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Everything posted by bobrock

  1. Did you try using Trooper's IDS cockpit repaint?
  2. [IL2] Guida all'utilizzo del FMB

    Grazie per il tutorial Mustang, quasi quasi mi hai fatto venire voglia di reinstallare IL-2 1946 :) Se ritrovo le skin che avevo fatto le metto nei download
  3. Seven-G is still in developing phase, you can download a beta from their site http://www.seven-g.com/ It needs a lot of refinement, but it looks promising, and you can have some fun doing carrier traps on the bug.
  4. Thank you Diego, these pilots are fantastic
  5. Okay.Okay

    Auguri Grande Capo ! Fa piacere rivederti in zona :)
  6. File Name: TIALD 400 File Submitter: bobrock File Submitted: 15 Jun 2009 File Category: SF/WO*/FE Weapons Mods/Skins GEC Marconi (now Selex-Galileo) TIALD is a second-generation laser designator pod, which initially entered service when it was still in the development stage in the Gulf War in 1991. The success of precision-guided weapons during the War showed there was a greater emphasis on the need to employ such weapons, which led to a requirement for more TIALD pods and for them to be used on a number of different aircraft platforms. The current 400-Series pod is flown on Tornado, Harrier and Jaguar ground-attack aircraft. This TIALD designator pod is for generic use. With the Harrier GR7 I suggest you to use the one provided in the airplane pack, which has a dedicated pylon. To install copy the two files in your Objects/Weapons folder and add the following lines to your WEAPONDATA.ini, changing XXX to the first available number in your sequence. Remember to open and save the file with the weapon editor to make the changes effective [WeaponDataXXX] TypeName=TIALD FullName=TIALD 400 ModelName=tiald Mass=230.000000 Diameter=0.500000 Length=2.900000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.770000 AttachmentType=NATO,UK SpecificStationCode= NationName=RAF StartYear=1991 EndYear=2020 Availability=1 BaseQuantity=1 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=4 StoreType=3 CameraFOV=2.500000 CameraPosition=0.000000,0.125000,0.000000 CameraYaw=0.000000 CameraPitch=0.000000 CameraRoll=0.000000 SightTexture=avq23sight1.tga EODisplayFlags=268697602 SeekerRange=27.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=180.000000 SeekerNodeName=Tiald_head01 SearchFOV=5.000000 SearchTexture=avq23sight2.tga Click here to download this file
  7. Version


    6° Stormo 154° Gruppo "Red Devils" This skin depicts planes from 6 Stormo in the standard NATO camo, with white numbers and big national roundels, used by Italian Aitr Force in the 80's. Readme included
  8. TIALD 400



    GEC Marconi (now Selex-Galileo) TIALD is a second-generation laser designator pod, which initially entered service when it was still in the development stage in the Gulf War in 1991. The success of precision-guided weapons during the War showed there was a greater emphasis on the need to employ such weapons, which led to a requirement for more TIALD pods and for them to be used on a number of different aircraft platforms. The current 400-Series pod is flown on Tornado, Harrier and Jaguar ground-attack aircraft. This TIALD designator pod is for generic use. With the Harrier GR7 I suggest you to use the one provided in the airplane pack, which has a dedicated pylon. To install copy the two files in your Objects/Weapons folder and add the following lines to your WEAPONDATA.ini, changing XXX to the first available number in your sequence. Remember to open and save the file with the weapon editor to make the changes effective [WeaponDataXXX] TypeName=TIALD FullName=TIALD 400 ModelName=tiald Mass=230.000000 Diameter=0.500000 Length=2.900000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.770000 AttachmentType=NATO,UK SpecificStationCode= NationName=RAF StartYear=1991 EndYear=2020 Availability=1 BaseQuantity=1 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=4 StoreType=3 CameraFOV=2.500000 CameraPosition=0.000000,0.125000,0.000000 CameraYaw=0.000000 CameraPitch=0.000000 CameraRoll=0.000000 SightTexture=avq23sight1.tga EODisplayFlags=268697602 SeekerRange=27.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=180.000000 SeekerNodeName=Tiald_head01 SearchFOV=5.000000 SearchTexture=avq23sight2.tga
  9. Allora?

