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Posts posted by madmonk

  1. Ok, so I found my Falcon 4.0 disk again and I tried to install it on Windows XP 64 bit edition and it will not work. I have tried to install it manually, Every time I try to install the game it fails to install. I will click on the install option but then it does nothing. I can C, A, D and all I will see is "setup.exe"


    Windows XP64 bit, with all drivers up to date, everything is updated



    Please help

    Why bother? the game is so dated now, it's never going to run on modern systems .Get hold of a copy of Falcon 4.0 Allied force which is relatively playable.

  2. I installed version 1.13 to f4: af. When I ran the game, It started to load but all I got was a black screen. I could hear the opening music/sound sequences. I know my game works because it worked earlier. HELP.
    This sounds like the K-Lite codec pack problem, there's one of the codecs that has to be disabled but for the life of me I cannot remember which. There is post on this site which explains it.

  3. i need help here


    since the bay weapon for f-22 in the falcon 4 AF did not work so well


    but in the air to air mission .... the missile still release without sticking in the fighter


    but in the strike mission.... the jdam sticking on jet.....


    i need the instruction how to release the jdam bomb on F-22


    i fly at 7998 to 8000 feet with speed 420


    I didn't even know one could fly an F22 in Falcon 4 AF! Hows It done?



  4. You could try reformatting your smallest drive to FAT32. Then install Win98 there. You will not be able to access any of your NTFS drives from Win98.


    I would also suggest ONLY formatting one of your drives to FAT32 and then install USAF to that drive. I recall that some of the "WINXP problems" with USAF may have been related to running on an NTFS drive.

    Right thanks guys, what about Sata systems, I have formatted a partition of 32 Gig to fat 32 but the system doesn't find the disc.

  5. I cannot get SuperPro 9.4 to run on my computer. Is it possible to set up a partition and install 98se ? I have three hard discs with a total capacity of one terrabite. I understand that windows will not format fat32 on a larger that 32 gig partition, will windows 98 run in NTFS? As anyone any idea of the best way to set this up? I'm lost!!!

  6. No, never heard of that one. Did you check your control settings after the patch? Was the rudder still centered?
    If you have recently bought the game the version is probably already up to date. I made this mistake, until I realized I was trying to update what was already installed.

  7. Runs fine and is very stable in XP - afraid its something on your system causing the problem.


    Can you hear any audio when it starts up? if so have you seen this?






    Not sure if LP are actually supporting this product anymore tbh

    Thanks for the quick reply guys. It's not the k-lite codecs, the game starts up but then crashes. The k-lite codec problem prevented any graphics.

    If there any Gurus who could survey my dxdiag log and maybe see the problem which must be with the setup. My computer should kick butt.


  8. Whats wrong with this game? I thought the original was buggy but it did at least open when you clicked the right buttons.

    My copy of the new version, crashes to desktop before it has booted up properly.If I click the mouse it crashes.

    Just found out the solution to the codec problem, now it's worse than ever.

    The Lead pursuit help doesn't even aknowledge Emails sent to them and the "ingame problem notification program" cannot find them on line.

    If anyone can spare the time to get to the bottom of my problem,I shall be eternally gratefull.

  9. It does look different it should be lighter


    I remember seeing on the thread that it doesnt install it for the Block 40/42


    Try using a block 50/52 and see what you get.



    This only installs a new 3D cockpit btw - the 2D cockpit remains the same

    I know this is going to sound lame,but how does one choose which cockpit to use? I have never found any link to a choice.Though I have had the game since forever, I never bothered much with changing items or modding. Now I want the best !

  10. I have found that the tracking in Falcon 4 to be very jerky, in fact it works like switching from one view to another with the hat switch. In IL Sturmovik and Lomac it works smooth as silk. Any suggestions please?

  11. As long as its going into the correct path for your game it should be fine


    Only difference with mine is that I had Hitiles in it when I installed it


    Try searching zerks threads at frugalsworld - you may be able to ask him yourself .


    All I will say is run defrag, and scandisk for now then try again.

    Solved, it was a bad installation of the game, not the cockpit. Installed ok, but it doesn't look any different than the usual pit. Do I need to enable or choose it ?

  12. I have to admit, this one is baffling me & I feel I'm missing something simple. When in range of a bandit my wingmen request permission to engage. The manual states that I can press the "Y" key to allow this. It doesn't work though, Y just opens the Tanker comm page as usual.

    I have studied the keychart & found no info there at all. Is there an old salt out there who can tell me what the actual key command is, or if one exists? :dntknw:



  13. I really like Super Pro but what spoils it for me are the controls. I use a Saitek X52 and in most flight sims it is faultless. In Super Pro however, every movement on the stick is so exaggerated that it makes the plane wallow from side to side. Have tried changing the dead zone, this made no difference at all. Any suggestions please

  14. One other thing would be another uninstall/reinstall, but after uninstall go into your directory and totally delete the Lockon folder. Just to make sure no .cfg files or anything are lingering behind.

    The problem really is you have a midrange card from YEARS ago and I don't think ATI is keeping it really current with the drivers it's released lately. There are sites out there that have older drivers archived. You might try an early 7.x or even a 6.x driver.

    Just ordered a sapphire radeon X1950 Pro AGP, I know I should be going for Pc express but I don't want to change my motherboard just yet. I will see how it performs. Thanks for the help.

  15. o.k. o.k. i asked previously if anyone was interested in flying falcon 4.0 af on dail-up. guess i should explain. i live in an area that doesn't offer high speed internet, and , no, i will not move to one that does.... :blink: is it impossible to find people that fly online using dail-up? i play delta force blackhawk down online with no problems whatsoever(i.e. not getting booted off for high ping times)i have lomac,falcon 4.0 and falcon 4.0 af,combat flight sim. 3,flight sim. 2004,among several other combat sim's. i just want to enjoy flying with other living persons without being shunned for having dail-up.there should be a movement for dail-up users or at worst an area where we can gather online to enjoy some of the best flight sim's ever! so if anyone knows such a web-gathering, i would appreciate the info.i just want someone else to enjoy some of the missions i have created for much of these flight sim's without being ignored because of my dail-up connection. :dntknw:

    Think you got problems, I moved to rural France last year from the UK, there I had been getting 4Mb broadband from NTL. Online gaming was no problem. Now I have broadband via the telephone cable with top download speed of about 240KH second. Like you I go on line to servers but find myself strangely alone. The only exception being Ubi soft who have there own dedicated site. Whether we are able to link to play, I don't know! worth a try . Mike


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