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Everything posted by madmonk

  1. Anyone wanna fly?

    Think you got problems, I moved to rural France last year from the UK, there I had been getting 4Mb broadband from NTL. Online gaming was no problem. Now I have broadband via the telephone cable with top download speed of about 240KH second. Like you I go on line to servers but find myself strangely alone. The only exception being Ubi soft who have there own dedicated site. Whether we are able to link to play, I don't know! worth a try . Mike
  2. Ok Jedi, will try changing the aperture size,though it's never been an issue before. The card has 256Mb onboard mem.I am up to date with directx.I have never stopped playing flight sims , just been more interested in IL 2 sturmovik,Falcon 4, Janes Superpro, MicrosoftSimX to name a few.
  3. Right Jedi ,I do understand that fact now. Anyway downloaded and installed the 8.1,also uninstalled and reinstalled the game. No difference, all the terrain looks like water with houses floating on it, the planes are snow white in exterior views. The cockpit is just outlines with no details. Might try reverting to an earlier driver,if that doesn't work I'll stick to Falcon 4. Thanks
  4. Actually I'm using 8.442 ,I'm playing other games that are more demanding like CoD 4 and I used to play Lock On with much older drivers. For some reason I cannot fathom, this time it just isn't working. Perhaps using an older driver set might work! Do you think ? Since starting this reply I have been to Ati to see what the latest driver set is and it says 8.1, which is odd, because if I go to my card in hardware devices , the driver is 8.442. Can this be correct?
  5. Windows XP Pro. SP3 Athlon 64 3200+MMx 3Dnow 2.1GHz 1024 Ram Ati Radeon 9600/X1050 AGP Audigy 2 sound Saitek X52
  6. Whats going on? Just started the campaign but the plane is so slow its practically stalling at 230 mph and if you sustain a turn it almost stops.The inferior Migs out turn me, with no chance of getting on their six. Is this the same for everyone? or just me!!!!!
  7. Ok, I have tried all the options none really work, so what am I doing wrong. I have tried numerous buttons and key strokes but no matter wha,t aircraft are not targeted when I want. Which is the default for targeting aircraft. All I get are ground targets when theres enemy aircraft virtually up my backside and I'm unable to lock them up. mikethemadmonk

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