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Everything posted by almccoyjr

  1. Good to hear! In the future, I'd stay away from the 3-way mode when assigning in-game commands. I hope Cougars World will soon find a home. There's just to much experience there to simply go by the wayside. plug_nickel (Al)
  2. It sounds like the Cougar firmware is borked. I'm not sure how FSUIPC interprets a Cougar mode change. I don't know of any other site with the User's Guide v1. The guide will explain how to purge the firmware and the procedure to do a complete reinstall of the Cougar hardware and software. The pdf. file is just a shortcut reminder of the "Cleanse Utility" that's in the Cougar's folder. You can reset to defaults or purge from there in the future. PM me your email address and I'll attach the docs. plug_nickel (Al)
  3. OT...HiTech

    I don't know if anybody flies Aces High, but HiTech is going to be offering WW1 arena by the end of the year. The screenshots posted on their site are pretty good. http://www2.hitechcreations.com/frindex.html The more, the merrier. Finding time from BHaH is going to be hard though. plug_nickel (Al)
  4. OT...HiTech

    Yeah....It took a long time. I thinks it's because of the resurgence of WWI sims driven by the responses from those that fly them. Shoot, what can I say; I still fly DOA and WB occasionally. It's good to be able to keep in touch with historical roots. plug_nickel (Al)
  5. Sadly, I don't know of any other "Cougar World" since Frugals went down. The only additional info is at Thrusmasters web site and that's for the Vista 32/64 drivers. The "3-way mode" Dog Fight switch sometimes just doesn't work well with FSUIPC in FSX when calibrating different modes. I don't like to use "in game" assignments; I prefer to workup my own profile and scripts and download when needed. Are you just reinstalling the software or are you starting from scratch? Sometimes it's best to purge the driver from ROM and do a complete reinstall of the driver and software. See if you have "Nutty's" 2006 "New User Guide v1." It's much better than the manual to use as a startup check list. You'll also need to run regedit in XP and check to make sure that the 4 registry entries are deleted. I'm not sure about Vista. You might also put in a "call" for "Nutty" over at SHQ. He posts there off and on. You could also try support at Thrustmasters to see if you can get in touch with "Nutty". I hope this helps some. plug_nickel (Al)
  6. Yup...that's why my avatar has a hole through it...lol I think I'll skin a plane with an image of Swiss cheese on it. I also fly with a pack of marsh mellows; I can toast them just in case I want a last meal. plug_nickel (Al)
  7. Very eloquent. Now if you just add also impacting the ground with head buried between legs or at the last second, hitting a rise and overhearing a blood curdling scream, you've described how several of my pilots have ended their careers....lol. plug_nickel (Al)
  8. Graphics woes

    You must be drinking some good ol' white lightning...lol. I'm suspecting a cable or DVI adapter.
  9. Graphics woes

    I have an 8800 GTX also running 182.06, no o/c and no problems. Question: Does the "shimmering" occur primarily on "flat" surfaces or looking head-on, or on angles from 30-45 degrees? plug_nickel (Al)
  10. Can't install OFF

    Bingo! If you have a dvd-rw, copy files to it and try the copied dvd on your computer. If it works, it's a dvd issue. If it also fails to install, my suggestion is to go through the "remove hardware" and its driver and any specific dvd drive software and let plug-n-play reinstall your dvd and its driver(s). Then you can reinstall the drives specific software. If you've added any new codecs, a .dll may have gotten corrupted and is not playing nice with your OFF3 dvd. plug_nickel (Al)
  11. processor question..

    Hey s_d...Download CPU-Z and take a look at the clock, multiplier and fsb it reports and then go into your bios and compare. If your cpu is not set to throttle, everything should be the same. You may also want to check memory using CPU-Z and compare it to the bios settings. If the bios and CPU-Z are the same, you may be starting to experience a corrupted OS. It would also be good to check the on board temp readings and compare them to something like Speedfan. Temps between the two should be around 5-7 degrees or so. It may help to narrow down a possible developing mobo problem as well. I'll circle while you try to unjam your guns. plug_nickel (Al)
  12. Can't install OFF

    Rats...I was hoping that all you had was a "simple" lead-in problem initializing the read. Since you've gone this far, try another computer and see if you can access the files through Explorer. If you can see the files, then try TC on that computer. It just might be some .dll "anomaly" that's inhibiting the drive from syncing the TC interface and the files on the dvd. Minimize Explorer, don't close it. Install TC and then bring up Explorer and try to copy. Heck, "in for a penny, in for a pound". After that, it looks like a new dvd. Good luck. plug_nickel (Al)
  13. Can't install OFF

