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Posts posted by csb

  1. I have SF2 July 2013 clean install. I installed Piecemeal's Desert 4 terrain as per the readme. However I had to change the name of the terrain folder to Desert (delete V4 from the name) to get it to be used by the game. Could this be due to not have SF:NA installed as recommended.


    My main problem is that I tried to install the Desert 4 Mountain Regions + addons, by Centurion1 BUT I cannot get the game to use it. I have tried some basic editing of options ini - including with the terrain folder being named Desert & Desert4.


    I would prefer not having SF:NA installed - already have 3 titles and play SF2 90% of the time.


    Any help would be great.

  2. Yes, added the AI components - copied from an F4 but it didn't improve. Perhaps I'll try another a/c.


    I'll also check over the detect system.


    Thanks dast but the gun works ok when I'm piloting.


    The AA-8 is ok and suitable for me because:


    In my SF world, I only allow IR missiles to be carried - makes for close quarters combat!


    The a/c seem to all converge into a smaller area which makes things really hairy . . . more near misses!

  3. I have installed the MF MiG 29G which was recently converted to SF2 standard by dast24.


    However, they rarely fire missiles at enemy.


    I don't have a weapons pack installed so I edited the loadout to 6 X AA-8.


    The MiGs have the missiles but in a flight of 8 a/c only about 3 missiles total will be fired.


    They do chase enemy but rarely fire missiles. AND I just realised I have never seen them fire guns.


    It doesn't matter if I am in command of the flight or if they are all AI controlled.


    I also have the MF MiG 29A which I converted to SF2 myself and it is the same - no aggression.


    I fly SF2(June2010) with little modding - updated Desert terrain, cloud mod, addon a/c.


    No weapons pack because it creates armament lists, in the loadout screen, that are tooooo long.

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  4. You get some modern a/c with SF2 Europe. And if you get SF2E you can also get the Expansion pack which will give you ability to edit the random missions before take-off.


    There is a F16 Blk 10 in A/c downloads. I have it and it is my main flyer.


    Also F14, F18 & F15. And others.


    I have only SF2 and have deleted all jets and added modern a/c from this site.

    Quite easy to do. I just don't fly campaigns because specific a/c must be entered in campaign files.



    Also be aware that some a/c downloads do require files that are in specific SF2 titles.

    So read through the description and requirements.

  5. Glad you found the manual. The knowledge base is mainly for modding or troubleshooting.


    At thirdwire.com there is a good, and short, tutorial on using the early radar system for guided missiles (Tutorial uses radar pics from SF2 F4 Phantom).


    It is posted in the General section of the 3rd Wire forum.


    BUT the site is down for maintenance at time of this post.

  6. I have the same problem with Loading Screens.


    I have taken screen shots (to use as loading screen for specific aircraft)and the game saves them in jpg format.


    When I edit the aircraft ini to use as loading screen (AND type in jpg), I just get a black screen. (Screen shot is put into specific aircraft folder)


    If I use windows paint to save the jpg as bmp and do necessary edit, then all is ok.


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