    Ricordo ai meneghini la mostra fotografica "Questa è la guerra" dedicata a Robert Capa fino al 21 giugno presso il Centro Internazionale di fotografia FORMA. Questo è uno degli 11 scatti sopravvissuti del D-Day.
  10. F-104S Revamp

    Benvenuto nel club A volte le differenze sono dovute agli aggiornamenti fatti "in corsa" ed è facile trovare esemplari incongruenti con lo standard (quando esiste). Secondo me dovresti fare un mod "canonico", cioè attenendoti solo alle informazioni dei documenti ufficiali, come se fossero aerei usciti tutti uguali dallo stabilimento e mai più toccati.
  11. Allora?

    E la consegna della bandiera di combattimento alla Cavour
  12. The biggest external difference between GR5 and GR7 is in the nose, which is less cluttered with antennas, pods, optics and such, and houses different avionics. Also the pit has a smaller HUD (like the first AV-8B) and an old style moving map display. Anyway, from my point of view, the lack of a gun is not as important as the lack of a radar.
  13. I forwarded your issue to Whitehall sorry, I couldn't resist. They don't work because... well, they don't. Apparently they had jamming and weight problems so the program was scrapped.
  14. Remodeled a few details of the plane and the pit, I only have to finish the last skin. It should be out soon
  15. Problemi con i Goa

    Non ho presente il sistema impiegato, ma immagino che i missili siano montati su lanciatori rotanti/basculanti. Il "parkinson" non è dato dai missili, ma dal sistema di mira a cui sono legati (come dice Spillone), nel momento in cui agganciano il bersaglio dovrebbero ruotare automaticamente e lanciare. A parte il tremolìo il resto funziona bene?
  16. Guys, your screenshots look so much better than mine... I'm embarassed. I do need a new rig Anyway I didn't really bother about the gunpods, since they're not operational, but I was sure that someone would eventually make them work. Battler, would you share the ini lines?
  17. You are both correct. The difference between GR7 and GR9 are mostly avionics related. The larger LERX are standard on new built GR9 and have been retrofitted on some older GR7. GR7A is a GR7 with an upgraded engine. The 9A is an upgraded 7A. Anyway the GR9 has not completely replaced the GR7 and they're both operational with Joint Force Harrier.
  18. I'm quite interested in using this technique for my next pits, does anybody have a step-by-step-for-dummies tutorial? It could save a lot of polys and the results I've seen are very close to a full 3d model.
  19. Well, the bird has flown. I just uploaded it and it will be available in a few hours. It took more than expected to finish it, I hope you enjoy it :) I will upload soon a generic TIALD pod, to be used on the Tornado and the Jag.
  20. This is what I know, from an old file I have: PRESSURE_ALTIMETER ---> usable for 4 digits altimeter (needle and digits) PRESSURE_ALTIMETER_1 ---> needle only for 3 needles pressure altimeter (needle only) PRESSURE_ALTIMETER_2 ---> needles and digits pressure altimeter PRESSURE_ALTIMETER_3 ---> needle and digits pressure altimeter (1 needle + 3 digits)
  21. Well, unfortunately I didn't win the lottery and after my (too short) holidays I'm back to business. The plane is on final, I only have to check a few things that I left behind, finish the read-me and it's done. Last teaser pic, showing the loadout options
  22. Looks like there's some interest in the Tornado lately, so I think it's time to show what I've been working on in the last weeks. The external model is done and so is UV mapping. The data.ini is still in the early stages (needs a lot more work) and I'll start the pit soon.
  23. Apertura stagione acrobatica PAN

    Mi raccomando, chi dovesse andare faccia un po' di fotografie per quelli che lo vedranno solo in tv. Speriamo solo che il tempo migliori un po'
  24. Nice video, your landings look better then mine!
  25. Silverbolt!

    oops, sorry I missed that. Happy birthday my friend :ghey:

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