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Everything posted by tc223

  1. Output To Dvi?

    Upstairs in the living room, I've got a decent 50" Widescreen HDTV. I noticed its got DVI connectors on it and so does my ATI 9700 Pro. Just wondering if anybody has tried outputing to a TV like that? (I'm sure somebody has) Is the detail there? Is it worth me tracking down the needed cable(s) to hook up the PC to the Big TV?
  2. Yeah order it! www.gogamer.com is shipping it.. $39.90 plus they always put goodies in with the orders.. cool company
  3. Mudd, Forgive my ignorance but.. "Now just need to wait a couple months for lomac to show up in my stores" Why is that? are you overseas or something?
  4. Pain... Heh.. take a pill brother.. with everybody just getting their hands on Lock on this weekend, they're obviously enjoying the sim! (I would be too if I had it). I am in a similar position as you from the sounds of it (getting back into Simming) but I dare suggest you'll not find a better forum on the net then this one. There is a plethora of knowledge here and it's become my primary resource. Have a beer and hang out a while ;) Cheers..
  5. Sounds interesting MrMudd... Funny I was reading your aticles in the Library tonite thinking "Wow.. now wouldn't it be cool as hell if I had them A-10's overhead covering me zoomin' in there in a blackhawk for that pickup (in multiplayer of course). Not a new concept or original concept I know.. but doesn't stop us from daydreaming, does it? ;) I bought Coastal Heros and had alot of hope for that one. Wasn't nearly as detailed as I'd hoped. :(
  6. Indeed.. like others I am awaiting the arrival of Lomac, Mr. Mudd.. THANK YOU! for the time you invest to share this information. Incredible "Edutainment"
  7. The Cougar...

    Lo-Mac is getting closer as we all know and I'll be damned if I want to suffer flying with my old MS sidewinder. I've been staring at the Cougar forever but reading about troubles with the Pots and talking myself into laying out $300.. I'm having problems with that So whats the low-down, is the pot problem isolated or does it seem to be wide-spread? If so, how quickly can you have replacements in-hand? Is it a long wait? What do the replacements cost? Obviously the only other option seems to be the Saitek HOTAS. Alot cheaper but damn.. it looks "funky".. heh. any heads-up would be appreciated.
  8. Pardon the Newbie Questions, I'm certain they were discussed but I couldn't find them with the search. Is the Drogue chute still inactive or am I using it wrong? It's still to easy to make a "dirty" landing even set to hard :) There is reference in the Patch doc to the C-130. Is this an add-on plane? If so. It it a Spectre or just something fun to play with?
  9. Not flaming or anything but is there any word on a Ballpark release date? Days, weeks, months?
  10. Looks pretty good! I was a bit disappointed at some of the things that seem to be missing that we get to see in alot of other sims. Chances are alot of this has already been mentioned or maybe plans to add it are in the works. This is meant as more of a 'wish list' rather then a 'b*tch list. Visually, the planes look REALLY nice. I'm partial to the Skyhawk myself and it's by far the best I've seen before (granted there haven't been alot of A-4 sims in the past) :) Would have liked to have seen some training missions. Like alot of others, I've been spoiled by the more modern a/c sim with 'line it up, drop it and run technology. The manual is pretty much NIL on the subject of bombing. Maybe someone could write a good tutorial for us newbies? No eject? Boo Hiss - I've become a pro at ejecting <grin> and the press (esc) thing stinks. I don't necessarily need to follow the chute all the way to the ground but visuals on leaving the a/c would have been nice. Cockpits look good overall but it would have been great to see a little more detail in terms of maybe a flap indicator, gear indicator, etc. ~ Sorry, I'm one of those guys that likes being able to flip the switches.. Nose Gear (NWS) - I am a sucker for bringing my plane home, landing and getting to taxi to the ramp. You can do it here, but the darn nose wheel stays straight! Grrrrrr! :) It would also be nice to have at least a "E" to shut down or spool it up. Taxiway lights are too bright, I need a landing light. My map light isn't doing it. Tailhook - awesome! Anybody seen the boat? And while I'm lost in my pipe dream, I want a crash baricade. My Skyhawk has a refuel probe and I wanna use it! We need an A-6 Overall I like it, I've got a long way to go on learning how to put ordinance on target. Hopefully the online community of talented code hackers can make some improvements. Either way it's nice to see a sim dedicated to this era.
  11. That's not that bad of a wait I suppose. Like most I'd rather wait longer to get more fixes. These A/G bugs are killing me! :) I know I can't possibly stink this bad. LOL! Hopefully some FAQ's will pop up soon too. I need a hand figuring out how to put bombs on target. This runway mission is eluding me to say the least. The manual isn't much help :roll:
  12. "Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate"? *bong..., bong.... "Bring out your dead!..." hehe.. Classic flick
  13. thinking Monty Python.. "Oh.. thats just a flesh wound"...
  14. www.gogamer.com just had it on special for $26.90 not sure if the deal is over or not. Try them too if you don't find it locally. Excellent service with them and normally they are cheaper then the others.
  15. Anybody remember this? Man I spent hrs on this thing. Get a load of those system requirements in the lower left corner. Cutting edge stuff. :shock: I upraded to a 286 12mhz w/4 megs RAM to play this and Chuck Yeagers Air Combat.
  16. Alt+C

    Alt-T isn't it?
  17. Curious as to the physical differences in the two? Box art? Different CD art?
  18. Some static aircraft would have been a nice addition also.
  19. Lo' all. Ordered SFP1 from gogamer.com this morning. Should be here tomorrow!. Anxious to check it out. Based on what I've read it has it's problems but that not unusual this time of year. (publishers pushing the developers) :( Went ahead and ordered it though primarily because it appears the community here has embraced it so well. One thing I'm a sucker for is a good take-off/landing experience. I was looking for screenshots but didn't see much on the approaches or tarmac scenery :roll: P.S. I don't suppose by some stroke of genius there is any in-flight refueling is there? I didn't see anything on that but figured I'd ask. If there are any *must do/Have* mods for a new install, I'd appreciate the heads up. For now I'll be flying on a AMD 1.2ghz, Geforce3 64meg, SB Audigy running XP pro and a (don't laugh) MS Sidewinder 2 USB non-ff. Planning on a Cougar but not available locally yet. Thanks!
  20. I too have the MS Precision 2 USB stick. I had to update my Via drivers and it worked ok for awhile, then all of a sudden it would quit. I went thru the normal tasks of re-installing drivers, etc. Only after calling MS on the issue was I told that there was a known problem with this stick and STATIC ELECTRICITY from the USB port. It was recommended to me to unplug the stick for 24 hrs. and then plug it back in. Believe it or not, it worked. Now I just plug it in, use it and unplug it from my USB port when I'm done flying. If you'll notice there isn't one of those round things on the cord like most other USB devices, I guess they really are there for a purpose. Overall the whole situation makes me mad but it's not worth my hassle to send back a $26 joystick. I'm just living with it until I can locate a Cougar setup. Best of luck

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