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Everything posted by Spillone104

  1. Little update of the situation....(Damn) Now at least I don't have anymore those HiPAR and TTR around like GrViper said ( ) But now the Nike sites are semidesert.(Damn again)......GRRRRRR!!!!
  2. Thanks Crusader. So the RADAR designation is fictious. Only the EW_RADAR and SAM_RADAR are used.
  3. Silverbolt!

    Buon compleanno Yuri!
  4. That method was by adding an engine to simulate the booster and was used with the F-14 by CrimsonRoamer. My method instead use the gun recoil to produce thrust.
  5. Is not Aleks that don't want to release the F-20. It's because that F-20 is not ready to play, need so much work and now is on stand-by. But I'm sure that even Starfighter2 is working on his own version.
  6. Purtroppo per te non so dirti esatamente quali differenze, ho SFP1.... e non SFG. All' inizio SFG non aveva il supporto per le portaerei e non aveva alcuni aerei (F-104G e C-130) mentre aggiungeva l' F-4J e l' A-4F se non sbaglio. Poi son sicuro che il 104 venne aggiunto a SFG tramite un' addon ufficiale e gli F-4J e A-4F a SFP1. Beh.... alla fin fine non ci dovrebbero essere grosse differenze tra SFP1 e SFG dopo tutte le varie patch.
  7. For the sparrow try to open the weapon editor and see if there is something overpowered. For the K-13 confront the data with the one from the AIM-9B if is inferior is wrong. The K-13 was a copy of the AIM-9B but slightly improved in the seeker.
  8. Is actually possible to have both thickness and longer trail but there is a parameter to keep in mind.... It will kill the frame rate. :yes:
  9. Ehm.... Agostino. Did you have the F-104G by default? If no, this is SF Gold. And.... If I remember correct the italian version from FX Interactive is Strike Fighter Gold. Try to ask in the italian section of the forum.
  10. F-94C

    Maybe he was asking for help for the particular rocket launcher on the nose... something like the F-86D but more complex with 4 inside opening panels. http://www.airliners.net/photo/USA---Air/L...next_id=1313811
  11. Great! I'm working on spray effects for the civil mod fo SF but they could be modified to fit the agents pray mission...(Just for realism but I don't like this kind of indiscriminate massacre).
  12. Maybe my problem is a little OT but is about a issue with a component of the Furbar512/Erikgen Nike Hercules site. Well....today happened a strange thing with the TTR Radar Tower. I was doing some CAS with a Mig-19S in 1965 over the WOI Israel terrain....when...."ours" T-54 engaged TTR radars used as tanks .
  13. Buona Pasqua ragazzi!

    Buona Pasqua a voi. Qua la cosa buona è il fatto di avere la città semideserta... sembra quasi di essere in agosto Per il giorno di ferie ..... beh... è un bel pò che sono a casa per "ferie" forzate.... Ma fa sempre comodo
  14. J-32 beta

    Looks as good as the real one!
  15. Terremoto

    Quello che dici sarebbe giusto....mobilitazioni in massa, opinione pubblica smossa, ecc.... Il problema è che la gente dimentica in fretta, troppo in fretta..... e lo si è visto un sacco di volte. E la strage non l'ha creata il terremoto.....è stato l' uomo.
  16. AMX-30B2

    Grazie Steve! Stupendo!
  17. ID(io)Ts....................

    L' "apertura" devo dire che mi è capitata di straculo.... per il loop...beh.. ho usato la cloche....che ne dici?
  18. Sorry..... I've forgot of them.... And all because of my sound card that don't like 'em so much.....
  19. Flight Gear

    The sim itself is not so basic but have a horrible UI. And near all the modder give to every aircraft different key assignement to flight controls etc.... Example.... usually for the Gear is used the "G" key..... here you can find "D" "H" and so on for the same command. The grafic is far from FS and other sim.
  20. This is the C-119 of Daisuke Yamamoto for FS2004 or FSX!

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