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Everything posted by navychief

  1. Schweeet!!! Got Mine!

    I predict you will be hooked on FS9 very quickly. It is an awesome sim! Navychief Oh yeah, you will be amazed at the amount of freeware available for FS2004.
  2. Ok, I downloaded a file last night that "hijacked" my browser settings. All of a sudden, instead of going to my homepage of "Google", it changed to "searchonline". Not only would it not allow me to change back to Google, but it prevented me from opening files on my desktop. Well, after reading about the infection and trying different programs to eliminate it, I finally was able to change my homepage back to Google. But now I get a "Runtime Error 5 at 0040469D" message upon startup. I am able to exit out of the message, and all SEEMS ok, but this is annoying. Can anyone offer a solution to this? Thanks. Navychief
  3. Locked?

    Seawolf, You expressed things the way I wish I had. Quite often I am not able to put in words the way I feel, but you are very correct about my basing beliefs on life's experiences from a different time and place. You and I both have visited other countries, and have seen their quality of life. So far, I have not been to a place that equals what we have here in the US. Not even close. So I tend to get very defensive when talking about who is wanting to lead this country. Navy Chief
  4. Locked?

    Perhaps it would be better to let this one die off. After the inflammatory comments by Foo Fighter, it would be quite easy for me to reply in kind; but I won't. I suppose that is where maturity comes in. God Bless the USA NC
  5. Locked?

    As Bill Murray said in the movie, "Stripes", .... "That's the fact Jack!" My sentiments exactly, Seawolf. Navy Chief
  6. Kerry Wins Support Of North Korea

    Well, Senator Kerry now has some support that he probably wishes he didn't. North Korea's leader, Pyongyang, is hopeful that Senator Kerry will become our next President. See the article at: http://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/new...0403050011.html Apparently, the North Koreans hope that Kerry will win; thinking that with Kerry in office, there would be a softening of US policies concerning North Korea's nuclear program. If Kerry would become our President, I am sure that is exactly what would take place, and another reason why NOT to vote for him. Think about it. Oh yeah, one last thing. Has anyone noticed a resemblance between "Lurch" from the Addams Family, and Senator Kerry? Kinda scary! Heh, heh...... Navy Chief
  7. Kerry Wins Support Of North Korea

    Why hasn't George withdrawn us from the UN? Good question. I wish he would. NC
  8. Kerry Wins Support Of North Korea

    Abortion: Don't agree. I believe it should be up to the woman. Afirmative Action/quotas: Totally agree. Defense (Homeland security): I agree to a point. Yes, it is not all what it is cracked up to be; but it needs to be improved and strengened. Again, times are different. Defense (Military): I agree Economy: I agree. Education: I agree. Gays: I agree. As far as the issue with Gay Marriage? Marriage should be a man and a woman, period. Civil unions? Whatever, but leave the sanctity of marriage alone. Gun Control: I agree with your stance on gun control. Go after the criminals who have them. Iraq: I'm not really sure what to think about the Iraq war, other than it's already happened, nothing we can do about it, so we might as well stop complaining about why or whether we should've gone to war. Medical Issurance: If Canada is any indication, you had better hope we do not go to nationalized health insurance. North Korea: Don't agree. Do not underestimate North Korea. Seperation of Chruch and State: I personally think it's out of hand. Almost too much political correctness involved with it. Social Security: 100 percent agree. UN and our "Allies": Totally agree. And the UN is more than just corrupt. It is inept. NC
  9. Kerry Wins Support Of North Korea

    I never said the military was the most important thing. But you must agree that 9/11 changed things. This country had never been attacked so savagely (save for Pearl Harbor, of course). Things are different now. I believe that there will be another attack even worse than 9/11. I apologize if I offended you. NC
  10. I have a problem with the sound in SF. A lot of the sounds are not audible, and I cannot find a way to fix it. A few months back, didn't someone post a complete new set of sounds for SF? Perhaps if I installed a complete set, then this problem would go away. Any ideas? Navy Chief
  11. Kerry Wins Support Of North Korea

    Snapple Let me get this straight. You consider the military to be ("just another special interest group, that happens to have better stuff than the NRA".) Hmm. And you are planning on becoming a Naval Officer? You might want to look for another career, if that is the way you truly feel. NC
  12. Hey Dagger, Thanks. I downloaded and installed Pinch's replacement sounds, but I am still not getting sounds like Engine noise upon take off, or any other time... NC
  13. Kerry Wins Support Of North Korea

    When it comes to the leadership of this country, Snapple, I do not consider my views to be whining in any respect. As for Kerry bashing? Well, the man has a questionable record when it comes to defense, and although I agree that economy issues are important; it takes a back seat to the protection of this country. I personally believe that Kerry's past actions and his voting record matters. It provides a clear picture of his character. As for the "same garbage being thrown about" as you put it, I believe that this forum is, as defined: "General discussion. Please post all off-topic discussions in here." And so, I chose to begin this thread about Kerry. I do not agree with you that discussions on this forum are a waste of time. As for changing anyone else's mind? No matter to me. I simply wish to air my thoughts, and last I checked, it was allowed. Again, at the risk of restating or, as you called it "recycled crap", I continue to maintain that President Bush is the best choice for continued leadership of this country. I do not apologize for starting this thread. Quite the contrary. I am proud to have stated my views. Navy Chief
  14. Kerry Wins Support Of North Korea

    I am sure there are a lot of nations eager for Kerry to become President. Why wouldn't they? After all, Kerry's desire is to turn over control of US forces to the UN. And the UN has shown how inefficent and corrupt it is. In fact, more investigations into corrupt dealings between Saddam Hussein and UN officials will almost certainly uncover even more such illegal transactions. Now is NOT the time to have a passive US President. Terrorism would not only increase; it would destroy us. We need a President who is strong on defense. Kerry has proved he is not. Simply look at his voting record. Yes, I am sure a lot of nations want Kerry to be the next US President. America needs Bush; not Kerry, to lead us. Navy Chief
  15. A True Story....

