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Posts posted by tc223

  1. Hey gang..

    After one of them personal life vacations I got a wild hair and decided to give Lock-On another shot.

    Great to see the site here going strong!


    I installed the patch.. does it tell you anywhere in the splash screen that it updated it to 1.02? The

    readme file in the root folder seems to be the one off the CD.


    Hopefully it has improved since last year..


    Still no F/A-18 models eh?

  2. Silence Broken on New Sub Sim [1/15/2004 2:43:54 PM ET]

    Ubisoft will release Silent Storm III, a submarine simulation for the PC, in late 2004.


    Set during World War II, the title will be powered by an all-new 3D engine and will put players in the role of a U-boat commander attempting to seek and destroy enemies while managing their crew. Multiplayer support will be featured as well, including a co-operative mode.





  3. Heh, I flew that new mission last night that was posted online for download (Early Call). (very nice by the way!) after I got back and landed, rolled up to the ramp and shut down. Then I spent the next 10 minutes panning around and drooling for that Hornet.


    This subject has been beat to death but I'm bummed they didn't add that to the release version. I appreciate the fact that ED is primarily a russian studio? but a NATO carrier capable plane would have been great.


    Oh well.. thanks for the screens ;)

  4. Personally, I don't care if we find WMD's. If Saddam had an ounce of brains in his head, he destroyed it just prior to our arrival. To get the sympathy of the world community. After all, he had plenty of time to do it.. Its not like the coalition "snuck" into Bagdad.


    Just the threat that he "might" have them was enough for me. With everything going on in the world, I'd much rather know that he's been taken out of power and that potential for WMD is no longer a mystery for the future. Its one less mess for our kids to have to deal with.


    What happens to Saddam should be up to the people of Iraq.


    PS - Pres. Bush may have some issues but Howard Dean makes me ill. <_< Demos are gonna have to come up with somebody better then that.

  5. Mr. Fork,

    I run

    P4 2.4ghz

    Radeon 9700 Pro 128

    1Gig RAM@333

    X45 Hotas


    I've got the Audigy 2. I'm not as hard-core on the tweaks like some guys are but I've got it to hold at around 30fps for the most part. I can't say for sure what bearing the sound has had. I did however turn downt he acceleration in dxdiag.exe after reading some posts. I can't really say if its helped or not.


    Ocassionally, after flying for a bit and having fun.. suddenly the game bogs down to exactly 3fps until I shut down and restart the game. Not sure what thats all about yet though.

  6. Hopefully this will give families some level of comfort that worry about their loved ones serving abroad. Not to mention the folks that have had to live under this guy for so long.


    Happy to see this day happen but I'll be alot happier to watch more news about our men/women coming home.


    While I'm on the soapbox.. God bless the men/women that put on the uniform both past/present and have kept my lazy ass safe to sit in my house and play armchair warrior.


    Long road ahead but certainly a good day for the world.

  7. I'm at the bottom of the list to get my hands on Nics 'enhanced' manual. But I couldnt stand the .pdf anymore. I took the Hi-Res version of the manual that was released at Ubi and took it to the local "Staples" store and had the thing printed out and bound. I also had the command card printed out and laminated. $11.00 and it was done!.


    I don't know about you guys but my HP drinks ink. Was alot cheaper then printing it out myself. Just thought I'd share in case some of you were in the same boat. $11.00 isn't too bad. ;)

  8. Wow! That surely helped me get thru the first cup of coffee this morning. Congrats Snapple, you pulled my attention away from CNN (which isn't an easy thing to do!) hehe..


    I don't know this fellow so I can't offer much but a name like "Fast Eagle" would kinda lead me to believe the guy was an Eagle Driver? Maybe all the Tomcat names were being used. Irrelevant I know.. just struck me odd. Alot of us dream about being Fighter pilots don't we?


    I wouldn't be too hard on the guy, it's no fun to be misled but the Internet is great for offering anonymity. We all meet interesting folks at one time or another right?


    There are much more serious issues in life that makes an older guy like me kinda chuckle at stuff like this. I don't mean to poke fun.

  9. I think its still too early myself. I once tried a Falcon group although I was 'thirsty' to learn proper technique they were a little to hard-core and it wasn't a very good match.


    I'm sorta hoping one of the veteran members around here would start up a NATO group. Would be nice to stay "close to home" and so far the freindly folks around here are pretty tolerant of "newb" questions.


    I'm also hopeful we'll see Carrier Ops for LOMAC in the future. Everytime I roll off the end of the Russian boat I have this weird vision of "Tony Hawk Pro Skater" that my son plays like religion on his Gamecube.

  10. You asked for Cougar but I had to throw a plug in for the Saitek.


    I really wanted the Cougar but didn't want to wait frankly. I plan going that way one day but in the Meantime.. while it doesn't "look" authentic in alot of respects. The Saitek x45 rig is well worth what I paid for it. And the construction is more then reasonable. The stick itself is USB and the Throttle connects to the stick via serial connector.


    Street price around $75

  11. Was wondering with those of you flying with a HOTAS rig. How do you have yourself arranged? are your controls on your desktop or have you come up with creative ways to get comfortable?


    I'm trying to brainstorm a pedestal setup for the left/right sides of my chair.

  12. I dont think its because Ubi doesnt care. I am betting if you took a poll of the dev. team that needs the feedback of the forums, they are probably just as frustrated as the rest of us.


    I think the problem is there are too many links in the chain for getting things done over there in terms of any upgrades, etc. Thats typical in that environment. Having done lots of IT work for General Motors and corp. customers. It's ridiculous sometimes. They could be having issues with hardware, staff, etc. its not unheard of to wait 180days to get approval for an update like that. I'm not saying thats the situation with UBI but I wouldn't be surprised. Plus the message boards don't generate the income. The product information does so your resources are going to be dedicated to other areas.


    Biohaz is a much more suitable system for that information but then there is costs that Jeff is forced to deal with if that happens from the increase in traffic.


    I continue to "pimp" Biohaz wherever I go until Jeff says that enough :) Bandwidth is expensive.


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