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Posts posted by gopher66ca

  1. OK.. I will talk to myself some more.


    Installed David Slaven's Mideast Wars...and guess what? Same problem with Le Missioneur not recognizing the terrain, but, again it is recognized and playable in the game itself. This time the re-initialize location failed as well.


    I even tried restoring a plain patched install and installing ONLY the Mideast terrain but this didn't work either. Any ideas as to the cause of this? It seems that KMD recognizes it OK but I have to select specifically the PlanningMap3.BMP







    check the tutorial i wrote some time back on le missioneur. quickly if the terrain is unrecognized and will not initialize in the editor, check the path to the install, and be sure your planning maps are placed and formatted correctly.

  2. Have a question for anyone whom may have a handle on this. I had a discussion at one point some years back with the crew of a Prowler at an airshow here, and I have read through the weapon and editing material available here without success. The Prowlers typically would carry only one anti radiation weapon while the rest of the stations would be loaded with electronics pods.


    Is it possible to configure aircraft within SFP1, WOV or WOE so they can carry unsymetric loadouts?


    any leads appreciated




  3. I'm a big believer in backup and disk imaging.


    once I have a mod up and running, i generally image that off so I can load and delete it from the drive at will. the sfp1 series are registry independant so there is no problem with doing that.


    rather than fire up full imaging software for this type of job, I use a nice freeware utility called folder2iso (you can google for it under that keyword). I get the add ons in there, weapons pack and effects along with the mod and can quickly create an iso burned as data...remember that, burned as data.


    then when i feel the urge to fly the falklands or mid east...bingo, done.


    works absolutely reliably.




  4. I threw a quick tutorial up on combat ace downloads a while back, note the red text on updating your LM.


    I think there is a max flight size of 16 not only in LM but within program itself. I can fly a flight of 16 created with LM but attempting to edit flight size by hand beyond that from within the mission file is a no go.


    not much of a problem really, just create a duplicate flight and size it to requirement. frame rates will tank but since the wingman are "challenged" anyway, what's the point? if you are just looking for wildabeast at the watering hole, dupe the flight.




  5. in a professional setting, backing up onto a external hard drive would probably get you fired one of these days. failure rates, especially among those drives in the student/travel market are well above those of a traditional drive. sometimes what is not actually termed "failure" just becomes...let's call it "unavailable".


    yes I may be able to lift data off a drive that has gone south, but if a specialist is required, I outsource for that, and my disaster recovery person runs 150 to 350 (canadian) an hour.


    for the cost of good quality backup media, disks all the way.


    the costs of hard drives is front end loaded, for very little more, you can aquire much greater drive space. I do caution clients that it is not, how much drive can you afford, it is how much drive are you prepared to lose?


    and eventually, you will. while drives become more and more reliable, I still lose at least one a year just to wear and tear. it may be too early to get into the newer no moving parts drives, but there are significant performance gains and technically longer life along with lower power cosumption on these drives. another year or so will tell if they will hit the consumer market big.


    for now, I'll hang onto good media, and reliable imaging software.


    depending upon an external drive is just not on.




  6. I own and run my own IT company, as such, I am lucky to have lots of play toys, 2 seperate LAN's in my home and currently now 10 running machines, perhaps a couple more in boxes, there is even an Apple around somewhere in a box.


    There is nothing, but nothing more comfortable than having your OS patched to current state and imaged onto a couple of dvd's with Acronis True Image along with the programs on that particular pc. Each of my machines have associated images in a carrier on my shelf.


    Worst case scenario, twenty, twenty five minutes top, with OS, Office, documents and additional softwares all nice and tidy back to the way they were. I cannot remember the last time I was toasted hard, but I sleep a whole lot better.


    Specifically, once these mods are imaged, I need never hunt for that hard to find aircraft ever again, voila, middle east wars, two minutes, no problems.


    I do hope this is an indication of the release of something nice. That would mean a differential backup to come soon.






