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Posts posted by Mark5388196

  1. I feel saddend by the loss of this soldier. I will keep him in my prayers. I totally agree with you White Knight, Hamas should pay for this. Hopefully peace will take over, but I fear that Hamas will have to be removed from power first.



  2. Thanks, I dont like to spread rumors either just a guess. If I remember correctly I read they were doing maintinence. Well we just have to wait. BTW, Thnaks Erik for the fast reply.





    Edit: Spell check

  3. Is it just me or is Simhq down? Im not able to get on at this time. I will try again later but right now it is 13:05 PST. Im getting a HTTP 500 internal server error, would this happen if they got hacked?



  4. I know how you feel, I came here about a month ago. Some things I am getting are :

    Bunyaps Weapons Pack

    Bunyaps weapon delivery manual

    Plus many add-on aircraft


    I dont have WoV here at my house so I am still waiting to get to my grandparents house to install all of them and play them Otherwise good luck with modding your WoE.




    P.S. Yes to your question.

    P.S.S. You can usually use WoV mods on WoE.

  5. In a word, no. :sad:


    But on a more upbeat note, it is being worked on! Check here;




    The project has just begun, so it may be quite a while, but at least the bigger, badder offspring of the Aardvark is being

    worked upon...




    Thanks for looking :) BTW, I just read that link and USAFMTL that is EXACTLY what I want to do with it, maybe on a runway.



  6. Was he at Palmdale or one of the overseas detachments? I seem to have come across the name, but I'm a little fuzzy. Did he have a specialty such as PSD, systems, avionics, or airframe. Just taking a guess here, but at his age he was probably one of the original Skunk Works team that did it all and did it all well. Kelley Johnson used to say, "I can deliver an SR-71 to Moscow and they would never fly it nor reproduce it. The sad thing is I can't either!" By that time (early-1980s) the original team of very talented prime time players known as the Skunk Works had retired or were dead and their skills could not be replaced.


    Little known but interesting fact. All U-2 and SR-71 pilots had to pre-breathe oxygen for minimum of one hour to prevent the "bends" at altitude and the Sled (SR-71) crews had to pre-breathe in the cockpit, because cockpit familiarization took about an hour. When the Sled was made (last one came off the assembly line in 1962) they were all hand made and sometimes the instruments were situated on the instrument panel where they ran out of cable. So each aircraft was different and the pilots had to re-familiarize themselves where everything was every time they flew. U-2 guys would suit up and climb into a recliner lounge chair (Xtra large) and take a nap.


    Your grandfather is an extraordinary man. Love to meet him or you sometime.


    yes he was a Crew Chief and for a while chief steward at Plant 42. He also worked at the test site on other aircraft he cant talk about. It nice just to talk about some of the things he did. He was also a crew chief on F-105s out of Udorn.



  7. Cold War

    U-2C, U-2R, TR-1 Pilot

    B-52G Pilot




    My Grandpa worked for Lockheed on the U-2, SR-71, F-117. Did you by any chance know someone named John Wall?





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