    It's a round about way, but you can use Terra Copy to check both the disc and the integrity of the files by copying each to a location on your hd, say to a temp folder. By running Terra Copy, you setup an interface between the drive and the disc. IF Terra Copy is able to read, the drive will simply spin and TC will copy. If TC encounters a problem on the disc itself, it'll try to reconstruct the area and will give a fault. It will keep trying until you stop it. I've found that 8-10x's tries pretty well determines an unrecoverable disc problem. If TC is successful, then there's a specific problem with the disc read initializing and the dvd. At least with a successful copy, you can load from the temp location. plug_nickel (Al)
  14. Wheel Chocks

    Oh man....While reading I started humming the tune. It's time to put her away for awhile...lol
  15. I just posted a reply at "Over Flanders Fields" regarding an email I sent to GOG Support about compatibility: "From: support@gog.com Hello, The first one uses DOSBox and the second one kindly succumbed to our magical tricks. ;]" plug_nickel (Al)
  16. Wheel Chocks

    Down here in the South, it's "chawks...chawks...chawks"...lol plug_nickel (Al)
  17. OT-Red Baron 3D

    Got a response from GOG Support: "From: support@gog.com Hello, The first one uses DOSBox and the second one kindly succumbed to our magical tricks. ;]" Just as I thought. plug_nickel (Al)
  18. OT-Red Baron 3D

    I've sent an email to GOG Support inquiring about the XP/Vista compatibility regarding RB + Misson Editor. I'm trying to find out if it has to be run under Dosbox or if it's a direct install. I couldn't find any info at Mad Otter's site. I found another oldie but goodie on another website that was also XP compatible, but it was under DB emulator: not exactly truthful. I'll post when GOG responds. This might be worthwhile. plug_nickel (Al)
  19. Can't Run the Game :(

    The BHaH installed without any problems and runs just fine with CFS3 patched to no-cd.exe. I've been running it that way since my first install. When I went to XP64, I reinstalled BHaH with CFS3 fully patched and with FirePower installed which brought CFS3 up to V1.08. BHaH pulled the data from hd directory without a problem. I've been running BHaH in this manner since first of January, when I went to XP64. Not sure what Pol is referring to. plug_nickel (Al)
  20. I've also found no problems: Avast, Malwarebytes. I've been using FireFox since it first came out. The newest build supports No Script and a Java flash check which will stop a lot of "crap" from coming in. There's also an app that emulates the IE browser for those arcane sites that don't allow viewing through FireFox so it's now a win-win situation. Most impressive. plug_nickel (Al)
  21. Can't Run the Game :(

    You don't have to patch to 3.1a, just to 3.1. You need 3.1a if you're going to run FirePower along with mudpatch's modified FM. Adding those makes CFS3 a very respectable and enjoyable game. Besides, 3.1 to 3.1a is kinda like "in for a penny, in for pound". It takes about 12 seconds and brings CFS3 up to the last (final?) standard. The no-cd is an absolute must. plug-nickel (Al) ps, going XP64 and more ram helped to make BHaH smoke! Thanks again.
  22. Can't Run the Game :(

    WOOHOO!!! Off you go into wild blue yonder... Glad you're on board. plug_nickel (Al)
  23. WHOA!!!! Easy, you obviously haven't had the pleasure of DOS5, 6 or 6.* and all the fun of highumb, 4k resources, configs, pims and on and on and on. Since your TIR4 worked with your CFS3 install, it will work with BHaH. It's driven by the same engine. We just need to know your exact install procedure for CFS3 and BHaH. Since your not installing CFS3 and installing BHaH, you must be using a DVD already patched to 3.1. Start there. plug_nickel (Al) ps, going to bed. helping with clean in our subdivision all day tomorrow....I mean today. good morning.
  24. I hope "paddled" doesn't mean the flooding in different areas 2 weeks ago. I use Avast and there's been discussions about Dropper. It seems to be aimed primarily at MSNBC misc links through IE6,7 or 8. It reportedly interferes with IE homepage, directed links and the such. I can't see how it "linked" to the OFFM.exe. It may be a false positive but Dropper is real and it's able to circumvent a lot of the heuristic searches/algorithms. plug_nickel (Al)
  25. You can use a hub, but it should be externally powered preferably with a regulated power supply and should be connected to the usb header. I use a Belkin F1DS104U 4 port KVM with a hub and external ps off of one of the usb primaries. The Belkin's first pc port is connected to primary usb header on the mobo. I'm able to run 2 pcs so that I can fly older sims that require an older video card/driver. No voltage leaks or problems. I run my TIR4, Cougar HOTAS, and CH TQ off of the hub. For troubleshooting, you must run the TIR4 off of the pc's primary usb header. That'll take you to a clean electrical beginning. plug_nickel (Al)

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