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Everything posted by Baltika

  1. Why not create ship to ship ground war? How to do it can be seen in Midway campaign available here at CA in SFP1 d/l campaign section. Cheers, baltika
  2. Hmmm. . . what I did was use the huge areas generated by TE as my core HM_bmp. Then, I used the scale function in gimp to stretch that bmp so that the piece I wanted was as close as possible to an accurate projection. This is more of an art form than anything else - using easily recognisable, usually coastal features on the terrain bmp to estimate an accurate distance, bearing in mind 2 pixels = 1km in TE, but that TE creates terrains which are 66% of full scale. I tended to use GE to roll the globe to find an accurate projection of what I wanted to map, and work from there, by eye. So, scale up your initial bmp by 4/3 (or 133%) to get a roughly full-scale map. The stretch it out a bit in the x or y axis so that your distances are as close as you can make them, to make allowances for squahing in the north-south axis the nearer you are to the poles. You will get huge bmp files in this process. Once you are happy, with your basic edited projection, use the box selection tool to select an area of pixels on your edited map which is 2000x2000 pixels, or whatever size you want. Then cut and paste that selection as a new bmp image, and save it as whatever you want. Then, using that example, open up TE and create a new terrain, size 1000x1000km, and simply import your new bmp into it to create the HFD, bearing in mind you need tpo set the import and export heightmap numbers in Terraineditor.ini for your edited bmp, so that peak heights are imported correctly to the new map. I've never seen the y-flip thing, I'm not sure what's going on there In TE, there is an Edit/Rotate Map/Flip vertical or flip horizontal setting, maybe you have that checked by mistake?
  3. Depends what you want to do, and how TE handles the initial DEM data, which depends on how near the poles your chosen bit of terrain is. For Moroccoo terrain in the WoA mod, I imported the DEM data for the region and used the .HFD file as created by TE, albeit I had bumped up the height setting in TE to 120%, cos I like big jaggy peaks in mountainous regions, at the expense of sacrificing accurate peak heights. All tiling work was done in TE. Also, the region is close to the equator, so there is very limited north/south compression in the DEM data. But, for that terrain, I was happy for 66% of RL scale which TE creates, as it was a job to be done in a limited timescale. The straits of Gibraltar are a bit narrow, but, hey. . . OTOH, for Iceland terrain, I had to edit the .HFD right off the bat because Iceland is so far north the DEM data is compressed in the North/South axis. So, my editable bitmap had to be stretched in the North/South Axis, and the whole thing had to be scaled up to close to 100%. I also wanted to have an editable bitmap to hand-flatten a lot of airbases as the TE airfield flatten tool is too unwieldy for those narrow fjords. You need to select as large an area for the core terrain as will cover everything you want on your final map. Simply enter a big enough map and pick your Lat/long co-ords in TE. Plenty of room round the edges is good at this stage. Then, from the TE dropdown, use File/Export Heightmap as bitmap. Save it somewhere safe, call it what you want, eg ICELAND_HM_BASE.bmp NB this procedure will chop off mountain peaks unless you have set the import/export heightmap setting properly in the TerrainEditor.ini file. To set it, create your map in TE using the DEM data. Float the cursor over the hightest peak on your map to get the max peak height in meters. Add a hundred meters or so for safety, then divide that peak height by 256. This number is the number you should set in the TerrainEditor.ini file, here:- [bitmapExport] HeightScale=16 [bitmapImport] HeightScale=16 This is from Kamchatka terrain, 16x256=4096m max peak height. Again, I have bumped up the peak heights from RL to give agood craggy, mountain effect. Sure looks good in game, IMHO. If the import/export numbers are different, TE will adjust the scale of heights in your map each time you import/export the heightfield bmp, which will wreck your map. You will lose low-level detail at higher numbers, as TE can only handle 256 height "steps." My preference is for big jaggy mountains at the expense of RL peak heights, and I don't mind losing a bit of low-level detail. Also, I