestion?
  10. SAITEK X-45 issue

    Thanks guys, hopefully in the weekend I'll see if any of your suggestions worked
  11. I try to keep my planes around 15.000 polys, but I think that anything under 20.000 will still work fine. Remember that you can always use progressive lods for different distances. Anyway just check the .OUT files, they should contain the poly count. Textures can be a performance killer, but you can easily reduce them to a more comfortable size.
  12. It is, the pit is so tiny I had to modify a pilot model "cutting" his legs to make him fit
  13. So, yesterday was a nice day for a photo safari :) The IV-P will also get a proper pit, but I want to finish the skins first (as you can see it's quite raw now). So here's the question for the experten: I found pics of the plane both in dark and light blue, is the darker one an older scheme? When did the navy switch colors?
  14. I like this DiD idea, I use to play Silent Hunter III like that. This could be a good reason to get back flying. A couple of questions, just to see if I got it right: Any version of the game's allowed (SFP1, WOE, WOV, SF2...)? Only stock campaigns or mod like ODS and NATO fighters too? A pilot can fly as many campaigns as long as he stays alive? thanks
  15. Campagna...che brutto motore

    Lock-on non è male, l'add-on flaming cliffs è particolarmente apprezzato... sempre che ti vada bene avere a disposizione solo 4 aerei. Le campagne mi sembra che non siano dinamiche, ma non ci metterei la mano sul fuoco, la grafica è apprezzabile ma un po' più esosa di WOE. Con un pc moderno non hai problemi a girare con tutto al massimo, ma non penso usi le dx10. Rispetto a WOx è molto più difficile da moddare. Personalmente l'ho trovato un po' "freddino", nè carne nè pesce. Se cerchi una vera campagna dinamica Falcon è l'unico che possa impegnarti, immaginalo come un gioco di strategia in cui puoi anche volare.
  16. Tornado 50.mo mi servon foto......

    Hai guardato su airliners o airfighters? Non ne abbiamo molti, credo li abbiano fotografati tutti ormai. Altrimenti prova su italianvipers, il forum è un bel covo di spotters
  17. Sounds strange, smells bad, but tastes goooood !

    As an italian, french are actually the only ones I trust about food or wine. Of your list I can only disagree on the Beaujolais (which is not exactly immature, but fermented in a different way from the traditional one) which I don't even consider a wine :P But I come from a place where the traditional dish is made with boiling oil with anchovies and garlic melted in it. Now that sounds bad, smells bad but tastes good. Of course it affects your social life for at least 72 hrs.
  18. File PlaneFire.wav?

    Se non è nella cartella "sounds" probabilmente è nel file objects.cat che devi aprire con l'utility Cat extractor
  19. Thank you VERY much for this info, I guess I owe you a beta tester spot
  20. Of course, I always test the crash abilities of plane throughly
  21. Thank you guys for your help, I'm still looking, but I'm confident that the answer will come... eventually when it's released :D I just started mapping the plane and I'm asking you if you're interested in a P (recce) variant. The difference is not that big and it served until 2000, so it could be interesting having it in some modern theatre, like Kosovo.
  22. Armamenti per gli Addon di Strike Fighter Project One

    AAAAAH! "vecchio simulatore"!? AAAAAH! ERESIAAAAA! LOL scusa :D hai ragione, ma qui di vecchio c'è solo il motore del gioco, come avrai notato ogni giorno qualcuno tira fuori dal cilindro qualcosa di nuovo e bisogna dire che alcuni mod più recenti, come qualità, sono pari a prodotti a pagamento ben più blasonati. Per installare le armi dai un'occhiata alla sezione knowledge base del forum, trovi tutte le istruzioni. Comunque per riassumere: patch oct 08 scarica e installa il weapon editor per le versioni 08 dal sito thirdwire/downloads/tools & utilities se non funzionasse il programma, eseguilo in modalità win 98 in aggiunta consiglio di scaricare l'ultimo weapons pack da qui (credo sia di mirage factory) Buon divertimento :)
  23. F-104S Revamp

    Felice di vedere che se ne faccia un buon uso
  24. I remember the Typhoon has a very complex ini, just a couple of questions, LS_IRM is linked to LS_qty or to LS? Have you tried stepping back and making just LS work and then LS+LS_Qty or LS_IRM, just to check if you got the right figures? The thing I can see is that in [LS] you set position 1 to value 3 and it should turn on only when AHM ans SAHM are selected, if I remember correctly.
  25. I know I'm being anal, but the numbers on the stick are mirrored ;) It looks really nice, do you also have a Ford class carrier for this bird?

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