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Posts posted by ShadowXP

  1. Hey, I saw in the options that there is a button for the Cobra maneuver, I presume you must be flying the Su-27 or 33 to do this... does any one know the finer points of executing this maneuver?


    The Cobra can be performed with the MiG29, as well as the two Sukhois. There is a speed-limit in place (around 400knots or so if I'm not totally out in the fields), but as long as you're under that you should do fine. Remember to have enough altitude so that you can recover properly and not make a swimming-pond for the groundhogs like I did on my first try :P


    The procedure is pretty straightforward, though. Here's what I usually do when attempting this move:


    1: slow to under 400knots

    2: Throttle to Idle

    3: Haul back on the stick while hammering the "K"-key until either my hand bleeds or the jet Kobra's.

    4: Punch the stick and throttle forward to lower the nose and get your speed back up fast. Again, check your altitude before you do this :P

  2. You can get the tail up at 30mph in the P40.  I recommend this, as it stops the bouncing.


    Tried it, and on the third try I managed not to faceplant/Frontflip (try one), let the tail drop hard back to the ground which provoked a rather fun groundroll (try two).


    The landing? Well.....let's just say that I had a little arguement with Zeke, and that I got my assets put down (in a fireball, I might add...) :grin: I even managed to miss a hangar on my way down, but I think I made a few dents in some aircrafts that was parked at the airport I argued with Zeke over.....

  3. I find that some aircraft, and especially the P40, is insane in it's bouncyness. Have also done a few frontflips (until I found out that mapping a key for chocks = nice thing to to), and quite a few wingtip-strikes with the following crash. Haven't found this sort of behaviour in any of the other aircraft I've tried so far, although some are harder to get off the ground than others.


    The P40 is by far the worst, though. Having to fight it all the way down the runway doesn't seem like right.

  4. Thanks, Dutchy, but I already know of that site =) The two 104's they're flying are actually ex-norwegian aircraft =)


    Here's a brief history of the two aircraft:


    CF104D Two-seater: Came to Norway 14. september 1973 with about 1072.30 hours flight-time, and had some 2623 hours when it was phased out on 9. december 1982. Was housed on Sola Airbase until it passed on to Northern Lights aircraft in late 1980's.


    CF104 Single-seater: Came to Norway 19. November 1973 with 1921.30 hours in the air. Was phased out at 6th of December 1982 with 3482.5 hours flying-time. Housed at Sola AFB until about 1994 before being sold to Rick Swetkoff's Starfighter-team.


    I don't know which squadron they flew with here, but I'll see if I can find out.


    Thanks, though =)

  5. I'm the "lucky" owner of one of the old F16 FLCS/TQS-sets, but I'm having a few problems with it. Mainly: The needed SWF22-chipsets from Stickworks are no longer in sale, and the set will not work without it as of now.


    Thus my question is this:


    1: Do anyone know of any gamecards (PCI) that works with this set? Needs to have analog processing. Have a Thrustmaster 2-port gamecard, but if anyone has any magic way of getting an old 8bit ISA-card to work in Windows XP, please give me a hoot :P


    2: Is there a 15-pin to USB converter that works with this set?


    3: Do anyone know of alternate places where the SWF22 "Eraserhead"-chipsets are sold? Already tried contacting both Stickworks and FSCentral about surplus sets, but alas: Nope.


    Right now I can either have functionable Axis on the stick/throttle, or I can have functionable buttons. Not both at the same time, which is sort of a drag. Using a jittery Logitech-stick right now, but it's not good at all for my use. And since I live in Norway, a new HOTAS-set costs shirt, pants and both socks.


    Thankful for any replies.

  6. This may be a rather silly question, but I'll ask it anyway:


    In the Demo-version and in some of the videos posted on various forums/sites, I've seen that the camera shakes/shudders as if the aircraft is affected by turbulence. It's especially noticeable when pulling a few G's.


    Somehow I can't seem to get the same when I'm flying, and was wondering if there was a way to enable this. Haven't found a setting for it as far as I can see, and it looks rather silly that there's no buffeting/turbulence on the aircraft while pulling G's or in low level/high speed flight.


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