never, ever use the TE "smooth terrain" function as it rounds everything out and makes it bland, smooth and crops off a good bit of height. I edit heights manually, like this:- My imaging software of choice is gimp, for reasons which will become clear. Using gimp, open up your _HM.bmp. You will see the standard blue/green/orange TE heightmap pallette. In gimp, select Colour/Map/Set Colourmap. The script-fu "Set Colourmap" box will come up. In that box, click on the Pallette: button (it shows default, click where it says default). That will bring up the script-fu "pallette selection" box, which showes a list of installed pallettes. Scroll down that list until you come to "topographic." Click on topographic. Close the pallette box, then click on "OK" in the script-fu "Set colormap" box. You will see that the green/blue/orange image has changed to something which is black for sea, with varying shades of blue for land, right up through pale blue, green, then greenish-yellow to white for high peaks. This is a much more visible colourmap for editing heights which shows a clear variation between height steps, unlike the TE standard pallette. Next, check along the top of the gimp box showing your map. This should have the name of your _HM.bmp, and show the colour mode it is in. This should read "indexed, 1 layer." TE cannot read bmps which are in RGB mode, so if your image is not in the right mode, use the Image/Mode/Indexed dropdown to fix this. Save your re-coloured _HM.bmp using "save as" In the dialog, make sure "run length-encoded" is unticked. The acid test comes when you re-import the re-coloured image to TE. TE can only read bmps which are in the correct colour mode, and which are the same size as the map currently set in TE. This last point is really important. If you change the overall size of your HM.bmp by cutting or stretching, then saving it, you have to make sure that TE is set up to accept a map of the new size. So, say I start with a terrain map of 500x500km in TE. When I export the HM bitmap, I get an image which is 1000x1000 pixels. If I stretch my bmp to 2000x2000 pixels, I need to start a new map in TE which is 1000x1000km, and import my 2000x2000 pixel image into that. For Iceland, I stretched the exported bmp more in the north-south axis than east west, to get a proper projection of iceland, compensating for the error in the DEM data at that latitude. Then I cut a piece out of my stretched .bmp file which had everything I wanted on the map, making an allowance for "the wall" at the edge, and saved that as ICELAND_HM_EDITED.bmp. Them I created a new map in TE which was the correct size for the edited file, and imported the HM_EDITED.bmp into the new TE map. That sounds more complicated than it is. Bear in mind that your edited .bmp has to be square, has to be in the right colour mode, and that TE will only read a .bmp when you have set the km size of your map in TE to match the new bmp first. NB 1km in TE = 2 pixels in bmp. You cannot create a 1000x1000km map in TE, export the height bmp, double the size of the bmp, then re-import it to the same session of TE. You have to open a new TE window, set the km size of the new map to match your edited bmp, then import the bmp into the new iteration of TE. You can then edit your topographic image to your heart's content. Bear in mind that if you use the "level airfield" function in TE, you will need to export the heightfield.bmp from TE to save those changes, over-writing your working bmp file. Obviously, I keep a stack of backup heightfield bmps at every stage in case something goes wrong. Sorry, I don't use Photoshop for this, you're on your own there. Likewise, I have done all my hand-tiling in TE, so I can't help with the "export .TFD as bitmap" function. Hope that helps. Cheers, baltika
  4. Well, this venerable old lady is starting to show her age, but for those of you, like me, who still fire her up for a quick blast now and then, you may wish to head over to http://www.ww2fighters.org/ and check out the various excellent skins, mods, theatres etc hosted there. The admins have announced the site will be closing at the end of 2011 due to a decline in interest, which is the end of an era, so check it out while you still can. Last chance to see . . .
  5. 10th Doctor Trailer

    For those of you who haven't caught David Tennant's run as Doctor Who - Here's a taster as to why you should. . . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANE4x6Dk3Uo&feature=player_detailpage Allons-y!