  7. Hi,


    I'm a Le Missioneur newbie. I recently downloaded Le Missioneur 2006 from Check-Six. Since I'm using SFP1 with the latest Service Pack installed, I let Le Missioneur update itself. It searched and found an update making it SP4-compatible. So far, so good. The software works perfectly.


    Now, my question is as follows: Is it possible to download Le Missioneur patch separately for offline installation? I'd like to have a backup installer just in case I cannot get to the 'net or if someday the patch is no longer available online. Any ideas?


    - Obelovic




    Here is the solution I use. I get a lot of software thrown my way having my own IT company, but this one is freeware for everyone. Whatever you use for burning or imaging software (and I am a big fan of disk imaging) there is an absolutely gem of a proggie called Folder2iso. Without running your complete imaging suite, you can run this util (under 1 mb) and image an entire folder directory.


    Once you have updated your editor, image the folder and you are good to go.


    Once I have my terrain or campaign mods installed and running fine, I image just the strike fighter directory containing the mod, and I prefer not to install my editor to a central install but into each mod directory itself.


    I image the entire mod and can remove or add these versions of SF, WOV, WOE at will. SFP1 is not registry dependant so you can just load when the feeling strikes.


    If you wish to do so, you can image just the folder containing the editor. Burn that image to disk and you have your backup.


    Here is the homepage for folder2iso




    select the folder2iso link within that menu.






  8. I use Le Missionneur almost exclusively now. You can give that a shot, the proggie is at check-six, a tutorial I posted here. If you wanted to, if you sent me a brief and what your flights are doing along with your flights and tasks list, I could run it up on Le Missionneur for you and post it back your way, at least I could give it a shot for you.





  9. I've spent a couple of hours on this one this evening and I believe we are out of luck.


    My suspicions lead me to campaign.dll in the flight folder but while dll's cannot be read in the normal sense having been compiled, I've had an unproductive look inside the dll but short of reverse engineering (probably a no no) I don't see any other course to follow.


    I am pretty sure the setting is not within any of the .ini files.


    oh well, plan B, count your blessings, not your troubles




  10. Got a quick question for anyone whom may have a handle on this.


    currently working on a mini campaign proof of cencept based on the Operation Tainted Cigar Cuban terrain. just wondering if anyone happens to know what parameter controls weather within the campaign. done a search, hit google too with nothing appreciable gained.


    anyone any ideas, and if so, can we control the campaign engine to limit weather options to defined parameters?


    any ideas or leads appreciated, thanks




  11. Hi peeps,


    Been back into SFP1 and WOV about three weeks now and have had some mails happening with different


    groups having issue with the mission editors. I've done up a quick tutorial with lots of pics and


    posted it online. After work today, will try to PDF that file so it can be downloaded if you want once


    I figure that out.


    Anyway, seems to work for SFP1, WOV and WOE but cannot tell if it works with First Eagles, someone might


    want to try that title.


    Le Missionneur tutorial







  12. Hi peeps,


    Been back into SFP1 and WOV about three weeks now and have had some mails happening with different groups having issue with the mission editors. I've done up a quick tutorial with lots of pics and posted it online. After work today, will try to PDF that file so it can be downloaded if you want once I figure that out.


    Anyway, seems to work for SFP1, WOV and WOE but cannot tell if it works with First Eagles, someone might want to try that title.


    web page is Le MIssionneur tutorial





  13. I actually have rFactor and Live for Speed both. Each decidedly quirky in their own way, on the whole, not terribly impressed, particularly with on line play although LFS in particular has great frame rates still online. Depends whom you drive with I suppose and how serious you are about it.


    I still use Nascar Racing 2003 (not online) and enjoy that still, the biggie right now is still (you will roll your eyes, ...) formula 1 challenge 99-02 with the prototype C mod up to I think 1.4 or 1.41 now, can't remember. This one gives me everything I want and the mod is available now in one roughly 700 mb download . I still think this one is the best thing going.




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