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Everything posted by navychief

  1. Stupid Question

    Hey Firehawk. Go to: http://www.simviation.com/fs_compatibility.htm It is a list of what is compatible. Hope that answers your question, shipmate. Navychief
  2. If you have time, download this video. It is excellent!!! Navychief http://www.acealpha.com/jaryoo/files/U.wmv
  3. Senator Kerry And Hanoi Jane

    Hey Seawolf. I agree with you comment about Michael Moore. If there ever was an arguement FOR birth control, all you have to do is think of Michael Moore. What a waste of human flesh. Navy Chief
  4. Men And Our *ahem*

    That's ok; I can relate to the situation. My wife gets more than a little angry at me for spending so much time, playing flight simulator. The thing is, I could be involved with a lot of worse things on the computer, i.e. chat rooms, porn, etc....; but I'm not. Of course she is convinced that I am doing just that. And so, the battle goes on. Navy Chief
  5. My Favourite Writer

    Flight of the Intruder is the only book by Coonts that I have read, but I truly enjoyed it. Not surprisingly, the movie was a disappointment. Oh, it was ok, but not nearly as suspenseful as the book. Navy Chief
  6. Ep-3 Aires Landing At Nas Agana, Guam

    I found this picture today, while searching through pictures/info about NAS Agana, Guam. I was with VQ-1 from 1993-1997, until I retired. The first ten months I spent with the squadron was on Guam. VQ-1 was the squadron who had an aircraft and crew taken hostage by the Chinese, when they forced the aircraft to land after colliding with one of their fighter aircraft. It was the best ten months of my life. Outstanding beaches, cheap beer, and great parties. Also ran a few cross-country runs with the local HHH chapter. Anyone out there know what that stands for? Navy Chief
  7. Ep-3 Aires Landing At Nas Agana, Guam

    You are quite correct, Buff! And, for the record, the "Hash" part of HHH has NOTHING to do with drugs. It is a world wide group that labels themselves, "A Drinking Club With A Running Problem". I don't drink anymore, but if I did, I would be looking to join a local HHH club. Nothing but fun! And MORE fun! GREAT times! Go read up on them at: http://www.gthhh.com/ Have a great Navy Day. Navy Chief
  8. Sombody Lend Me A Dollar

    Well, if one of you folks wants to buy it, I can keep the ejection seat, On Board Oxygen Generating System, and aircond/pressurization system in working order! The F/A-18 was the last tailhook aircraft I worked on. Navy Chief
  9. Hey PC Pilot Let me do some checking. Perhaps I can find something for you. Thanks! Navy Chief
  10. For Navy Chief

    Thanks Jinks! I am speechless! A reply email is forthcoming to you, my good friend. Many thanks. Navy Chief
  11. The Blues Brothers

    There was a documentary about this movie on tv last week. "The Blues Brothers" really is a classic. I didn't know it until I watched the documentary, but apparently the chase scenes in Chicago were filmed at actual speeds. Those cars were racing through the streets at over 100 miles per hour! Saturday Night Live has NEVER been as funny as when Dan Ackroyd, Chevy Chase, Bill Murray, and John Belushi were in the cast. Not even close. Navy Chief
  12. The Person Who Really Caught Saddam!

    I received this today. Barney Fife; a true American hero! Heh, heh, heh.... Navy Chief
  13. Please Spare A Thought...

    Hey shipmate, I will have your daughter in my prayers today. Keep up the positive thoughts. Navy Chief
  14. Redneck "not So Fast And Furious" Car

    Living in Georgia, I wouldn't be surprised to see this on the road. Heh, heh.... Navy Chief
  15. Redneck "not So Fast And Furious" Car

    Hey, you're right, Seawolf......it's a Yankee alright. But believe me, it is something you would defiinitely see in GA. Hey, when we gonna fly MP on the Bio Server....FS9? NC
  16. Favorite Sayings

    PG Raptor, "If you're not a liberal before 20, you don't have a heart. If you're not conservative before 40, you don't have a brain." So true, SO TRUE! Navy Chief
  17. Things That Are True.

    1)The very day you are impossibly late for work, you will run into road construction, traffic jams, and every red light possible. 2)I won't win the lottery, but there's a good chance the ex wife will, just to let me know Murphys law is alive and well. 3)The more things change, the more things stay the same.(waistlines exempt). 4)If you think you are right, you are probably wrong. If you think you are wrong, you are probably right. 5)A million bucks a'int what it used to be, they tell me; but I'd still like to find out myself. 6)Rap still is and will ALWAYS be, the special olympics of music. 7) The older I get, the smarter I realize my parents were. Also, the older I get, the dumber my kids think I am. 8)Music is a universal language. (Does not apply to Polka inhabited countries.) 9)The older I get, the better I was at ________(fill in the blank yourself). 10) The longer I sit here, the longer I will be wasting your time; so I hope you laughed at one or two of these, seeya! Navy Chief
  18. Biohaz Server Offline?

    No, you can fly any aircraft you wish, but if the people you are online with do not have the same aircraft in their directory, then it will not show correctly what you are flying on their screen. No big deal. NC
  19. Capt. Kangaroo...i'll Miss Him!!

    I agree with you, Dagger. Kids nowadays won't know who Capt. Kangaroo was, but I too, feel a part of my childhood is gone forever. You know, we all go down the same path eventually. No escaping that. However, when someone like Capt. Kangaroo dies, we are reminded of our own mortality. God Bless you, Capt. You enriched so many lives. Mine, for one. Navy Chief Here is what the AP wire article said: Capt. Kangaroo, Bob Keeshan, dead at 76 Bob Keeshan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By AP Bob Keeshan, who gently entertained and educated generations of children as television's walrus-mustachioed Captain Kangaroo, died Friday at 76. Keeshan died of a long illness, his family said in a statement. Keeshan's "Captain Kangaroo" debuted on CBS television in 1955 and ran for 30 years before moving to public television for six more. The program was wildly popular among children and won six Emmy Awards, three Gabriels and three Peabody Awards. The format was simple: Each day, Captain Kangaroo, with his sugar-bowl haircut and uniform coat, would wander through his Treasure House, chatting with his good friend Mr. Green Jeans, played by Hugh "Lumpy" Brannum. He would visit with puppet animals, like Bunny Rabbit, who was scolded for eating too many carrots, and Mr. Moose, who loved to tell knock-knock jokes. But the show revolved about the grandfatherly Captain Kangaroo, whose name was inspired by the kangaroo pouch-like pockets of the coat Keeshan wore. "I was impressed with the potential positive relationship between grandparents and grandchildren, so I chose an elderly character," Keeshan said.
  20. Biohaz Server Offline?

    I was flying the other night on the bio server, when it went offline. Hasn't been back up since. NC
  21. Tomcattin'

    The Tomcat was finally added to FS2004, and it is a beauty. Navy Chief
  22. A "how Too" Make Hops Question

    I know that with FS Navigator you can file multiple locations. Navy Chief
  23. Thinking About Buying This One

    Get it, you won't be sorry!!!! I have so much fun with this sim. The graphics are awesome, and the ability to fly multiplayer is so easy. Just the other night, I flew a hop with four other guys in Germany, and it was a blast - talking to them, and enjoying the view. You will find it amazing! Navy Chief
  24. Found A Plane That I Love To Fly

    No, it's not, and it definitely left a mark too! Navy Chief
  25. Found A Plane That I Love To Fly

    My favorite aircraft to fly is the EA-6B Prowler. Unfortunately, I had somewhat of a rough landing today on the USS JFK. The Maintenance Master Chief nearly had a stroke, and me? I went below to change my shorts! Navy Chief

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