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Everything posted by ordway

  1. File Name: MB-326G Impala II "preproduction model" Air Killer File Submitter: ordway File Submitted: 2 Feb 2008 File Updated: 25 Feb 2008 File Category: Trainers File Version: 1.00 Website: No Information A mod of FoxMonter's MB-326 GB, to create the SAAF's two air-air combat- killer of the '70s and '80s "Bushwars", the Aeromacchi Impala II "preproduction" aircraft. In total, the Impala II was credited with at least six air-air kills (ACIG). This is a complete package, which comes with one SAAF skin, Squadron No. 4 of the two-aircraft killer Capt. W. Westoby, two internal 30mm DEFA cannons, updated aircraft data file and a modified cockpit. Two Angolan kill markings grace the fuselage side. Mod by Richard "Pitts2A" Ordway, uploaded with the permission of FoxMonter, USAFMTL and many others. For SFP1/WOV/WOE. See the instructions file for install. Complete credits and history in readme. Enjoy Click here to download this file
  2. Version


    A mod of FoxMonter's MB-326 GB, to create the SAAF's two air-air combat- killer of the '70s and '80s "Bushwars", the Aeromacchi Impala II "preproduction" aircraft. In total, the Impala II was credited with at least six air-air kills (ACIG). This is a complete package, which comes with one SAAF skin, Squadron No. 4 of the two-aircraft killer Capt. W. Westoby, two internal 30mm DEFA cannons, updated aircraft data file and a modified cockpit. Two Angolan kill markings grace the fuselage side. Mod by Richard "Pitts2A" Ordway, uploaded with the permission of FoxMonter, USAFMTL and many others. For SFP1/WOV/WOE. See the instructions file for install. Complete credits and history in readme. Enjoy
  3. Here's pics of the Impala II " Macchi preproduction" skin and cockpit. Note the working internal cannon and "preproduction" cannon bulges under the nose. This is the skin of SAAF squadron no. 4. Impala IIs are reported to have had at least six air-air victories in service with the SAAF during bushwars (ACIG). This model is heavier with a more powerful engine than the previous two seaters. http://www.acig.org/artman/publish/article_183.shtml Original Cockpit and aircraft by Fox Monter
  4. Okay, it's all ready to upload. I'm just waiting for Foxmonter's permission. Fileshack is not letting me upload an image right now...any suggestions for alternative ways?
  5. How do I increase an aircraft's takeoff weight allowance? The problem is that every piece of ordinance works individually and I can takeoff. However, when I add several, it blows up on the runway. Thanks.
  6. Okay thanks I fixed it but I don't know why. Okay, the original lines read in Russo's Hawk T1A: [AircraftData] EmptyMass=5046.30 EmptyInertia=23799.8,8718.9,44566.9 ReferenceArea=26.75 ReferenceSpan=11.43 CGPosition=0.0,1.8,0.0. With the CGPosition=0.0,1.8,0.0. I could load all ordinance individually or even in most combinations and it did not blow up on the runway using full pylons 1-5 using combinations of Aim-9Bs and Mk 82s and a gunpod. The external fuel tanks alone did not cause it to blow up or even with a comination of a gunpod or Aim-9Bs together. However, when I added all three together (meaning the external tanks seemed to be the difference), it would suddenly start blowing up. However, I guess by adding just "a straw" to break the camel's back (just a little too much extra ordinace weight in combination-weight (or unintended CG shift from the external tanks shifting the CG aft?), now it would blow up. When I simply changed the CG position to CGPosition=0.0,0.0,0.0. from CGPosition=0.0,1.8,0.0, now all ordinance can be loaded and it doesn't blow up. Is this because it would "tip back" on its tail and explode?
  7. [AircraftData] EmptyMass=5046.30 EmptyInertia=23799.8,8718.9,44566.9 ReferenceArea=26.75 ReferenceSpan=11.43 CGPosition=0.0,1.8,0.0. Component[001]=Fuselage Component[002]=LeftWing Component[003]=RightWing Component[004]=LeftStab Component[005]=RightStab Component[006]=VertTail Component[007]=LeftOuterWing Component[008]=RightOuterWing Component[009]=Nose Component[010]=Tail Hmmm, this is all I see at the top. Now why would changing "empty mass" do anything?
