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Posts posted by navychief

  1. Hmm, seems like a lot of work for the "possibility" of the sims working in Windows 10.  DCS, from what little I know about it (and I actually have it installed) is quite popular.  I have been simming since around 2004.  Mostly I fly FSX (carrier ops), but then happened upon SFP1 and WOV, and thought I would try installing them and flying.  But it appears too much of a problem!  Thanks all for your comments/advice.  Pete

  2. Greetings!


    Haven't  been on here since '09.  Am flying FSX mostly.  I have DCS, but no clue how to use it.  Heck, just configuring my controls is confusing!!!   How's everyone!   Navy Chief....

    • Like 1

  3. Can you describe the problem more? Are the keys you have assigned, not being the same as in the control/default.ini? Or is the game just not recognizing your buttons?


    Have you added any of the weapons packs?


    If so, then delete the 'AircraftObject.ini' in the Objects folder


    Good luck!





    From what folks have told have told me on CH Hangar, I am doing something wrong with the CH Control Manager Program.


    I have always had problems understanding how to use this program, but am really trying to master it this time.


    Thanks. Pete


    P.S. Is beer still a member here?

  4. Ok,


    I installed the base WOV sim. Then installed the latest patch from Third Wire.


    Installed CH Control Manager (have CH Pro throttle, Pedals, and Fighterstick.


    Button assignments will not work in WOV with my controllers. Axis assignments are working, but this is driving me crazy.


    I hate using the keyboard, period. If I could set it up, I would never use it.



  5. Hi Nesher,


    It's been a long time since I posted on CombatAce, but I logged onto the site just now and read your post. I have emailed you before to say how sympathetic I am towards the problems the Israeli people constantly face. Also, that I am so thankful for the friendship between the US and Israel.


    Indeed, if I was still a young man, I would join the Israeli Navy to help defend your country!



    Take care, my friend.



    Navy Chief

  6. Hi all,


    As some of you know, my wife and I have a lot of cats. We used to be involved with pet rescue. As a result, we have quite a few of the furry friends; 34, to be exact. That doesn't count my 140 Rottweiler who "thinks" he is a cat too.


    Anyway, we entered a photo contest, sponsored by "Petsmart". We were notified that our entry is in the top 15. Voting starts today.




    I sure would appreciate your vote for our submission! Voting ends on August 12th. Ours is the ONLY picture of cats, entitled: #10 Red Cat Society. Actually, that is a missprint. Should have read "Red Hat Society", but oh well.The names of the cats are: "Torque, Twist, and Tybalt". Thanks for your support!


    Navy Chief



  7. Yeah Chief, you are using F5 which is supposed to be over the shoulder view. It doesn't work right. Use F6 and you will be outside of the plane looking at it. You can pan around then with your mouse.



    Thanks for the quick replies! I used to fly SFP1 a lot, when it first came out. But the problems with MP got old. I hear things are better with MP, but have not tried it myself.



  8. Hi Folks.


    I haven't posted here for a while, but have a question about the different views available in the SF/WOE/WOV series.


    First off, I fly FS2004 almost exclusively. Haven't flown the Third Wire sims in a while. But I reloaded WOV a few days ago, and am trying to figure out something.


    In FS2004, I am able to select an outside view of the aircraft, and pan around it while the aircraft is flying, etc...


    Is there a comparable option in the Third Wire sims? Every time I select a outside view of the aircraft, and pan with my mouse.....it reverts back to a view from the rear of the aircraft within a couple seconds, if I don't keep my mouse moving. Most annoying.


    Please give me some more information, if you can!




    Pete Ward, aka....Navy Chief

  9. If I can take a different approach here, I'd like to address the learning aspect involved with playing the game. I do find myself tinkering more with the mods than playing the game istelf. And it has been highly educational, since I had no prior knowledge of "extracting" a file, or using notepad, or reading/manipulating an ini file to find out why the A-4EL was invisible on the tarmac and had the gun pod on top (LOL).


    Again, I'd like to say thank to all the modders and forum members for their efforts in making this game what it is. To provide a wonderful product and advice, all for the cost of a simple "thank you" or "job well done" still boggles my mind, but is appreciated nonetheless. You've got a "customer" for life!


    Best Regards,


    Super 61


    It's the exact same situation with me re: Flight Simulator 2004. I have literally hundreds of aircraft/scenery/addons; yet I spend most of my time modifying them all.


    But I love it just the same!


