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Everything posted by ordway

  1. Some more pics: It is based on Foxmonter's nice Super Etendard cockpit with his kind permission. With the gracious permission of; Foxmonter. Thanks to Mirage Factory for gunsight placard and portions of the F-1 seat.
  2. Here are some shots of the finished SAAF Mirage F1-200 cockpit. Can you spot the cockpit differences between the screenies from yesterday and today? I just uploaded the cockpit a few minutes ago to combatace. Some African Angolan bush villages from Google Earth. You don't want to go down over the vast Angolan/Namibian coastal desert. The endless, featureless bush terrain...and a closeup of the cockpit.
  3. Version


    Mirage F1-200 Cockpit (SAAF Modified). Reworked Pit from Foxmonter's nice Super Etendard. The SAAF Mirage F1s had up to thirteen reported air victories during the bushwars (ACIG). It includes new cockpit placards, seat bitmaps, buttons, switches, gauge colors, a new ADI and the F.1 avionics. Instructions: Backup your files! 1. Copy all the contents from the appropriate folder into the Mirage F1-200 aircraft folder usually at C:Program FilesThirdWireStrikeFightersObjectsAircraftmirage F1-200 (or wherever your F1-200 is located). When asked, overwrite files and folders. Being South African, the locations of many cockpit items are different from a standard Mirage F1. They did not have spare parts, after all, due to the embargo. With the gracious permission of; Foxmonter. Thanks to Mirage Factory for gunsight placard and portions of the F-1 seat. Do not distribute, repackage or post without previous consent. Only Combatace, Column5 and Checksix have permission to post this file. All Copyrights Reserved FoxMonter 3d Design © 2003-2006. No Modifications without previous consent is allowed. This is NOT for payware use. V1.1 Slightly modified landing gear indicator panel. Enjoy. Richard Pitts2A Ordway
  4. Beautiful photos of the IMP! We'll have to give it some terrain, too. :yes:
  5. Yes, the SAAF Mirage F-1 cockpit is planned for this weekend. I'm working more on the landing gear indicator panel...I just found a good photo of one today. The African Bushwars Angola terrain, is planned for 1-4 months release. I have lots of new tiles finished...I got to do lots more...than it's the infamous Terrain Editor (TE) which I hope people will help me on when I hit the inevitable brick walls with it. The terrain is planned to include all of Angola and the north of Namibia. Pitts2A
  6. You got to have something for a SAAF Mirage F.1 to fly over during the bushwars.
  7. Yeah, thanks for me too. I was going to run into this very same problem if you had not asked it and if people had not answered it.
  8. Are there any tricks to repainting an established tile and making the water show up? When I just repaint an old tile with water on it (river or ocean) and don't make a new alpha channel, then only the old tile and old ocean/river shows up when I fly over it. When I try to make a new alpha channel for the tile, then my new land shows up normally, but the ocean/river is white. Is this normal? Do I need to merge the old and new alpha channels somehow? Looking at the original black, white, grey alpha channel of the original tile, it has ocean texture on it and not just plain white on the water like the tutorials show or I end up with...does this even matter. I have been working on this for over a day without result. I have Adobe paintshop CS3 and have updated it to the latest version. I am a complete novice to paintshop, but have tried two tutorials multiple times from SFP1 forums on how to make a new alpha channel. Any terrain/Mod gurus have any ideas of where I should investigate more on this problem? Thanks for any help.
  9. Thanks to both of you. You're both brilliant! Your suggestion worked! These are little tricks that as a beginner I would hit a total brick wall without your help and be stopped solid...maybe permanently. Thanks also Gepard for including a "why" explanation to the problem. Brain32, I wonder if you altered anything in your data.ini compared to the original data.ini. Israel 2 seemed to like yours better than the original data.ini I had saved elsewhere and which was theoretically untouched. Any little tips help me.
  10. Well, I'm new to the TE. So I downloaded an African DEM file and it only contains 70% of the area I need. Is there a way to merge DEM files so that I get the whole area I need? PS I have read the posts here on the TE and Major Lees' tutorial is not there since his site went down.
  11. Thanks, good info. So to be more clear for me, I do not need for the game to make changes to TGA files because I am not changing the water on the coastal tiles, only the land.
  12. I am retiling someone else's coastline. I am only retiling the land part of it. When I am finished retiling a coastline tile, do I need to alpha channel it or save as a TGA format because it is a coastline tile because it has already been alpha channeled by the first person a long time ago?
  13. I've got 3 maps sitting here; Modern Darwin (one backup copy that works...thank the Great Maker i was smart enough to do that!!!), SoCal, and ASW... Me thinks I'm going to take a deep breath, forget about learning the TE, and just stick to target placements. I"ll let you guys handle the rest. The thing that really makes me mad, is that I can't even begin to think of profanity scathing enough for how I feel!!! I personally know that it is frustrating as heck. I feel that I'm really good with computers and programs...and TE stymies me alot. You must also convert all the BMP terrain tiles to 256x 256 from 512x512 to get TE to work... isn't that right ???? Did you do this if it was necessary? Someone with knowlege, please comment.
  14. Thanks Lexx. I had to go to start on a completely different option after starting because I could not figure this out a few days ago. Whew, our community *really* needs a complete TE tutorial. This is he_ _ for an enthusiastic beginner to keep hitting brick walls. Kind of discouraging sometimes. Thanks.
  15. I'm having the same problem with flattening out mountains in an Angola terrain...they are too high. Any help appreciated. Thanks.
  16. Starfighter, those are beautiful pics of the IMP. Got any more you would be willing to share here?
  17. No worries! I can see why you are so passionate about them. gregair wrote: "used to watch them flying around almost every day!" The SAAF is really under represented in the SFP1 series for what they did (basically held off the whole Soviet empire with nothing but training and professionalism and got more than a few aerial kills in the process).
  18. Super Bowl

    Pats by 17 24 to 7
  19. New SAAF MB-326G/Impala II "preproduction model" air-air killer posted at Combatace. This is a complete package, which comes with one SAAF skin, Squadron No. 4 of the two-aircraft killer Capt. W. Westoby and a modified cockpit. The Impala II scored at least 6 air-air kills in South African "Bush Wars" (ACIG) http://www.acig.org/artman/publish/article_183.shtml The Aeromacchi "preproduction" version firing its internal 30mm guns. The initial 30mm gunpods of the version. The production version would refine the gunpod design. The two victory markings of SAAF Capt. W. Westoby...taken from an actual photograph on a SAAF F.1. Mirage. The modified SAAF cockpit. You can pick it up here. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5937 Enjoy
  20. Okay, Here's the finished Aeromacchi "preproduction model" that has just been posted with "more acceptable" images. The Aeromacchi "preproduction" version firing its internal 30mm guns. The initial 30mm gunpods of the version. The production version would refine the gunpod design. The two victory markings of SAAF Capt. W. Westoby...taken from an actual photograph on a SAAF F.1. Mirage. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5937

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