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Everything posted by ordway

  1. If anyone can post more photos of the Mig-27/Mig-23BN cockpits, it would help me to bring you a lot better pit...especially you eastern types with access I don't have. Thanks.
  2. Yes, if anyone can make that radar transparent on the screen, let me know.
  3. Mig-23P air defense version almost finished. It had the enemies' information data linked to its HUD. It had no ground attack capability, but enhanced radar. The MiG-23P was the most numerous PVO interceptor in the 1980s
  4. Mig-23MF export version cockpit and the Mig-23MLD cockpit are almost finished. This Mig-23MF export version saw combat in the middle east with Syria and reportedly had some F-4 and F-16 kills. It was a much improved export version after the previous MS version. Added are features to make it more "developing worldish" including red labeling tape, lots of dust and simplified features. It fired radar-guided missiles and so was a BVR threat with the AA-7 Apex missiles. The Mig-23MLD cockpit is also almost finished. It was the the ultimate and final production updated Mig-23 version. It has a unique gunsight and HUD compared to the previous versions.
  5. Version


    This is the SFP1 series cockpit (version 1.0) for the first export version Mig-23, the Mig-23MS of the Mirage factory. Download the Mirage Factory Mig-23 package here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...le=5211Mig-23MS cockpit almost ready. This is the Mig-23MS cockpit in a light blue Russian color (from photos) and modded to the Mig-23MS standard from Armourdave and Sal's Mig-23 grey-colored cockpit. I believe that Mago & Badger 343rd did the orginal cockpit. Changes: I repainted it in a light Russian blue (from color photos) and added (and took away) some details, placards, added new switches and instruments and panels from color photos and Mig-23 cockpit diagrams of the Mig-23Ss. I deleted the radar warning reciever and eliminated the pitot tube. The Mig-23 series was the USSR's "most capable tactical fighter during the height of the cold war" according to a Jane's recognition guide.* The Mig-23MS export version saw heavy Arab-Israeli combat in the middle east and had combat with USN F-14s near Libya. It was a downgraded Mig-23 S/M export version with a Mig-21 RP-22SM 'Jay Bird' radar in a smaller radome, and the IRST was removed. It reportedly had a radar scope on the dash like the Mig-21 series. This variant had no BVR capability. It was extremely fast at low level, had outstanding acceleration and a superb climb rate. However, it maneuvered like a truck (including roll). It reportedly shot down some Israeli F-4s and perhaps an Israeli F-16 according to some Russian and some other sources. http://www.acig.org/artman/publish/article_273.shtml I find in the SFP1 series that if I attack enemy aircraft at max speed at extremely low level, that I can pop up and even kill an occasional F-16 and escape. Directions: 1) Back up your Mig-23M folder . 2) Now secondly download this other additional Mig-23 package from the Mirage Factory and install it (the Mig-23MS will not work without it): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5211 2) Just put this whole filefolder Mig-23MS contents into the Mig-23MS aircraft folder . 3) When asked to overwrite say yes. Finished! 4) OPTIONAL: Add Nele's advanced Mig-23MS flight model...not for beginners. Just take the Mig-23MS_data.ini from the included Nele folder and drop it into the Mig-23MS folder. Say yes when asked to overwrite. To go back to the easy original flight model just use the Mig-23MS_data.ini from the included original folder and drop it into the Mig-23MS folder. Say yes when asked to overwrite. Enjoy! Thanks to Mago & Badger 343rd for the original Mig-21 cockpit. Thanks to Armourdave and Sal for the idea and modifying the Mago/Badger Mig-21 cockpit for original Mig-23 use so I could modify it further into Mig-23MS standards. Thanks to Nele for the optional advanced flight model. V.1.2- I added buttons under the warning light panels as per photos and from experience on the Mig-27 cockpits. V.1.3- I made a panel wider and more visible. I added on a Hobbs-type meter. * Jane's Vintage Aircraft Recognition Guide by Tony Holmes, 2005. NOT FOR PAYWARE USE IN ANY WAYWAY
  6. Yes, I think the MLD will be next. It has its own very special and specific HUD that Starfighter2 built for it....different than for all the others. Boy, this Mig-23 series cockpits seems to have more dedicated variations then the beach has sand!
  7. Mig-23MS cockpit almost ready. The Mig-23 was the USSR's "most capable tactical fighter during the height of the cold war" according to a Jane's recognition guide.* The Mig-23MS export version saw heavy Arab-Israeli combat in the middle east and had combat with USN F-14s near Libya. It was a downgraded export version with a Mig-21 RP-22SM 'Jay Bird' radar in a smaller radome, and the IRST was removed. It reportedly had a radar scope on the dash like the Mig-21 series. This variant had no BVR capability. It was extremely fast at low level, had outstanding acceleration and a superb climb rate. It reportedly shot down some F-4s and perhaps an F-16 according to some Russian and some other sources. * Jane's Vintage Aircraft Recognition Guide by Tony Holmes, 2005.