    The following situation actually happened: I was the CPO on duty one night on Guam, with VQ-1, when the duty office received a phone call from a squadron members wife. She wanted to speak to her husband about sending his paycheck home. The Assistant Duty Officer (ASDO) told her that her husband was away on a flight, and wouldn't be back on base for several hours. All of a sudden, the ASDO handed me the phone, and started laughing hysterically! I took the phone, told the woman I was the Duty Officer, and asked if I could help her. She calmly asked, "Yes, could you please leave a message for my husband to FAX his paycheck to me?" I managed to keep a straight face while I told her that I would relay the message to her husband. True story. Kinda scary, actually. I think they actually have kids too. Whew! Navy Chief
  16. A True Story....

    Gotta say one thing, though. When ISN'T a mid watch boring? Heh, heh, heh.... I don't miss standing watches, that's for certain. Navy Chief
  17. The Other "chief" In Our House.

    I just took this picture of "Chief". He turned 2 this past December. At a visit to the vet yesterday, he weighed in at 130. I have to say it is getting to be a challenge, lifting him into my pickup truck. He can''t jump into it, as the tailgate is too high. Chief, although appearing somewhat menacing, is a big baby. We got him when he was only five weeks old, and he was raised with over 15 cats all around him. Now that I think about it, when we first got him, he was about the size of his head! While growing up in Indianapolis, our family had a poodle. "Molly" was her name. Good dog and all, but since I have had a Rottweiler, I am hooked. "Chief" is a great companion, and I just wanted to share this with you. Have a great day. Navy Chief P.S. For all of you who remember my loss of "Armand" (my Siamese)? Well, I am thinking of beginning to look for another one. I know I can't replace Armand, but I love the breed. Siamese are not like any other cat.
  18. I have posted an example of Fred Reed's columns before; but if any of you have the time, go read Fred's latest contribution at: http://fredoneverything.net/ThisWeek'sFred.shtml It's a good one. Navy Chief
  19. What Car We Drive......

    I drive a 2002 bright yellow Nissan Xtera. Never thought I would own another gas-guzzling SUV, but it is darn near a necessity where I live. The road is dirt/gravel, and not kept up well at all. The other vehicle I drive is a 96 Nissan 4wheel drive pickup. The paint is real bad on it, but don't care. It is my vehicle of choice for hauling stuff. I used to have a 1945 Willys MB ex-US Army jeep. It was in pristine condition. Even had a mock 30 caliber machine gun on a pedestal mount. Had to sell it due to a divorce. But I do have my M274 Mule! Navy Chief
  20. The Other "chief" In Our House.

    Thanks Zagnut. Listen, as for the notion about a small house/small dog idea? Well, my log home has a grand total of 650 sq. ft. Besides "Chief" living here, we also have 12 cats. Needless to say, things get interesting 'round here, but never boring! At night, I have to wear earplugs a lot, because some of the younger cats go on a rampage, and I can't sleep. Even with our bedroom door closed, I can hear them tearing through the house. Sometimes I wonder how I ever slept aboard ship! Chief is the best behaved dog I have ever had. Except for his constant licking (better than biting, eh?), I have nothing but great things to say about him. One thing though. I try not to give him extra dog treats. Talk about gas! WHEW! Sorry. Just had to mention it. Heh, heh. Navy Chief
  21. I Need To Vent.

    Yup. Gotta agree with you on that one. Brats. Have no use for 'em. And rich, snobby types, either. The main reason I was never good at public relations. Navy Chief
  22. Skyraider

    I just downloaded this beauty today! Navy Chief
  23. The Final Countdown

    Anyone remember this movie? I saw it when it was still in the theatres, back in 1980. It was released on DVD a few years back, but the soundtrack and video was horrible. March 30th, a new release will be available from a different company, Blue Underground. Two different DVDs are available. Same movie, but one has a bonus cd with bios, etc.....; and the other DVD does not. http://www.blue-underground.com/movie.php?movie_id=49 Without the extra DVD, it is about $13.95 at : http://www.cduniverse.com/productinfo.asp?...3&frm=sh_google I also saw it listed on Amazon.com This was a great movie for its time. Definitely a recruiting boost for the Navy! Navy Chief
  24. The Final Countdown

    I was incorrect about one item. There are three separate DVD sets available for this movie from Blue Underground! http://www.blue-underground.com/coming_soon.php I chose the widescreen version. NC
  25. Fellas, Life Is Good Ya Know...

    Yep, I finally decided to do something other than spend WAY too much time on the computer. Joined a athletic club a couple days ago. I turned 50, and feel 70. Gotta get back into better shape, or won't see 70. NC.

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