  8. Thanks, I have a color picture of 2 huge (comparatively) olive green symmetrical external tanks on a Hawk that has "Royal Saudi Air Force" written on the Hawks' noses.
  9. Ravenclaw, I have this problem too. Can you post here which fuel tank was used in the T1 data_ini and load_out.ini? Thanks.
  10. Errr never mind I guess...someone did an official job!!! (look above!).
  11. << I have to ask permission from Foxmonter before I can send it....then I would/will send it. Can you do anything with the canopy or longer bulges? Remember, it still has the old longer canopy, and now correctly one seat. For the skin, I'm pretty handy at repainting one of the existing skins.
  12. <<Anyone thought to do an African campaign? Besides the Madagascar campaign I know of no others. Southern Africa>> Yes. Some information follows: "The war was one of the most prominent Cold War conflicts"...BBC "Cuban pilots, East German pilots and perhaps even some Soviet pilots might have been involved" (ACIG website). The Russians even had a general leading campaigns: "General Konstantin Shagnovich decided to take over command of all Angolan and allied forces." "A closer look at Soviet strategy of the 1970s helps to understand why the situation in Angola took a turn for the worse before it degenerated into an all-out civil war. In 1975, the west relied heavily on the Middle East for its oil requirements, but as the Suez Canal had been closed to traffic since the Six-Day War (or had become too narrow for modern tankers), traffic had to skirt the Cape of Good Hope, the air and waters around which were practically controlled by the Soviets and their allies from their African bases, Soviet bombers TU-95 Bears and TU-l 6 Badgers - presented a serious threat to the sea routes." "Without question, the Soviets would have derived invaluable strategic and economic advantages from a take-over of South Africa as, further to getting hold of Pretoria's fantastic gold reserves, they could also lay their hands on the mineral wealth of southern Africa as a whole. As a western political observer put it when commenting on Soviet expansion in Africa: 'From Cape Town, the Soviets will, in the long run, gradually control the policy of Europe and preside over its destiny like they're doing in Finland.'"...Ouch. "Apparently unconcerned, Europe looked the other way, ignoring Lenin's prediction 'We’ll sneak in through the African back door." I don't know if I'll finish it, but I have been working on a "Bushwars" campaign using a new terrain ("AfricanBush") and representing the area between Luena, Angola and the border of Namibia ("Southwest Africa") to the South and not using ocean for the 1980s. It involves the Mirage F-1 with a modified Super Etendard cockpit and a modified Impala II. ...I could use other experts help to modify both aircraft: ...ie. To modify the Super Etendard cockpit by placing of the horizon situation indicator more to the center, and getting rid of a master arm switch... and reducing the Impala II's external canopy length. I could also use some more SAAF camo Mirage F1 skins. Heck, I could use help on the terrain too, I might need an ocean added...right now, I have it so concentrated that it only includes areas away from the ocean...still such a huge area that both sides' aircraft correctly have their low fuel warning lights on during many missions. Edit: I formerly misspelled Luena.
  13. How many hours?

    Ouch...I started in about 1973 at the U. of Maryland with a Starship Enterprize simulation on a mainframe. Then in 1982, I graduated to an Apple 2 flight sim (you had to program in each move)... then in 1991 full bore with LucasArts Their Finest Hour on a laptop...and been pretty continous since then. So that is about 14 hours-21 hours per week since then.
  14. I'm totally new at this. Is there a way to make it so that in a campaign and single mission that when you press the autopilot, you only stay at low altitudes...like in an African bush campaign? Thanks for any help
  15. I'm totally new to this. I am working with the Suez 2 terrain. I need to find out how to place a training camp target on a "Kibbutz" tile and make it a target for a CAS mission and a strike mission objective. Thanks for any help.
