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Everything posted by Spillone104

  1. What have you done! The Mig-15 or 17 don't smoke.... Unless you damaged the engine Good Shot anyway
  2. Thanks. Next in the line are the effects for the J-47 turbojet in both manner or..... dirty and really really dirty with the water-methanol injection.
  3. J79 Exhaust Effects



    Exhaust smoke for the General Electric J79 equipped aircrafts. There are 2 exhausts variants. The "J79-F4ExhaustEmitter" can be used for every aircraft. The "J79-F104ExhaustEmitter" instead have the tipical F-104 downward pushed exahaust caused by the Boundary Layer Control on the wings. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instructions: 1) Put the J79ExhaustEmitter.ini and SMOKE3.tga in the Effects folder. 2) Open the "aircraft"_DATA.INI and go down to the engine/s section. (Example from the F-4C) [Engine1] SystemType=JET_ENGINE InputName=THROTTLE_CONTROL EngineID=1 HasAfterburner=TRUE NumAfterburnerStages=4 SLThrustDry=44482.2 SLThrustWet=75619.8 ThrustAngles=0.0,7.00,0.0 ThrustPosition=-0.65,1.70,0.00 ThrottleRate=0.5 NozzleAnimationID=7 IdleThrottle=0.10 IdleRPM=0.68 IdleNozzle=0.0 CruiseThrottle=0.37 CruiseRPM=0.82 CruiseNozzle=1.0 MilThrottle=0.65 MilRPM=1.00 MilNozzle=1.0 MaxThrottle=0.78 MaxRPM=1.00 MaxNozzle=1.0 FullABThrottle=1.12 FullABRPM=1.00 FullABNozzle=0.0 AltitudeTableNumData=12 AltitudeTableDeltaX=1828.8 AltitudeTableStartX=0.0 AltitudeTableData=1.000,0.871,0.749,0.636,0.533,0.439,0.357,0.266,0.200,0.149,0.112,0.000 DryMachTableNumData=12 DryMachTableDeltaX=0.2 DryMachTableStartX=0.0 DryMachTableData=1.000,0.953,0.956,1.007,1.099,1.108,1.245,1.391,1.533,1.645,1.701,1.665 WetMachTableNumData=12 WetMachTableDeltaX=0.2 WetMachTableStartX=0.0 WetMachTableData=1.000,0.976,1.007,1.091,1.231,1.429,1.670,1.953,2.270,2.606,2.930,3.208 MaxInletTemperature=134.3 GyroscopicInertia= TSFCM0=0.860 TSFCM1=1.207 AfterburnerTSFC=1.950 MinFuelFlow=0.01 ExhaustEmitterName=DirtyExhaustEmitter ---------------- <<<<Change this emitter>>>> ExhaustPosition=-0.65,-3.63,-0.58 AfterburnerNodeName=afterburner AfterburnerEmitterName=AfterburnerEmitter MinExtentPosition=-1.13,-3.68,-1.02 MaxExtentPosition=-0.14, 1.36,-0.04 FireSuppression=TRUE GasTempMaxRPM=635.0 GasTempIdleRPM=420.0 GasTempChangeRate=5.0 OverheatTemp=750.0 DamageTempDelta=300.0 OilPressMaxRPM=35.0 OilPressIdleRPM=55.0 OilPressChangeRate=0.5 LowOilPress=12.0 LowOilTempDelta=400.0 And change the emitter name into ExhaustEmitterName=J79-F4ExhaustEmitter or ExhaustEmitterName=J79-F104ExhaustEmitter ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's it. Have a good flight and don't somke. Alex (Spillone104) This File is Freeware and can not be sold or included in any Payware software.
  4. Harrier gr.7 per flight simulator 2004

    Altri siti dove puoi cercare aerei per FS sono www.avsim.com , www.flightsim.com e www.simviation.com . Li in genere trovi praticamente ogni add-on gratuito per FS in circolazione. P.S. Per avsim e flightsim è necessario registrarsi per scaricare.
  5. Aleks have the Mirage IIIRD in the workshop. Completely new model and not nose additions. Here some old screenshots.
  6. Ehh.... TK ovvero il la persona che ha creato questi sim ha risposto in maniera forse non troppo ortodossa introducendo da poco Strike Fighter 2 che è nato proprio per girare su SVista. Purtroppo si tratta di un' altro sim e non di una patch gratuita. Però puoi sempre provare a chiedere sul forum della Thirdwire e sperare che qualcuno riesca a darti la soluzione.
  7. Are you using high detailed weapons? I've seen that sometimes are the weapons in large numbers to create such effects.. For my 2006 laptop it runs fine.
  8. ID(io)Ts....................

    Con il programma più scrauso e di default di winzoz... moviemaker.
  9. Anyone have noticed that most of the aircraft with the oct08 patch become seriously slower and with far less acceleration than in the SP4 patch. For example the F-104 had become seriously handicapped than before, it takes many (too many) minutes to accelerate to full speed and the top speed is nearly 1200 Km/h at low level in clean configuration and at 11000m it nearly reach Mach 2 in an eternity. In the previous patch it reached 1300Km/h in less than half the time and Mach 2.2 at high altitude. The same thing happen with the Mirage. If anybody know how to solve it. Thanks.
  10. I' ve done right now the test with the 0.0172 velue.... but now I have a super Supercruise.... 1400 Km/h without AB incredible I'm gonna do some more test flight and let you know. Thanks to all.
  11. Thanks Brain32. I will check the drag on the surfaces.
  12. Hi Ice Man. You can do multiple installation of WOV simply by installing them in different folder. Examples: C\Program Files\WOV1. C\Program Files\WOV-YAP and so on.... Alex
  13. WIP: AMX.........30

    Veramente splendido Steve!
  14. ID(io)Ts....................

    Quello purtroppo è risultato praticamente impossibile da far fare all' AI..... Magari se un giorno si svolazzasse in rete.....chi lo sa...
  15. What a wonderfull machine! Thanks a lot
  16. Mig-21 Recon-Pod R

    Great job Ravenclaw. Thanks
  17. Harrier sf1

    Se hai delle mire suicide o stile H.A.W.K.S. la risposta è si. Sul come farlo ti consiglio di studiarti i parametri di aerei dotati di postbruciatore nei rispettivi file data.ini.
  18. Current status of the MB-339A PAN. This time we would use a videoclip preview instead of a screenshot. Ciao Alex
  19. ID(io)Ts....................

    Ecco la presntazione ufficiale del progetto MB-339A PAN. Ovviamente con il VIN-CEEEE-ROOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Ecco ragazzi! Buona visione!
  20. missioni anti marina

    In SFP1 SP4 se usavo USN o altro non comparivano.... Magari la situazione è cambiata dopo. Comunque non cambia nulla visto che è normale avere navi ""amiche"" contro.
  21. missioni anti marina

    Per permettere ad una nave aggiuntiva di essere utilizzata nelle missioni antinave devi inserire questi parametri nel DATA.INI [MissionData] NationName=GENERIC La nazionalità deve essere per forza generica ServiceStartYear=1961 ServiceEndYear=1993 GroundObjectRole=CARGO_SHIP E il ruolo deve essere solamente cargo.... Availability=VERY_COMMON FormationSizeBase=2 FormationSizeVariation=3 Spero di esser stato d' aiuto

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