  6. Sooner or later (probably later ) I will get around to finishing my North Cape Terrain and releasing it for SF2. It covers everything from the northern and eastern Norway down to St Petersburg, taking in the whole of Finland and a big chunk of Sweden, as well as the Kola peninsula and northern mainland Russia as far east as Arkangelsk. That territory ought to be perfect for northern flanking actions as the Soviets drive a corridor to the North Atlantic to shut down the vital supply lines to the USA. It would be great if that could be used for an add-on to NF series. . . I'd better get to work finishing the targetisation
  7. There is a forum where you downloaded the WoR/WoA packages, you'll likely get more help with the DAT mods there.
  8. Hi Dean, You might have more luck posting on the WoR website for assistance. I haven't had this problem with my install, so all I can suggest is you go over the installation instructions to the letter and take it one step at a time. Cheers, Baltika
  9. Yes, open up the options.ini file in your SavedGames/Thirdwire/StrikiFighters2 folder, scroll down to [singleMission] section and set FlyAll=TRUE. Then, all AI planes (MiGs etc) are flyable, although using stock pits. Same routine for each game folder e.g. "StrikeFighters2 Europe" etc.
  10. Those are beautiful tiles & trees, Stary Nice one That old UK terrain is long overdue an update, there are quite a few coastal tiling issues and runway placement errors. This has given me a great incentive to clean the thing up
  11. From memory, I don't think WoR includes a speech pack, so you are left with stock. Download Gepard's German speechpack or Gramps' Russian speechpack from this site, install it to WoR and you are good to go. Cheers, Baltika
  12. Some work was done on this for the old BoB mod I mentioned - I don't remember now if this was incorporated into the release version or posted on the BoB thread somewhere. I think it was Bandy_RFC from round here who worked all this out, so cheers to Bandy for these. What is included here is gunner hitboxes for the various types, plus examples of how to reduce gun firing range, and also the rate of yaw/pitch of the gun emplacements, all of which seemed to make a difference to rate of fire. Incorporating Boostjunky's rate of fire data should help us get somewhere with this, I hope. I recommend AGAINST simply cutting and pasting these into existing DAT.INI files, best to check against the most recent WoE 08 version of the DAT plane data.inis. //He-111 x // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=WW2LuftBmrPilot SeatID=1 SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=-0.36,2.64,0.85 MinExtentPosition=-0.66,2.7,-0.1 MaxExtentPosition=-0.0,2.0,0.8 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor[bOTTOM].Thickness=5 Armor[REAR].Thickness=8.5 Armor[TOP].Thickness=9 SeatModelName= SeatPosition= CanopyNodeName=Canopy [RearGunner] SystemType=GUNNER_STATION PilotModelName= SeatID=2 GunnerID=1 SetCockpitPosition=FALSE Position=0.00,-0.78,1.375 MinExtentPosition=-0.3,-0.7,-0.5 MaxExtentPosition=0.3,2.