  8. Mirage F.1EQ Cockpit (SAAF Modified) Based on Foxmonter's superb SEtendard Cockpit. Pitts2a
  9. [Edit] Hmmm, you gave me some inspiration. Maybe I can get back to finishing the Angolan/Namibia/S. African terrain project after I finish the plethora of Mig-23 cockpits. You could stage a cold war Russki vs West scenario there too.
  10. Well, here is the cockpit if that is what you mean. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6033 If you mean the terrain...it is a pretty dead project right now. I could send you, or anyone else, the tiles, etc. which are pretty well-researched from Google Earth, photos and contact with inhabitants in my opinion.
  11. I just uploaded a newer enhanced Mig-23ML (later version) cockpit which is by far more accurate than my previously uploaded version according to photos (as I became more skilled). Below are the two for comparison. Thanks also to Armourdave, Sal, Starfighter2 and lindr2. Mig-23ML Download link: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=8938 Mig-23M (Older version cockpit): Note the differences: The later version has only one dial on the upper deck instead of two of the earlier Mig-23M, a very different gunsight (with a huge instrument panel on it for the later version), different radar displays and some other placement differences. Mig-23M download link: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=9475 Mig-23ML (Newer version cockpit): ...and the very dark cockpit color from a color photo of a Mig-23ML:
  12. The new, more accurate (later mig-23) ML version has just been uploaded. It has many enhancements compared to the former ML I had uploaded according to photos: gunsight, more accurate instrument locations and types, and some photo-realistic work.
  13. Hmm, if you can wait a few more hours I will have a much more updated (accurate to photos) SFP1 Mig-23ML cockpit uploaded. It will be in the following Mig-23ML dark green color. To answer your question about which cockpit is best...basically, the Mig-23M cockpit (early) is most accurate for the M, MS, MF, P, MLA. The Mig-23ML cockpit (later) is best for later Mig-23s such as the ML, MLD, Flogger K. The cockpits will have significant differences such as replaced instruments and different locations. However, if you can wait for a few weeks, there will be many more Mig-23 cockpits available for download with specific HUDs. The defense-specific Mig-23P and MLA will have extremely different HUDs as they are strongly data linked with multiple numbers displayed thanks to Starfighter2. X-ray, if you get them converted to SF2 standards, please either also send them to me or upload them yourself. I am too busy just trying to get the buggers even working. The community needs the SF2 versions and I don't have the time to do the converting. Thanks,
  14. Hi, did you first download the Mig-23 series from http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5211 Then you can add the cockpit into that Mig-23M and it should work. Its in the readme, I believe. Maybe, I should just make it easier and include everything in the folder.
  15. I added some more objects in the new version 1.1 to make the Mig-23M cockpit closer to photos: 1. Added the round threat indicator to the left panel. 2. Deleted the dome shaped threat panel to the right panel. 3. Added two panel warning rows to the right panel. 4. Deleted the massive warning panel to the right side panel and added a photorealistic panel instead. This will be uploaded today I hope.
  16. I do not know. However, there is a lot of strange graphics to make the Mig-23 HUD work. So, I do not know.
  17. Okay, I just uploaded the Mig-23M cockpit for SFP1 series. I am so exhausted from it that I have only made it compataible for the SFP1 series. The Mig-23M was the first mass production Mig-23 series and reportedly had a radar nearly equal to the F4J's (when it was working). It was supposedly the first Soviet BVR fighter. The Mig-23 reported getting kills according to some books including a possible F-16 (which was not BVR rated at the time) as well as a Mirage F-1 and possibly an F-4 or two. Enjoy!