  16. Thanks! Okay, now a second issue. In Suez 2, I need to reduce the number of airfields. How do I do this?
  17. The Mirage Factory F-4G by USAFMTL flight model seems to model the low speed handling better than many other F-4s to me...ie. it doesn't like it!!! This F-4G gets squirrely if you push it beyond the buffet and a wing often tries to sharply fall vs. many others where it just nicely stops turning. I have read over the years, if I remember correctly, that the F-4 versions could get very tricky if you pushed it at too high an angle of attack...from the F-4 manual in an accelerated stall, "wing rock becomes unpredictable and progresses to a high frequency." "Increasing aft stick deplacement increases the magnitude of roll and yaw oscillations at the stall." "Applying and holding full aft stick, even with ailerons and rudder neutral, can result in a spin." Nice job USAFTML! http://books.google.com/books?id=oeJuJtjK4...Qnx4Y#PPT221,M1
  18. Wow, this is what an analyst had to say about the Super Hornet vs. Flanker... "In assessing the Flanker against the Super Hornet it is clear from the outset that the advantage in firepower, speed, raw agility, range and manoeuvre performance goes to the Flanker" "In terms of combat radius performance the Flanker outperforms the Super Hornet, even with the latter carrying external tanks. There is no substitute for clean internal fuel. The Flanker's radar aperture is twice the size of the Hornet family apertures, due to the larger nose cross section" "High speed turning performance, where thrust limited, also goes to the Flanker, as does supersonic manoeuvre performance. The Super Hornet is severely handicapped by its lower combat thrust/weight ratio, and hybrid wing planform." "The Super Hornet does not have any compelling advantage in EWSP capability." "In summary, the Flanker outperforms the Super Hornet decisively in aerodynamic performance. What advantage the Super Hornet now has in the APG-79 radar will vanish in coming years as Russian AESAs emerge. The one area in which the Flanker currently trails the Super Hornet is in radar signature (stealth) performance. The Super Hornet has inlet geometry shaping, inlet tunnel S-bends, and an AESA shroud all of which reduce its forward sector signature well below that of the Flanker" "The supercruising Al-41F engine will further widen the performance gap in favour of the Flanker. What this means is that post 2010 the Super Hornet is uncompetitive against advanced Flankers in BVR combat, as it is now uncompetitive in close combat." Hmmm, well, errrrr, uhhh, ummm, we are still better trained....it's the MAN, not the machine! http://www.ausairpower.net/DT-SuperBug-vs-Flanker.html
  19. It stalls in a heartbeat with only the >gentlest of pulls on the stick. Any chance you could look at some more parts of the data.ini for a clue? Hmmm, I'm not so sure that modeling this (F.3) Tornado to stall so quickly with a tiny pull on the stick is so inaccuate. It (F.3) was known to be almost useless in a dogfight and an almost stand-in as a "there is nothing else" sort of aircraft (F-14 was too expensive for the Brits). It was, I believe, meant to be developed as an extremely long range patrol interceptor over the northern approaches to knock down russky bombers before they hit the UK or Nato. I remember, a study sim on the tornado a few years ago...and it had the same fast stall and useless dogfighting capabilities. It also has a swingwing design, which in this case, I remember reading, was not designed for dogfighting in any sense of the word (unlike the F-14)...just high speed, low level work. I suspect that if it is modeled any better in the stall, that it will be overmodeled. It was a pig I believe. I think that AmokFloo might just have modeled this right on and that it might have the best Tornado flight model out there now (no insults intended at all to anyone [i appreciate your work immensely]). I have flown the Mig-17 (in aerobatics) and the Cessna Citation, but am certainly no expert on the Tornado. During desert storm, it (F.3 with two air forces) was not allowed anywhere near the action....anyone have any input on any of this...? Thanks,
  20. The new model will not only mimic loss of roll authority due to wing-warping above 460 KIAS, but will also suffer from 'Mach tuck" beyond 475 KIAS, a prelude to a total loss of pitch authority above 502 KIAS. The '17 did not have hydraulically boosted elevators, so it was all but humanly impossible to pull out of a dive in one by yanking back on the stick above that speed, even though the real aircraft often sported a retractable stick extender, just for that contingency. Great idea! Thanks!

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