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Posts posted by madmonk

  1. Hmmm. It's possible there's something else going on, but I'm not sure what. It sounds like a definite texture issue. Since you have AGP, I don't know how much video RAM your card has, but you might try going into the BIOS and changing AGP aperture size. Just make sure it's never more than 1/2 the RAM on your card. For instance, if your card has 256MB RAM, you can try setting the aperture at either 64MB or 128MB, but don't go above that. Don't set it below 64 either, that would be too low.


    BTW, it may go without saying, but have you updated your DirectX lately? I noticed you said "long break" so I wasn't sure if you've been using your PC for other 3d stuff in the interim. Getting the latest 9.0c install from MS' website can't hurt.

    Ok Jedi, will try changing the aperture size,though it's never been an issue before. The card has 256Mb onboard mem.I am up to date with directx.I have never stopped playing flight sims , just been more interested in IL 2 sturmovik,Falcon 4, Janes Superpro, MicrosoftSimX to name a few.

  2. The driver version listed in Catalyst isn't the same as the drivers as listed on the website. The website lists them in easy date fashion: 8.1 were released in January 2008, while 7.11 were released in November 2007. You're looking for a number like that, which isn't listed as driver version but I believe Catalyst version.

    It's possible whichever driver you have now has a bug with LOMAC. I've seen instances where something like 7.10 work, 7.11 won't, 7.12 work again.

    Right Jedi ,I do understand that fact now. Anyway downloaded and installed the 8.1,also uninstalled and reinstalled the game. No difference, all the terrain looks like water with houses floating on it, the planes are snow white in exterior views. The cockpit is just outlines with no details. Might try reverting to an earlier driver,if that doesn't work I'll stick to Falcon 4. Thanks

  3. What version of ATI's Catalyst drivers are you using? You should be using at least a 6.x driver, although 7.x would be preferable.

    That card is on the low end of what LOMAC can take, but it should at least give you a picture.

    Actually I'm using 8.442 ,I'm playing other games that are more demanding like CoD 4 and I used to play Lock On with much older drivers. For some reason I cannot fathom, this time it just isn't working. Perhaps using an older driver set might work! Do you think ? Since starting this reply I have been to Ati to see what the latest driver set is and it says 8.1, which is odd, because if I go to my card in hardware devices , the driver is 8.442. Can this be correct?

  4. Recently reinstalled Lock On after long break. When I open the game everything is fine until I try to open any mission or training tuition, the mission starts but the screen is white and the cockpit is just an outline with no details. I am using a large screen tv for the monitor but even at 1024x768 there is no improvement.Any suggestions please.

  5. Ok, I have tried all the options none really work, so what am I doing wrong. I have tried numerous buttons and key strokes but no matter wha,t aircraft are not targeted when I want. Which is the default for targeting aircraft. All I get are ground targets when theres enemy aircraft virtually up my backside and I'm unable to lock them up. mikethemadmonk


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