-1.1.32 PitchModelNodeName=Gun_Rear YawModelNodeName=RearGunRing //GunRange=2000 //PitchAngleRate=45 GunRange=800 PitchAngleRate=25 MaxPitch=50 MinPitch=5 DefaultPitchAngle=10 YawLimited=TRUE //YawAngleRate=45 YawAngleRate=25 MaxYaw=200 MinYaw=160 DefaultYawAngle=180 [bellyGunner] SystemType=GUNNER_STATION PilotModelName= SeatID=3 GunnerID=2 SetCockpitPosition=FALSE Position=-0.0000,-4.0,-1.46 MinExtentPosition=-0.3,-3.95,-2.4 MaxExtentPosition=0.3,-4.5,-1.5 PitchModelNodeName=Gun_GondRear YawModelNodeName=Gun_GondRear GunRange=800 PitchAngleRate=25 MaxPitch=5 MinPitch=-45 DefaultPitchAngle=0 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate=25 MaxYaw=210 MinYaw=150 DefaultYawAngle=180 [NoseGunner] SystemType=GUNNER_STATION PilotModelName= SeatID=4 GunnerID=3 SetCockpitPosition=FALSE Position=0.15,3.65,0.60 MinExtentPosition=-0.15,3.7,-0.3 MaxExtentPosition=0.15,3.15,0.55 PitchModelNodeName=Gun_Nose YawModelNodeName=Gun_Nose GunRange=1100 PitchAngleRate=25 MaxPitch=45 MinPitch=-20 DefaultPitchAngle=10 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate=25 MaxYaw=30 MinYaw=-30 DefaultYawAngle=0 [bellyGunnerFwd] //20MM CANNON!!! SystemType=GUNNER_STATION PilotModelName= SeatID=5 GunnerID=4 SetCockpitPosition=FALSE Position=0.0,-0.65,-1.25 MinExtentPosition=-0.3,0.60,-2.3 MaxExtentPosition=0.3,-1.15,-1.3 PitchModelNodeName=Gun_GondFwd YawModelNodeName=Gun_GondFwd GunRange=1400 PitchAngleRate=20 MaxPitch=30 MinPitch=-5 DefaultPitchAngle=10 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate=20 MaxYaw=30 MinYaw=-30 DefaultYawAngle=0 [LeftGunner] SystemType=GUNNER_STATION PilotModelName= SeatID=6 GunnerID=5 SetCockpitPosition=FALSE Position=-1.3,-2.9,0.35 MinExtentPosition=-1.6,-2.85,-0.65 MaxExtentPosition=-1.0,-3.4,0.3 PitchModelNodeName=Gun_FuseL YawModelNodeName=Gun_FuseL GunRange=900 PitchAngleRate=25 MaxPitch=30 MinPitch=-5 DefaultPitchAngle=10 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate=25 MaxYaw=300 MinYaw=240 DefaultYawAngle=270 [RightGunner] SystemType=GUNNER_STATION PilotModelName= SeatID=7 GunnerID=6 SetCockpitPosition=FALSE Position=1.3,-2.9,0.35 MinExtentPosition=1.0,-2.85,-0.65 MaxExtentPosition=1.6,-3.4,0.3 PitchModelNodeName=Gun_FuseR YawModelNodeName=Gun_FuseR GunRange=900 PitchAngleRate=25 MaxPitch=45 MinPitch=-5 DefaultPitchAngle=10 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate=25 MaxYaw=120 MinYaw=60 DefaultYawAngle=90 [bombAimer] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=WW2LuftBmrPilot SeatID=8 SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=0.15,3.65,0.60 MinExtentPosition=-0.15,3.7,-0.3 MaxExtentPosition=0.15,3.15,0.55 SeatModelName= SeatPosition= CanopyNodeName=Canopy [RearGunCrew] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=WW2LuftBmrGunner SeatID=9 SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=0.00,-0.78,1.375 MinExtentPosition=-0.3,-0.7,-0.5 MaxExtentPosition=0.3,2.-1.1.32 SeatModelName= SeatPosition= CanopyNodeName=Canopy // -------------------------------------------------------- // Crew Do-17Z------------------------------ [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=WW2LuftBmrPilot SeatID=1 SetCockpitPosition=TRUE ShowFromCockpit=TRUE DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE Position=-0.257,3.57,0.92 MinExtentPosition=-0.5,3.7,0.00 MaxExtentPosition= 0.0,3.0,0.85 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor[bOTTOM].Thickness=5 