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Everything posted by wings

  1. anyone care to do a little dogfight on streakserver1
  2. anybody know if there is updated aircraft,load data files for the draken, i get ctd's with some of the weapons. thanks much....WINGS
  3. what's going on here, just would like alittle help to get the gun back and nobody has a clue.
  4. i have wov,woe merged and also have wp.-pack and i've lost the f15 gun in instant act. mode, it has it in single miss. mode. can you tell me what file i need too fix. and how too get there.......thanks much from wings.
  5. yes ingame on control setup page
  6. try setting the dead zone too the center.
  7. anybody know if you can change the cargo ships too sov. carr. group.
  8. is it pos. to change jets to prop aircraft in the insant action. i would like to make it a complete bob game.

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