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Everything posted by ShadowXP

  1. Was nice to fly with, and the landings became a bit easier because of the better reference-points on the runway. I had a few strange textureglitches, but increasing ground texture resolution sorted that out. (I keep the textures to a minium on the ground because my comp is underpowered). Good work =)
  2. Looks good :) I'll try it out when I get home from work in a few hours.
  3. Just installed your soundpack, and did one little mistake: I cranked the volume up a tad too high (have the computer hooked up to a rather powerful stereo with matching speakers). Let's just say it was loud. VERY lound. In fact, my four cats now shy away from the speakers, my girlfriend was almost scared witless, glasses shook in the cupboards in the kitchen and a picture on the wall fell down and broke. The sound is, for lack of a better word, close to perfect. All I miss is a bit of depth to the rumble when the engines are close to/at MIL-power, but the AB-sounds are just yum. In other words: The soundpack is just absolutely stunning. Very very good job, and keep'em coming! (if you've got a pretty large stereo with some nice low-frequency characteristics: Try doing a subsonic flyby on full AB. Don't blame me for broken thing/going deaf/mad neighbours/girlfriends or wife moving out and pets hating you forever :P)

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