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Everything posted by bobrock

  1. File Name: Harrier GR7 File Submitter: bobrock File Submitted: 3 Jun 2009 File Category: Harriers The Harrier GR7 is a license-built American-designed AV-8B Harrier II fitted with RAF-specific navigation and defensive systems as well as other changes including additional underwing pylons for Sidewinder missiles. The improved design of the GR7 allows the aircraft to carry twice the load of a GR3 over the same distance or the same load twice the distance. First flight of the Harrier GR7 was in 1989, and deliveries to RAF squadrons began in 1990. A total of 96 aircraft were ordered, including 62 interim GR5s which were later modified to GR7 standard. Detailed "readme" file included. The TIALD pod included in this pack is meant to be used only with this plane. Just as a reminder, maximum VERTICAL take-off and landIng weight is 18,950 lbs. If you try to take off vertically with a full load of weapons and fuel, the plane will simply not get airborne and, if you try to land, you'll fall like a brick. Best vertical landings are performed with a 25% fuel load or less, just experiment to find the right compromise. Good hunting bobrock Click here to download this file
  2. SF-260

    Fa sempre piacere sapere che i progetti sotterranei siano ancora vivi. Per le dimensioni credo che le taniche non siano comprese, ma per toglierti i dubbi basta il righello. Se il disegno non è "stirato" e la lunghezza tutto fuori corrisponde nelle varie viste, allora la larghezza sarà giusta di conseguenza. Non sarò certo io poi ad accusarti di averlo fatto qualche cm più corto o più largo ;)
  3. File Name: Tornado F.3 File Submitter: bobrock File Submitted: 16 Feb 2009 File Category: Tornado The Panavia Tornado Air Defence Variant was developed by Panavia on RAF specific request for a long range interceptor to replace the aging fleet of Phantom and Lightning. It featured advanced avionics, supersonic speed at all altitudes and the capability of keeping station far from base and for a long period of time. Detailed read me included for further details. Good hunting bobrock Click here to download this file
  4. small/big news checksix site is down

    "waiter the site" "points of disjunction" WHAT??? I'm not french but I guess I can translate it in some non-klingon language ;) Following a server problem all the hosted sites are off-line. We're working for a quick return. We cannot tell when we will be back online. The TS (teamspeak?) server is still operational to limit the damage. Hope they'll get back soon. And if you don't understand Derk's statement just look HERE
  5. OOOOOH! Fantastic job Enrico, I was really starting to worry you were gone. Welcome back
  6. I don't know how the other modelers do it, but I set specular and reflection in MAX as FC suggested AND use a TGA map to set the tint and transparency of the glass. I usually start low with the settings than adjust them to my taste.
  7. Computer crash

    I feel your pain, one of my pc died last month. I hope your data are safe, that's the only thing that really matters.
  8. Family Size

    Big bottle or small dude? ;)
  9. These birds really look fantastic! I'm going to free up some disk space, while patiently waiting the usual 2 weeks
  10. Happy Birthday 331Killerbee

    Happy birthday KB
  11. What Cool Feature did you find today?

    I noticed you can download a discussion in different formats, that's a very useful option I could have used many times. I would have chosen open doc, rtf or pdf over the word format option, but I understand that it is a standard. Also you can choose the font in the post, are they embedded in some way in the page so that everyone can display it correctly?
  12. New Forum Software Announcement

    I like this new "web 2.0" style, fantastic job
  13. Un vasto numero di cvn

    Alla lista di Lukko aggiungerei la CVN-78, in costruzione, che dovrebbe entrare in servizio nel '14-15, giusto in tempo per in nuovi f-35. La nuova classe Ford
  14. il 2 sturmovik : birds of Prey

    Intendo dire che appena esce un nuovo gioco per pc bisogna sempre pensare di spenderci su dei soldini per riuscire a evitare l'effetto "slideshow" e avere una grafica decente. Da questo punto di vista ho sempre preferito le console, esce un gioco nuovo e che tu abbia una macchina di 3 anni o appena comprata, il prodotto è godibile al massimo, da tutti e allo stesso modo.
  15. il 2 sturmovik : birds of Prey

    Trasformando in vaporware?? SOW E' vaporware. Ne sento parlare dal 2005 e a parte qualche bel rendering e tanta fuffa, di ciccia se n'è vista poca. Le interviste di Oleg si risolvono con "può darsi, vedremo, chissà, non posso anticipare niente..." Questo port per console mi sembra un onesto sistema per mettere fieno in cascina e almeno non bisogna comprare un sistema dedicato o fare un upgrade da 1000 euri solo per poter avere un po' di grafica ben fatta e più di 10 FPS. Mi chiedo solo qual'è la compatibilità della ps3 con le periferiche usb tipo joystick, pedaliera e manetta che piacciono tanto a noi hardcore simmers.
  16. I'm totally obsessed by researching all the info I can. Before even starting a project I spend a month or more just looking for books, data, pictures, tailcodes and it doesn't stop until it's done. I actually scrapped a few planes just because I wasn't satisfied with the data I had at the time. I guess it's my rivet-counter soul...
  17. The Hurt Locker

    It's a very good movie, apparently it had some distribution problems and in the US it came out a year or so later than Europe
  18. Happy Birthday Soulfreak

    Oh, I'm always late, happy birthday mate
  19. If you have the 3d I think you could try adding them as counters (though I'm not sure they can work as digital counters in the ini). If you don't have the model I don't think it's possible.
  20. Sorry I can't help. I'm still stuck with the legacy WOE, I just flew her a few days ago to check on a few things and everything was still alright. I hope someone with the new gen sims knows what could be the problem, my guess is that something must be changed in the inis, but I'm not familiar with the new ones.
  21. Traccianti a-10

    Non ho presente il problema nello specifico, ma a vederlo così ti manca qualcosa nel gundata.ini. Intanto l'arma funziona e non vedi i traccianti o non funziona del tutto? Nell'A-10 standard è tutto ok? Controlla poi il data.ini dell'aereo, la sezione internal gun probabilmente fa riferimento a un'arma specifica, segnati come si chiama esattamente. Apri poi il gundata con notepad e cerca il nome che hai trovato nel file dell'aereo; se non c'è, allora il problema è quello, se invece ci fosse, prova a cambiare i valori RGB con quelli di un'arma che sei sicuro funzioni, tipo la browning .50.
  22. View File AV-8B Harrier II plus MDD-BAE Harrier II+ This is the most recent Harrier, a mud mover with good A-A skills, weapon of choice of USMC and defender of the fleet of italian and spanish navies. Detailed instructions in the read me file included. Good hunting. bobrock Submitter bobrock Submitted 05/26/2008 Category Harriers  
  23. Spillone104 Buon compleanno !

    Auguri Alessandro! Piccolo regalino, per l'anno prossimo vediamo di organizzare qualcosa di più solido ;)
  24. lol not so far from truth: Fuel is in Kg and thrust in Newtons
  25. Supercrociera

    Immaginavo che il nostro "motorista" sarebbe stato il primo a rispondere. Comunque ecco un link che spiega come funziona, anche ai sassi come me. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supercruise

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