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Posts posted by csb

  1. LOMAC's big downfall is no dynamic campaign. Otherwise it has the best terrain - mountains and deep valleys.


    At least falling coconuts are unpredictable:)

  2. I've found no other game with the immersive quality that Strike Fighter creates with the radio chatter. It's realtime and most (90%) of it is triggered by actual events in-mission.


    SF has enough variety so it doesn't get repetitious either.


    I start to feel lonely on most other sims.

  3. Get the fantastic Weather Mod by Cellinsky, it's in SF Maps/Terrain Mods here at Combatace.


    This may solve your problem.


    Even if you have fixed it, this mod adds more realistic clouds and removes the wallpaper clouds that are always in the distance (even on clear days), It's eeeasy to install - all files go in the flight folder (now that is easy) You even get cloud layers.


    And doesn't hit fps.

  4. Hi, Go to




    click - Strike Fighter link

    click - Aircraft, Objects and Utilities

    click - Construction School


    Apparently not the easiest thing to use. But many have conquered it.


    I actually would like to make mountains for the Desert map but haven't tried tackling it yet due to the bewildering tutorial.


    Did you get the latest version of the editor from Thirdwire?

  5. When I target ground objects I use the padlock view to position and line-up on target then switch to cockpit view.


    But I can't work out how to make the FOV remain constant when I switch between padlock & cockpit... What I mean is that when I switch from cockpit to padlock, I want the fov to remain the same and visa versa.


    Looks like in viewlist.ini that I need to change the TRUE/FALSE settings for "RememberFOV" but doesn't do what I want/anything. Maybe I need to change other settings.

  6. I fly with all settings on hard - ground attack is not harder than a/a.


    Read the mission brief.


    - When in the target area (about 6Nm from target)


    ---- press "closest target" button and usually you lock on correct target


    ---- use padlock/player-to-target/target-to-player views to identify target and it's position.


    As I line up and dive towards target, I use padlock and cockpit views while zooming in & out. Occasionally also use "player-to-target" views.


    - If you can't get padlock on correct target


    ---- ask Red Cown for primary target position


    ---- then press "last radio target", usually you will then be targetting the target called out over the radio

    (in this case your primary target)


    To increase challenge, try to remember target position once identified, don't use padlock, don't contact Red Crown, use radar in ground mode and use dots to locat target area.


    I gradually turned all settings to hard as I got better. The edit to reduce target box size was great but now all settings hard. As in real life the US jets and pilots are formidable, so US jets usually win each mission.

  7. Thanks, fellas


    Info in data.ini matches ok.


    I had to change the engine sound as it wanted a sound file I don't have(engine sound ok) but still can't get it to play afterburner.


    Actually it does seem to use the sound I allocate BUT very quietly. AND I noticed that all my addon a/c (I have 5) have similar problem. I can't get addons to play afterburner very loud only very quiet (sounds like soft rumble, just audible).


    SO MUST BE MY SYSTEM/INSTALL perhaps. Any thoughts/ideas?


    I tried to increase sound volume using WinXP Sound Recorder but no go.


    Sound recorder does work as I have done it with other SF sounds (flaps, tyre touch, etc) but it won't work here. Have tried various alternatives as I have some sound packs DL's.

  8. I got the f16a block10 by xevilpetex however some things are awry.


    The CCIP extends below the hud.


    The waypoint needle is missing.


    The afterburner sound doesn't work - it wants the stock JetBurner but no sound i have and tried to make it use other afterburner sounds but still no sound.


    There is no canopyGlass reflections - it has F86_reflection1.tga (and 2), I assume these are correct. (Makes this particular jet seem incomplete as no struts to show that there is a canopy)


    Just a screenie af cockpit panelScreenHunter_003.bmp

  9. I capishe :good: Thanks Z


    Herbaliser - a tool you will absolutely need is the "sfp1 file extract Utility" (also sfp1e), available here in the SF utilities section.


    For some mods you need to extract the ini file, which can then be edited in Notepad.


    Also used for other files that may need to be extracted and changed. It's VERY simple to use.


    Basicly it extracts the files, that you want to edit, for changing such things as clouds, loadouts, fix the checksix view, delete the min-hud, repaint mirror plates, build a jet, terraforming, etc., etc.


    It creates a copy of the file locked in cat files, so if you muck it up then just delete to go back to original or extract again.


    Some/many mods, in downloads, require you to extract files to be able to use the mod.

  10. Herbaliser said "to get familiar with how the structure of this game works"


    Not sure what you mean?


    But the enhancements I find a must are:


    Cellinsky's weather mod - fuller and more natural clouds

    Shoulderview (check six) fix - so when key pressed I am looking behind (outside view)

    Weapon_LOD_Flyby_View mod- gives loooonger flyby view

    Dueces desert repaint - adds colour, inhabited areas are greener




    SmokeFX - gives taller!! columns of smoke for some bombed objects

    Disable the "Mission accomplished" "Mission failed" announcement

    UberAI_v2 - incr AI aggression (not sure if it's better than stock SF with sfp4)


    I fly with all gameplay settings to HARD - incr's the challenge (although incr'ing these settings was gradual)


    I don't bother with addon aircraft (phlying phantoms is phantastic phun) except the MirageIIIC (from Mirage Factory ?)


    This is the best era for flight simming - a/c not too complicated and most enemy encounters are in visual range - dogfighting. These era jets also beat WWII era because of speed. Love it!

  11. Have you applied the update that comes after SP4 (check downloads Combatace) . The update had a specifc fix for some bugs I was having when playing Merc. I had up to 16 jets in squad (even on recon), had to load individually (sometimes), jet and money allocation issues.


    Have you flown without your mod campaign? Do Navy, usmc, usaf play alright?


    I don't have your issues and the update fixed mine in Merc.


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