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Everything posted by magua

  1. Only Europa installed! But,thank you All!
  2. Hello, Missing in runway beton Any idea?
  3. When will be available WP3 Thank you!
  4. Finally, I rewrote NavalMap = FALSE now is good
  5. I can not explain it better If the campaign I use it all right If I use single mission, you can not choose the korea map I installed that you readme
  6. I do not understand, why then the campaign will appear on the map in Korea?
  7. where can I find? 2. Set up the Korea Terrain. a. Download Wrench’s KoreaV3 terrain here: http://combatace.com...rea-terrain-v3/ b. Go to the mod folder (C:\Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Korea\), create a new folder named Terrains. c. Extract the downloaded KoreaV3.7z, cut the newly extracted Korea3 folder, paste it into the Terrains folder created above. Note, after this step, the various terrain files/textures etc. should reside in this path: C:\Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Korea\Terrains\Korea3\ Yes! I installed...but....
  8. How can single mission in Korea to fly? Only Germany map appears
  9. Mirage F-1C_73

    unfortunately, does not appear in the pilot seat :-(
  10. Unfortunately, I see the Su-17/22 cockpit There are many things white What is causing this anomaly? http://imageshack.us/a/img842/8936/img00023l.jpg Any idea?
  11. So to get back to the original problem! There will be a solution to improve the white areas?
  12. - 39890SUSIE.rar : @paulopanz - SF2_Fitters.7z : Eric Howes - Su-22F-M3.7z : Spectre8750
  13. A Su-17/22 package contains the cockpit! - SF2_Fitters.7z - Su-22F-M3.7z - 39890SUSIE.rar etc....
  14. Hello, I am using ATI HD5800 card I do not turn on the radar, it is white! I would be very grateful, because I love these type of Sukhoi!!! Thank you! Zsolt

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