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Posts posted by csb

  1. Basher


    Possibly the values you want to look at are in the aircraftObject ini from the ObjectData cat.


    Below are highlighted some likely(?) lines that may deal with what you want

















    I suppose this could make the AI more deadly.......Great!

  2. No patch to make compatible with Vista.


    Instead Thirdwire will completely update the series to be compatible with Vista and re-release them. You cannot patch it to your current game.


    It seems people will have to pay for a new original copy if want Vista compatible title.


    Read this, about halfway down the page: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=5039


    You can play current TW sims on Vista but need to do a very simple edit in the terrain data ini - see the Knowledge Base.

  3. Yes, changing your controls ini to be Read Only will keep your saved key commands if you unplug controller or forget to put it in and start game.

    (If you have set up custom contrls with a custom name (ie Logitech Pro.ini), that is the ini to change)


    To change ini to Read Only; right click on ini file (in Controls folder), click Properties, tick Read Only.


    BUT then you cannot change any key commands in the game menu unless - first untick Read Only box - then go into game & change key commands - then change ini to Read Only.

  4. Hi Christian


    I tried your ubar AI but it's changed a lot of the keycontrols.


    So I copied the controls list from original AIRCRAFTOBJECT ini, but still the keycontrols are changed (both joystick & keyboard).


    ie wheelbrakes on my Joystick is button9 but this now drops the tanks and also some others don't work.


    I'd like to try your mod but I need to have my controls back. How can I fix this?


    PS I notice you have added more keycontrols.


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