    Navy Chief

  10. If your in my house, and I'm upset enough to tell you to leave....well...you better leave because your right to be there ended with my right to let you stay. The only thing that sounds odd is that you would think it was the grandmother tell her son in law to spank the childs bottom, "That's how we did it in the old days".



    That's a fact, Fates. A lot of the problems with youth these days is because of the EXTREMELY INEFFECTIVE "Time Out" punishment doled out; instead of spanking.


    Navy Chief

  11. Chief,


    I have Steel Beasts Gold, which was the original verison with some expanded scenarios. Basically this is a simulator of modern tank operations in either an M1A1 or a Lepoard 2 main battle tank. I have not played it in about 5yrs but it was pretty fun at the time I was playing it. If I remember there isn't a campaign as much rather a series of missions that you will engage such targets as T-72's, BMP's, Mi-24's, BTR's etc. It is supposed to be customizable and pretty easy to do editing and modding. The current verison that you can buy is a modified verision of the one that the company sells to the military and government. It is called Steel Beast Pro- Personal Edition. The only thing is that at 125 dollars it is completely out of my price range. I would recommend that you do a search online at Ebay or even amazon for Steel Beasts Gold. That will give you best game at the cheapest price.

    I think that website, Steelbests.com, which is a fan site would let you know more about the game and its versions.





  12. Hi all.


    I don't post here much. Used to, when it was known as BioHazard Central. At any rate, I am thinking of getting the sim, "Steel Beasts", but don't know much about it.


    I see, from my google searches, that there apparently is more than one version. Which one is worth getting, if any of them?


    Thanks. Am running Windows XP, a BFG 7800GT 512MB video card, and dual processors.


    Hey Firehawkordy, email me, shipmate! I sent you a message weeks ago, but haven't heard back from ya!


    Navy Chief

  13. Hi ya Chief..great to Cya ya old seadog.You nee to show up more..alot of really cool things going on.How ya been?


    Been doin' ok, Dagger. Haven't been simming much, but do download files constantly. Really like FS9, even without the guns/missiles.


    Does Beer still post here? Years ago, he was working on a second music video. I think it was going to be the Kid Rock song, "Cowboy", but never heard if he finished it. His first one, "Wasting Time" was a hoot!



  14. Ahoy everyone!


    Haven't been on here much, since the days when this site was known as "BioHazard Central".


    A lot has changed eh? But I do recognize a few of the names here still.


    Mostly these days, I fly FS9. I do own SFP1, WOV, and WOE, but right now they're not on my hard drive. Maybe sometime I'll reinstall them.


    Anyway, hope all is well with y'all.


    Take care.


    Navy Chief

  15. Man I hate that!! I still watch him on tv.He was so funny.I will miss him.



    I grew up watching Don Knotts. Just another reminder that regardless of financial stature, or importance.....we all will go someday.


    One's mortality is brought to the forefront again. Don Knotts was a comedic genius.


    Navy Chief

  16. Yesterday was a great day for RAZBAM, to say the least. The Naval Aviation Museum at Pensacola has decided to use RAZBAM's creations for their simulators!!!


    The RAZBAM A-4 Skyhawk Series, and the T-2C Buckeye Series aircraft will now become part of the simulator program, associated with their "Flight Academy".


    I met with the Director of the museum's Flight Adventure Deck yesterday morning; G.R. (Woody) Woodward, Commander, USN, (Ret.). Woody took me on a tour of the simulator room at the museum. Currently, there are only 4 simulators in their setup, but the new "Flight Academy" building, which will soon be built, will have considerably more!


    It was truly a remarkable trip. RAZBAM can be rightfully proud that the Naval Aviation Museum has chosen their creations to become part of their curriculum. Furthermore, they definitely want to use the RAZBAM A-6/EA-6 Series, and the A-7 Corsair Series, once they are completed!!!! Way to go, Ron Zambrano!!!


    Go Navy, and Go RAZBAM!!!


    Navy Chief


  17. Good to have you back NC! The old Biohaz days are long-gone. CombatAce has really taken a life of it's own. Glad they finally spun enough copper to put cable in your neck of the woods! I'm sure your enjoying it with that great setup you got!!!




    Hey Fates,


    Well, as "fate" would have it, I have not been able to do much flying at all lately. The wife had surgery (nothing life threatening); but it meant that I had to do a lot of stuff 'round the home that she normally took care of. So for the time being, I have simply been downloading aircraft and other files for FS9; just waiting for the opportunity to load them. Is there a big online group who flies WOV and SF?


    Navy Chief


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