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Everything posted by bobrock

  1. VF-84 Jolly Rogers



    VF-84 "Jolly Rogers" - The Final Countdown, circa 1980 This skin depicts the paint scheme in use at the time the movie "The Final countdown" was shot. In 1980 VF-84 participated in this motion picture, which propelled the skull-and-crossbones-adorned F-14's to international stardom. The movie featured a memorable scene involving two VF-84 Tomcats engaging two Japanese A6M Zeros. Installation instruction in the readme.txt included.
  2. Aermacchi MB-339A PAN

  3. Harrier GR.7 Skin

  4. J79 Exhaust Effects

  5. Version


    Koninklijke Luchtmacht - F-86K Kaasjager This skin is based on the plane Q-283 from 700 squadron, now gate guardian at Twenthe AFB.
  6. AIM9 Sidewinder

  7. Invincible

  8. This one has been sitting on my HD for way too long, so maybe going public will make me speed up a bit and complete it in a reasonable time ;) The external model is 100% complete and is just waiting to be mapped and skinned. Even though I don't like unnecessary animations, I added a few just to spice up a rather plain... plane The real challenge is going to be the pit, it's almost finished, but I have some issue with some of the gauges and I could use some help identifying them 1 - RPM with 2 needles? 2,3 - no idea, maybe some bomb release selector? 4 - no clue again, but goes anticlockwise I understand this is not exactly a popular plane, so any help is highly appreciated.
  9. AV-8B Harrier II plus



    MDD-BAE Harrier II+ This is the most recent Harrier, a mud mover with good A-A skills, weapon of choice of USMC and defender of the fleet of italian and spanish navies. Detailed instructions in the read me file included. Good hunting. bobrock
  10. Harrier GR7



    The Harrier GR7 is a license-built American-designed AV-8B Harrier II fitted with RAF-specific navigation and defensive systems as well as other changes including additional underwing pylons for Sidewinder missiles. The improved design of the GR7 allows the aircraft to carry twice the load of a GR3 over the same distance or the same load twice the distance. First flight of the Harrier GR7 was in 1989, and deliveries to RAF squadrons began in 1990. A total of 96 aircraft were ordered, including 62 interim GR5s which were later modified to GR7 standard. Detailed "readme" file included. The TIALD pod included in this pack is meant to be used only with this plane. Just as a reminder, maximum VERTICAL take-off and landIng weight is 18,950 lbs. If you try to take off vertically with a full load of weapons and fuel, the plane will simply not get airborne and, if you try to land, you'll fall like a brick. Best vertical landings are performed with a 25% fuel load or less, just experiment to find the right compromise. Good hunting bobrock
  11. Questione di carattere

    La seconda che hai detto LOL No, dai non è così differente, in realtà è l'amarillo che è proprio disegnato male. Visto che si tratterebbe solo di 10 caratteri, per fare proprio il difficile, costa meno farseli. Non credo farai fatica a trovare le fotografie di riferimento
  12. Well, I guess you all know the plane I'm talking about, so I'll just show the wip so far. Still a few things to polish in the ini, but it's almost ready to be textured

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