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Everything posted by viperBAT32

  1. gotta turn outta here.JPG

    From the album SF2:E and WOE stuff

  2. BUFF's over Germany.JPG

    From the album SF2:E and WOE stuff

  3. BUFF's in Iraq.JPG

    From the album SF2:E and WOE stuff

  4. ...and he pays for it2.JPG

    From the album SF2:E and WOE stuff

  5. ...and he pays for it.JPG

    From the album SF2:E and WOE stuff

  6. their not giving up.JPG

    From the album SF2:E and WOE stuff

  7. just my 2 cents worth....i haven't even bought the 2nd series yet!i'm still on WOV and WOE! and,man,i can say that i cannot get enough of this series! i've spent $19.99 on WOV(came in package with Elite Warriors) and $20 on WOE! and i've downloaded a Quintillion dollars worth of add-ons from this site FOR FREE.PERIOD. so,in saying, i've spent $40 for something(with the GREAT contributors here and elsewhere)that i should have paid A LOT MORE for! i'm so immersed into this thing that i have 7 different installs to satisfy my every whim! and i still come back for more.God knows i've chewed up a 250gb hd with all the "GOODIES" i've downloaded here!(thank God for the Christmas present from a fellow Masonic brother,a 320gb hd!thanks Harry!)one thing i've learned here is that there is ALWAYS a solution. it's called the KNOWLEDGE BASE. it's there for a reason. i cannot count how many times i've screwed something up, only to find the answer with a few minutes of time. it's fixable......now, i've got some flyin' to do as some Friendlies are pinned down in Iraq(in the AWESOME ODS mod!)thanks everyone and MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! also saying a prayer for all those fighting for freedom and away from home this holiday season, THANK YOU!
  8. Wow......DCS Blackshark

    whew! took me long enough to get back to this thread!i simply cannot play online(no high speed dsl available in my area...omg dail-up sucks!)however,in singleplayer i'm having a blast.i can't count how many times i've died just trying to trim the beast!finally got some flight time down and have created a few missions. apart from the SF debacle(apparently i will NEVER uninstall it for fear of reactivation issues)the sim has a good feal,lots of eye-candy(i know,i know)and,i just wanted a good helo sim for years now. well,back to slave to the grind(who thought up this work thing,anyway?......oh yeah,the BILL collectors!)
  9. Wow......DCS Blackshark

    my thoughts exactly on Vista....but i recently ordered Black shark(expecting it shortly from ups).ny brother has it in Texas(yeah,my BROTHER IN TEXAS)anyway,i'm looking forward to spending days just trying to fly the thing.after all,i work 12hr days for peanuts,and,when i get home,i want to EMERSE myself in this sim.so,i get to fly 1 helo...so what.i have never flown it before.i like the thought of actually LEARNING something,even to point of mental PAIN.you shouldn't be allowed to just "jump" into a "SIM" and take out a whole battalion with spit and firecrackers!know the machine...inside and out...and then die several times until you KNOW what you are doing!thats what i think makes a REAL SIM.i haven't been a fan of SF,either...but,i've also never removed a game from ED,yet.just some of us are looking for this type of sim,and some aren't.....has anyone played online yet?want to see what its like,before i get the sim.
  10. Hey Silverbolt, where can i get the helo?Awesome pic!
  11. OOOOOOOOHHHH!Look at the pretty..........AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!
  12. And then turns deadly for me!
  13. Armed Recon turns deadly.....for the bad guys!

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