  18. Version


    This is the SFP1 series cockpit (version 1.3) for the first mass produced Mig-23 version, the Mig-23M of the Mirage factory. Download the Mig-23 package here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5211 Mig-23M cockpit additions made by Richard "Pitts2A" Ordway, Starfighter2, lindr2. Thanks to Armour Dave and Sal for the cockpit For SFP1 series. For Mirage Factory Mig-23ML. You need the latest patch updates from Thirdwire. Tested on Windows XP and not Vista. However it might work on Vista too. This is the Mig-23M cockpit in a very dark Russian green color (from photos)and modded to the Mig-23M standard from Armourdave and Sal's Mig-23 powder blue-colored cockpit. I repainted it and added some details, placards, new switches and instruments from color photos. Starfighter, with massive help from Lindr2, made the brilliant,indespensible Mig-23 M-specific HUD while I had hit a brick wall trying to make an accurate Mig-23 HUD work. They also made the new avionics.ini. http://www.acig.org/artman/publish/article_184.shtml The Mig-23M first flew on June 1972 around the time of the Viet Nam War. It was produced from 1972-1978 and reportedly had a total of more than 1,300 planes built. Its avionics suite was improved over the preproduction Mig-23S (Flogger A) and was probably the first VVS fighter to have limited look-down/shoot-down capabilities and be effective in the BVR (beyond visual range)environment. It's radar, when working, was reportedly generally equal to the F-4J's. In actual air-air combat against a well trained enemy, the Mig-23 proved it was historically capable of killing other maneuvering and aware fighters. However, it had such maneuvering restictions that dogfighting was almost suicide. IN SFP1, I find, that if you stay fast at treetop level, you can pop up and dispatch even an occasional F-16 and be away before you get killed. Thanks to Armour Dave and Sal for the cockpit. Thanks to Starfighter2, lindr2 for the Mig-23ML HUD which has stymied modelers until now that I know of. Thanks to the Mirage factory for the Mig-23ML downloadable as a pack from combatace in the pack called Mirage Factory MiG-23 "Flogger" Series. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5211 If I forgot anyone, I appologize and please tell me. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The Mig-23 had incredible strengths and incredible weaknesses. WEAKNESSES: For weaknesses, most Mig-23s never could turn or roll very well compared to its enemies and had very heavy controls. Its roll was hurt by its control system (spoilers and a diferential tail and the disconnection of spoilers at any but 16 degrees). In close in combat it was a deathtrap because unless the pilot stayed within certain tight maneuvering limits, it would often lose control and simply crash. Its cockpit visiblility was one of the worst of any fighter. Visibility is life in a dogfight. It had slushy controls in many areas of its flight regime and its nose would often hunt back and forth. Its unpredictable accelerated stall was often taking ones life into ones hands if attempted. It also had the typical Soviet disadvantage of a very short range. There are reports of its radar not working much of the time and it often not being mission ready. It is hard to use an aircraft if it is not working. Red Eagles, Steve Davies "Flying the Mig-23" http://books.google.com/books?id=6yJ8gfVAm...lt&resnum=4 It is true that later versions had much improved handling/systems. However, I understand that maneuvering limits still existed. http://dewarbirdracing.com/Airplanes/MiG23...87/Default.aspx http://www.flightglobal.com/pdfarchive/vie...20-%200508.html STRENGTHS: For advantages, it had one of the best accelerations of any frontline fighter with its swing-wing swept back (even by today's standards). It was incredibly fast at tree top level and could sustain that high speed at low level whereas most other fighters had such a rough low-level ride as to be unsustainable. Another advantage was its incredible climb rate (for its time) of around 45,000 feet/min ("Fighters", Mike Spick). In other words, it was well suited as an interceptor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Directions: 1) Back up your Mig-23M folder . 2) Now secondly download this other additional Mig-23 package from the Mirage Factory and install it (the Mig-23M will not work without it): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5211 2) Just put this whole filefolder Mig-23M contents into the Mig-23M aircraft folder . 3) When asked to overwrite say yes. Enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.1- I added some warning lights on the main dash and subtracted the threat panel. I subtracted the warning light panel on the side panel and put in a warning panel as per photos. Finally, I added a round threat panel on the far right. The change is quite remarkable for accuracy. Version 1.2- I made the directions more clear thanks to user feedback. I added one more panel according to photos. Version 1.3- I added an .ini so that it would be easier to install with the .70 avionics already included. I upgraded the radar to the later Sapfir-23D-III radar (the Mig-23 apparently had three versions of differing strength). Version 1.4 -I added knobs under the warning light panels after refining techniques from the Mig-27 series cockpits. Version 1.5- I redid the avionics.ini because some people were having problems with the HUD appearing.
  19. Here's a July 15 update on the Mig-23M cockpit. Almost everthing has been changed as per two Mig-23M color photos I have.
  20. Dels, extremely nice looking and needed! Thanks,
  21. Okay, I added the below entries to both the cockpit.ini and separately to the avionics.ini and I still get the same huge radar image that you have above. I am getting nowhere. The radar image needs to be much smaller and like in the SU-17 below: [HUDradar] Type=RADAR_SCOPE NodeName=Mira ImageSize=0.0625 [moveMiraY] Type=AIRSPEED_INDICATOR NodeName=Mira MovementType=POSITION_Y Set[01].Position=-0.1 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=-0.1 Set[02].Value=1.0 remImageSize=0.0625 ImageSize=0.0125 [MoveMiraZ] Type=AIRSPEED_INDICATOR NodeName=MiraPadre01 MovementType=POSITION_Z Set[01].Position=0.16 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=0.16 Set[02].Value=1.0 remImageSize=0.0625 ImageSize=0.0125
  22. Very nice! Yes, it needs to be refined like the SU-7 cockpit so that the radar only occupies the top part and is barely visible like the SU-7.
  23. However, a seeming fatal problem with the Mig-21MF pit is "putting the radar on the HUD" which the SU9 cockpit has (more or less).

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