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Posts posted by csb

  1. Re: SAM calls -


    I suppose it depends on why you want to get rid of the SAM calls.


    But there is a speech mod in downloads that makes the caller give out the targetted a/c's number, so then you know if you should worry.




    The called number may relate to you or an a/c with the same number in another flight though. At least you know if the SAM call is possibly relevant to you.

  2. You may also want to check the aircraftobject.ini.


    There are various altitude settings under the many AI skill sections (these paragraphs start about 1/3 of the way down the ini), ie :














    Note: some of my listed values are not default due to mods.

  3. Perhaps I missunderstand your question, but you can change eject position in the aircraft's data.ini.


    From an F-16 data.ini





    EjectPosition= 1.0,-2.0,-0.05 <<<<< change xyz co-ordinates






    Maybe also try changing the other variables here for what you want to do.

  4. Have you played with the engine entries in the Soundlist.ini?



    In the soundlist.ini (Flight folder) check any engine/burner entries, especially last 3 lines (Default values in RED):











    InsideConeAngle=300 360

    OutsideConeAngle=360 360

    ConeOutsideVolume=60 0



    My settings:

    Inside.....=300 - So when looking forward and to either side the engine noise is reduced just like being in a cockpit.


    ConeOutsideVolume - This sets how loud the noise is inside the cockpit (0-100%) Leave at 0 when Inside/Outside are at defaults.

  5. Yep, you can land at any friendly airbase after mission is completed. Or you can just hit the "End Mission" key without landing. I usually land at the nearest airbase.


    You can land before mission is complete (perhaps you have run out of ammo) but when you end mission it will be called aborted.


    Mission is complete when either success or fail. You can still fly around and attack if you still want to.


    The mission is successful if you (or your squadron) destroy the required percentage of air targets - this percentage is set in one of the ini's - it can be changed. Often it seems shooting down about 50% of enemy squadron will bring success.


    If target is a ground target then success can be just hitting the one target, ie communications tower.


    To practise landing set your jet to autopilot just before landing and watch how it lands - look at speed, thrust settings, etc. The jets approach and land with the nose up but I usually approach with the nose down so I can see the runway and then pull the nose up just before touchdown.

  6. You can make it so these tanks DO jettison. I like to get rid of the tanks.


    This can be done for any a/c.


    Open your Nesher Data.ini.


    In the Weapons section, locate the paragraph for the two external tanks and change the NoJettison line to FALSE



















    NoJettisionTank=FALSE <<<<<<<<<


    If you have any a/c and can't drop the tanks, then this is probably why.

  7. Silly boy, that sounds like the stock "shoulderview". It shows a view from behind the plane and you can pan, but then it reverts back to the forward from rear view.


    The default next object view ( f6 ) is what you want.


    There is a mod for the shoulderview that puts the camera just above & behind the cockpit and looking to the rear (checksix). This mod then leaves the camera facing the direction you turn it to. Pressing "next object" whilst in checksix then switches to next a/c. Do a search at simhq for how-to + some editted ini's.


    Also there is probably a manual on your CD & Thirdwire have a manual you can download or just look at.

  8. ...... something that's already been covered in detail by both Wrench & Myself
    ..............................................................................................................................so do a search ya lazy monkey!


    Well, with my extrapolation of your quote, then this is like real life. :yes:


    So thanks YooEss, I'll look.

  9. ......unless their avionics ini has been sepcificially tweeked, and the "HasRWR=TRUE" has been added to their data inis, most of the Red Air birds don't/won't have any clue their being fired upon .....

    Now that sounds interesting.


    Can you explain more about the avionics tweek - what exactly needs to be done.


    I can see where to add the HasRWR part in the DetectSystem section.


    Will this work with all a/c even if no actual RWR?



  10. Trumpets blaring! Drums beating!

    Dancing girls dancing! Swinging doors swinging!


    Tah! Daah!!..... :biggrin: ....Made it... :good: ..So, who's shout? :cool:


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