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Everything posted by Spillone104

  1. F-104S Mod Pack

    Hi Catfish Are you using this mod in SFP1 or in SF2? Anyway there is nothing you have to edit to have those F-104S. Is all ready as long as you have the stock F-104G. Just follow the easy instructions and you would have no problems at all. ;-)
  2. Articolo sul Breda 88 by me

    Ottimo. :D
  3. Articolo sul Breda 88 by me

    Un' esempio di Epic Fail. Come appunto ripetuto svariate volte. Bell' articolo comunque. Prossimo episodio?
  4. Level Bombing

    Here in the sim the accuracy at level bombing is simply not possible because on most tactical fighter aircarft you don't have any sight to do that (as in real life) and the ground radar is not of great help in discriminating targets and giving the proper information on when to release. For accurate delivery of unguided bombs there are other tecniques that indeed permit the drop with a better degree of accuracy and better chances to survive in the enemy air defense environment. BTW I've noticed that the AI use the level bombing only in strike missions, and the release is done when they reach waypoint 5 (target) and most of the time as Wrench wrote they hit nothing that ground.
  5. Wreaking havoc with the Hun. P.S. Really nice shots Sundowner!
  6. Thanks for this pack Stary! Some really nice effects here :) BTW the 23mm effects are quite different from the others (20mm) and have a blinding flash at night.
  7. We have some shadow issues because the current patch deleted shadow casting for 2sided material. A very crude solution to the previous prop issue as prop discs are usually a squared plane (2D) with assigned a 2sided material with a .tga. So the better thing is to wait the next patch and hope for a true fix. Just look at Erikgen G.91Y or Voodoo serie. No shadows. :(
  8. Dear Mr Gadaffi

    My only concern is how soo an "Operation Eldorado Canyon II" colud be done. Possibly hitting a couple of objective in my country after the main operation is over. just my 2 cents for the day.
  9. Tanti auguri a teeeee ...

    Tanti Auguri Gabri! E buon proseguimento nel passaggio a sinistra*! *a sinistra del cockpit.
  10. Happy Birthday to......

    Happy birthday guys!
  11. Nice! Does the Marine one have a different engine?
  12. Finally! A new SAM! Ehm aircraft.... Isn't it an MIM? (Manned Interceptor Missile) Thank you guys!
  13. Hot summer afternoon "Light" antiship
  14. Never knew about it. Anyway this similar effect will be freeware. Here is applied to the TW P-51D
  15. No photoshop. It's done with dedicated effects and many fake jet engines. for low rpm (dry exhaust) the orange-yellow effects and for high rpm the (AB exhaust) the bright blueish ones. Just testing the concept for the KAW mod.
  16. Night Spectre (old style) And running fast and low to escape MiGs
  17. keeping a close eye on the iranian border
  18. Thanks Wrench! Truly nice terrain, and thanks to everyone involved in this project.
  19. Yes Lindr now it works fine. Thanks again @Paolo: If I remember well he got all the Yak-28 serie in the workshop. (and that's GREAT!)
  20. Thanks Lindr for this Yak!!! BTW I've noticed that in the latest SF-2 patch materials that are double sided don't cast shadows. IE: props discs are usually a transparent plane with a 2 sided material assigned. (Crude solution to prop shadow issue)
  21. Nuovi Cockpit

    Benvenuto Charly74 I file .lod non si possono modificare purtroppo. Ci vorrebbe semmai il file del progetto originale in formato .max e fare i dovuti lavori con 3dsmax. Quindi almeno che non si tratti di cockpit fatti dai vari modder, nulla si può fare per quelli stock del gioco. Non sono esperto per i pit ma alcuni strumenti so che si possono mettere, togliere e spostare se non sono in 3D.
  22. Parlando di Bagatelle e Facezie.......

    Bene. Dopo molto, molto tempo di "gestazione" finalmente siamo riusciti ad ottenere una Classe Iowa operativa nel gioco. Il progetto è sotto l' insegna dell' ID(io)T Team con l' aiuto e contributo di Canadair, Spitwulf, Suicidal, Torno, Typhoid e YEYEYE. Prego di perdonare la temporanea presenza di traccianti visibili negli screens ma sono necessari nelle fasi di test per vedere le traiettorie e aggiustare i vari parametri di conseguenza. La nave presenta un' impressionante quantità di artiglierie comprendenti i celebri pezzi da 16 pollici, i doppio ruolo da 5 pollici e infine 4 CIWS Phalanx per la difesa ravvicinata. Inoltre è dotata di lanciatori per un totale di 32 missili BGM-109 Tomahawk dotati di diverse testate (W-80, convenzionale, CEM, e semiperforante antinave) e sistemi di guida (anche se il gioco se ne infischia altamente ). Ok, bando alle ciance.
  23. :yes: indeed. Anyway the stock Exp2 Lighting surprise for its rapid acceleration to mach 1 and without using AB but going above seems to have an extreme drag and basically you'll never reach Mach 2 in clean configuration because of fuel. A bit disappointing. Even the F-105D is transformed to a dragmaster at least from Exp2. In clean configuration it hardly goes supersonic at low level and at high altitude it barely goes a bit faster. But the list is long.

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