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Posts posted by csb

  1. Aircraft overlap by many years, so you will get older a/c flying with the new.


    You can do a seperate install and delete all older a/c and just have newer a/c. Probably only suitable for single missions - maybe also deleted ALL campaigns from this install.




    You can create/edit a campaign to only have the a/c you want. With editing you may need to do new loadouts and weapon supply.




    Edit availability years so less/no overlap.

  2. Yes, some of the jets have irritating noises, especially the Mirage.


    What I did for the F4 is to mod the enginesound by giving it some echo. Now the sound in cockpit has fuller reverbration quality and is more mellow (easy on the ears) and imo it is very realistic - too someone who has never been in a pit.


    But I also found that while it sounded great in the F4, it wasn't as good for other jets.


    So, by modding stock sound and various 3rd party sounds, I have made individual enginesound files for my favourite jets.


    Very easy to do:


    Open winXP Sound Recorder - find sound file and open it - select EFFECTS - select Add Echo - SAVE.


    (For the Mirage, I found the sound also needed to be slowed down a bit, using Sound Recorder)


    You will need to give individual names to these sound files AND edit the enginesound entry in the specific a/c data ini to use the file.


    I highly recommend this as it increases the immersion.

  3. All campaigns are based on a map/terrain. So 1st check which terrain the campaign uses (this can be found in the campaignData ini.


    If desert map then you need SFP1 or Gold - this is stock map for SF and is not available for seperate download.


    There is a 3rd party desert but I don't think it is compatable (at all) with campaigns for SF Desert - it is a completely different map.


    If campaign uses other map, then you need that map.


    Then check which terrain cat the map uses - look in the terrain ini in the terrain folder ( eg Falklands.ini).


    Most maps can be edited to use a different terrain cat see:



  4. RE: Only night missions -


    Have you tried all 3 campaigns?


    Does it matter whether you are Israel or Arab?


    Perhaps download the file again.


    It's a great campaign set, actually my fave (haven't got OTC yet).


    BUT it does seem to have some glitches.


    I have posted a thread, twice, about no enemy a/c in target area when I'm on a ground mission (Hmmm, maybe I should download again).


    AND some of the weapon supplies do not fit the year date, too heavy for pylons, etc.


    Many weapon supplies do not match a/c loadout file.


    So lots of checking and editing.


    The Meteor F8 has a year end date of 1965 but 6DayWar starts in '67 (easy to fix of course).


    Goes to show the benefits of having someone else go over your campaign (which is what many authors do).


    Also I have edited the Israel_targets.ini to reduce the amount of SAM's to 1/3rd of original - they used to kill my fps - still plenty of action from the ground.

  5. I am flying the 6 Day War and have no problems, most missions in daytime.


    You don't set this in the campaign files.


    So you may not have installed properly.


    Did you install manually or use the files manager (I assume you have the MiddleEastWars pack)


    I used the installer and had no probs with the Yom Kippur campaign although now I have just done a manual install.


    Not sure if a/c from this pack show up my MP coop but the Mirages (3 variants) do.

  6. Thankyou fellas for your help. Still hoping for some more concrete answers though.


    Jtin, I think you may be right with the MissionRate because when it is set to 1 (or not much higher), you can get more than 1 mission in a day (ie you fly a mission, then next mission may still be same date).


    But I wonder why is it called NormalMissionRate? I wouldn't think this is as opposed to OffensiveMissionRate though.


    Sparky,with regard to MaxMissions,you may be correct, it certainly does more than just setting max missions in campaign. But I did change this value, twice (while leaving other values alone), and it did something which seemed to indicate otherwise (but now can't remember what happened - will have to investigate again)


    Yesw, I suspect some of these variables are inter-related.


    The Yom Kippur is the only campaign that doesn't have enemy ai show up in the area for ground missions. I used campaign on unmodded install also with some problem.


    Calling all campaign authors. How do you get your campaigns to work correctly.


    This is my biggest bugbear to date with this sim and only cause it's my favourite campaign.

  7. I would like to know what certain variables in this ini do.


    The problem I have is in the yom Kippur campaign. When on any ground missions, there are no enemy a/c in the area.


    After doing this'n'that I finally copied over the values from another campaign and got enemy ai. Hooray! (With a BUT!)



    Original values in red





    MaxMissions=30 22

    NormalMissionRate=240 1

    NormalMissionRateDeviation=90 0

    OffensiveMissionRate=30 .50

    OffensiveMissionRateDeviation=15 0



    BUT with the NormalMissionRate=240 the time flies by, 2/3 of a year between missions. These missions were VERY challenging though.


    I lowered the value but then found the enemy in the area weren't interested in me, and wingie #4 kept wanting to do ground attack, no matter how many times i ordered him to attack enemy a/c.


    Have been juggling values for all the entries in this section of the ini but keep getting unsatisfactory results - either no enemy a/c in mission area or they just ignore me.


    Also copied from other campaigns but not so good either (including wingie 4 wants to be a hero).


    Can someone tell me how these values work?


    Bunyap's campaign tutorial says that MaxMissions denotes "Number of missions until the campaign automatically ends". But this can't be correct. It contradicts the campaign length settings in the game's campaign menu and also what the manual says (stock campaigns have a lesser value).


    He doesn't seem to be too sure about any of these values.


    (Sorry, Bunyap. Please don't take this personally. Your tutorial is a great help.)

  8. Well, they should have, It's such an easy mod to do.


    Maybe they didn't know about the SFP1 file extractor :crazy:


    SayWhat, do you have any enemy with c&f? Makes a difference if they have plenty of c&f - can't shoot 'em down, hardly.


    I only have enemy Mirage & Phantoms with c&f.


    Maybe later I'll give em to other enemy a/c.


    But I was actually wondering about how/what to edit to make them not so reliable.


    I know how to use weapon editor.


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