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Everything posted by sandbagger

  1. For those who've not edited files before in FE: The soundlist.ini file is located in the Flight folder - FlightData.cat file. To edit the soundlist.ini file (LloydNB post above), you'll need to extract the file from the FlightData.cat file using the sfp1e.exe (available in the CombatAce downloads).
  2. Hi There, Downloaded the file again today (12 May) but it still won't open (corrupted) ?
  3. Calling FireCage

    Hi There, First off, many thanks for this great campaign, it must take alot of time and effort to create something like this. One small point however is that the wwiCampFCPF.ini file still has this tagged as version 3.0. It causes the campaign to show as version 3 instead of 4 in the FE campaign selection list. Opening up this file and changing it to read 4 sorts the snag. Thanks again
  4. You may already know, but the DIII has been released already at the Skunkworks.
  5. Hi Tailspin, I tried reducing the bitmaps to 512, but it didn't work for me. Having said that it could work for others. Someone has stated that the polygon count for FE models tends to be higher than for models is SFP1, so maybe it's that that can cause some to experience frame rate issues. The frame rate hit does seem to be linked to the fine details (rigging etc). I've read that reducing the in-game horizon setting to NEAR can help. Whatever, it's still a great model and won't stop me from flying it
  6. One point to note is that if you lower the LOD1 file value too far, it will reduce or even remove aircraft detail (as with the LOD2 file). This can increase frame rates but means you can lose external details (engine, Prop, rigging, tail skid etc).

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