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Posts posted by csb

  1. I am using this campaign but I don't fly Red so I have not installed the a/c config ini's that came with this mod.


    But, I noticed that the a/c data ini's have been included. I'm wondering why - don't you only need the config ini to make a/c flyable?


    What changes have been made in the a/c data ini's.




    Included in this mod is fixed FM for Mig23. Is this FM fix for the all 3 differennt mig23's that are in WOI?


    The readme says the fix is based on Nele's fix - Nele's download has fix for only 2 mig23's.

  2. The red square is just a visual guide for the virtual pilot as you may realise.


    The wingmen may not drop ground ordinance immediately after receiving the "attack air targets" command. If no air targets they will keep ordinance until some bandits are in range/appear.


    And for ground attack, make sure you let the wingmen know soon enough so they can line up for a run in on the target. Otherwise they usually take a while to make a suitable flight path in to bomb on target.

  3. Yeah, lots of brown lawns in the suburbs. Good to see people doing the right thing.


    And because you're in South Oz I looked for this link from the Knowledge Base, it shows how to map stuff to the Animation keys - canopy open/close is used as an example...Perfect :)


    http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=24370 I hope it works for you.


    So, you have someone to LanPlay with, lucky devil! I've played once with a brother but he didn't think much of it.


    I have SFGold but just got WOI, so I don't play the SF anymore. With WOI I don't need to add many mods or edits, etc.


    I like it better than SF. I had a fly of FE but it gets a bit boring for me. I haven't played any others.


    Go The Crows!

  4. In multiplayer you don't get the loadout screen. Your loadout is based on the loadout ini so that's where you have to set it (obviously before you start the game). Bad luck for us, many have commented on this.


    I think you need to add the function into the appropriate ini (cntrols ini ?). It must be a 3rd party a/c.


    Do a search and also look in the Knowledge Base.


    Many a/c with canopies that can open are set so the canopy will close when you reach a certain speed - possibly around 20 km/h. This is in one of the a/c's ini files.

  5. Thanks Wrench.


    I was pointing out that you can't change player a/c from the instantaction ini, you must change it in the options ini. You can also make change in instantaction but not necessary.


    AI can be changed in the instantaction ini.


    TK's response from TW forums: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=5079


    "I think the Instant Action player aircraft type is read from Options.ini instead...



    AircraftType=F-15A_Baz <- try changing this"


    And he is correct, as usual.

  6. Let's hope he continues working on the DX9 engine afterwards...............


    TK has said, on the TW forums, that after release of WOI they will be releasing patches to bring the previous games up to the same level.


    Depending on how much I like WOI, I think I'll be putting SFG away. The mods can get a bit tooooo much - so many to keep track of and overlaps.


    I'm dissappointed that the sun will still be the pointy sherriff's star kinda thing - that'll be the first mod to do! :)


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