Tell me how or what to change to get the harrier to take off vert..I was told to change the thust,I did but no vert take off.Is there a mod out there of a harrier that dose
HI all
I was wandering when exstracting files ,what exstractor program you use. I was useing the windows program and I could not get it to work. So I used win rar and got some to work. Any sugestons on a good f-16 or f-18 file to use.thanks
downloaded some aircraft,and exstracted them. I put the folder in the wov/objects/aircraft file.I read I should be able to find them in the loadout menu. ITS NOT THERE. I looked in the wov/objects/aircraft folder and did find them.Could someone tell me what went wrong.Also where can I find complete aircraft. thanks
could someone please exsplain how to use the wepons pack.I down loaded it (auto installer}. Ran the application.Put it in wov.I found it in the wov main file. I clicked on it but nothing happens. I have read and serched forums and tutatorials for how to do this.thanks