Armor[REAR].Thickness=8.5 Armor[TOP].Thickness=9 SeatModelName= SeatPosition= CanopyNodeName=Cockpit [CoPilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=WW2LuftBmrPilot SeatID=2 SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=0.235,3.57,0.91 MinExtentPosition=0.5,3.7,0.00 MaxExtentPosition= 0.0,3.0,0.85 SeatModelName= SeatPosition= CanopyNodeName=Cockpit [TopGunCrew] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=WW2LuftBmrGunner2 SeatID=3 SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=0.007,1.96,1.0 MinExtentPosition=-0.5,2.0,0.1 MaxExtentPosition= 0.0,1.5,0.95 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor[REAR].Thickness=9 Armor .Thickness=6 Armor .Thickness=6 Armor[TOP].Thickness=6 SeatModelName= SeatPosition= CanopyNodeName=Cockpit [TopGunner] SystemType=GUNNER_STATION PilotModelName= SeatID=4 GunnerID=1 SetCockpitPosition=FALSE Position=0.007,1.96,1.0 MinExtentPosition=-0.5,2.0,0.1 MaxExtentPosition= 0.0,1.5,0.95 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor[REAR].Thickness=9 Armor .Thickness=6 Armor .Thickness=6 Armor[TOP].Thickness=6 PitchModelNodeName=Gun_Rear YawModelNodeName=Gun_Rear GunRange=1100 //PitchAngleRate=65 PitchAngleRate=30 MaxPitch=60 MinPitch=5 DefaultPitchAngle=10 YawLimited=TRUE //YawAngleRate=65 YawAngleRate=30 MaxYaw=220 MinYaw=140 DefaultYawAngle=180 [bombardierCrew] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=WW2GunnerFF SeatID=5 SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=0.0011,4.4256,-0.2777 SeatModelName= SeatPosition= CanopyNodeName=Cockpit [NoseGunner] SystemType=GUNNER_STATION PilotModelName= SeatID=6 GunnerID=2 SetCockpitPosition=FALSE Position=0.0011,4.4256,-0.2777 MinExtentPosition=-0.3,4.5,-1.2 MaxExtentPosition= 0.3,4.0,-0.3 PitchModelNodeName=Gun_Nose YawModelNodeName=Gun_Nose GunRange=1200 //PitchAngleRate=65 PitchAngleRate=35 MaxPitch=30 MinPitch=-25 DefaultPitchAngle=10 YawLimited=TRUE //YawAngleRate=75 YawAngleRate=35 MaxYaw=10 MinYaw=-20 DefaultYawAngle=0 [LeftGunner] SystemType=GUNNER_STATION PilotModelName= SeatID=7 GunnerID=3 SetCockpitPosition=FALSE Position=-0.25,1.75,-0.3 MinExtentPosition=-0.5,1.8,-1.2 MaxExtentPosition= 0.03,1.25,-0.35 PitchModelNodeName=Gun_L YawModelNodeName=Gun_L GunRange=900 //PitchAngleRate=65 PitchAngleRate=35 MaxPitch=50 MinPitch=5 DefaultPitchAngle=10 YawLimited=TRUE //YawAngleRate=75 YawAngleRate=35 MaxYaw=300 MinYaw=240 DefaultYawAngle=270 [RightGunner] SystemType=GUNNER_STATION PilotModelName= SeatID=8 GunnerID=4 SetCockpitPosition=FALSE Position=0.25,1.75,-0.3 MinExtentPosition=0.5,1.8,-1.2 MaxExtentPosition= 0.0,1.25,-0.35 PitchModelNodeName=Gun_R YawModelNodeName=Gun_R GunRange=900 //PitchAngleRate=65 PitchAngleRate=35 MaxPitch=50 MinPitch=5 DefaultPitchAngle=10 YawLimited=TRUE //YawAngleRate=75 YawAngleRate=35 MaxYaw=120 MinYaw=60 DefaultYawAngle=90 [bellyGunCrew] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=WW2GunnerFB SeatID=9 SetCockpitPosition=TRUE //HasArmor=TRUE //ArmorMaterial=STEEL //Armor[REAR].Thickness=8.5 //Armor[FRONT].Thickness=10 //Armor[bELOW].Thickness=5 Position=0.0000,2.8537,-0.5996 MinExtentPosition=-0.5,3.2,-0.85 MaxExtentPosition= 0.0,2.6,-0.35 SeatModelName= SeatPosition= CanopyNodeName=Cockpit [bellyGunner] SystemType=GUNNER_STATION PilotModelName= SeatID=10 GunnerID=5 SetCockpitPosition=FALSE Position=0.0000,2.8537,-0.5996 MinExtentPosition=-0.5,3.2,-0.85 MaxExtentPosition= 0.0,2.6,-0.35 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor[REAR].Thickness=8.5 Armor[FRONT].Thickness=10 Armor[bELOW].Thickness=5 PitchModelNodeName=Gun_Belly YawModelNodeName=Gun_Belly GunRange=1000 //PitchAngleRate=65 PitchAngleRate=30 MaxPitch=10 MinPitch=-20 DefaultPitchAngle=10 YawLimited=TRUE //YawAngleRate=65 YawAngleRate=30 MaxYaw=200 MinYaw=150 DefaultYawAngle=180 // ------------------------------------------------ // Crew Ju 87 B--------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT Position=0.0,-0.55,0.82 PILOTMODELNAME=WW2Luft.lod MinExtentPosition=-0.3, -0.5,-0.15 MaxExtentPosition= 0.3,-1.00, 0.80 CanopyNodeName=CanopyFrame //HasArmor=FALSE HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor[FRONT].Thickness=25 Armor .Thickness=0 Armor .Thickness=0 Armor[REAR].Thickness=9 Armor[TOP].Thickness=0 Armor[bOTTOM].Thickness=15 //[CoPilot] //SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT //Position=0.0,-1.50,0.82 //PILOTMODELNAME=WW2Luft.lod //MinExtentPosition=-0.25, 0.05,-0.15 //MaxExtentPosition= 0.25,-0.60, 0.80 //CanopyNodeName= [Gunner] SystemType=GUNNER_STATION SeatID=3 GunnerID=1 SetCockpitPosition=FALSE //His Gun Position=0.00,-1.65, 0.73 Position=0.0,-1.50,0.82 MinExtentPosition=-0.3,-1.45,-0.15 MaxExtentPosition= 0.3,-2.00, 0.80 //HasArmor=FALSE HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor[FRONT].Thickness=0 Armor .Thickness=0 Armor .Thickness=0 Armor[REAR].Thickness=12 Armor[TOP].Thickness=0 Armor[bOTTOM].Thickness=12 PitchModelNodeName=MG15 YawModelNodeName=MG15Yaw GunRange=800 PitchAngleRate=25 MaxPitch=60 MinPitch=-5 DefaultPitchAngle=25 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate=35 MaxYaw=200 MinYaw=160 DefaultYawAngle=180 // ----------------------------- // Crew Ju-88A4----------------------- [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=WW2LuftBmrPilot SeatID=1 SetCockpitPosition=TRUE DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE DamageRating=DISABLED Position=-0.24,1.94,0.84 MinExtentPosition=-0.6,2.0,-0.1 MaxExtentPosition=0.0,1.45,0.8 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor[bOTTOM].Thickness=5 Armor[REAR].Thickness=8.5 Armor[TOP].Thickness=9 SeatModelName= SeatPosition= CanopyNodeName=Canopy [CoPilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=WW2LuftBmrPilot SeatID=2 SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=0.24,1.94,0.84 MinExtentPosition=0.0,2.0,-0.1 MaxExtentPosition=0.6,1.45,0.8 SeatModelName= SeatPosition= CanopyNodeName=Canopy [RearGunner] SystemType=GUNNER_STATION PilotModelName= SeatID=3 GunnerID=1 SetCockpitPosition=FALSE Position=0.00,1.2,1.15 MinExtentPosition=-0.3,1.25,0.2 MaxExtentPosition=0.3,0.7,1.1 PitchModelNodeName=Gun_Rear YawModelNodeName=Gun_Rear GunRange=800 //PitchAngleRate=65 PitchAngleRate=30 MaxPitch=50 MinPitch=5 DefaultPitchAngle=10 YawLimited=TRUE //YawAngleRate=75 YawAngleRate=30 MaxYaw=195 MinYaw=165 DefaultYawAngle=180 [bellyGunner] SystemType=GUNNER_STATION PilotModelName= SeatID=4 GunnerID=2 SetCockpitPosition=FALSE Position=0.25,1.0,-0.5 MinExtentPosition=-0.05,1.05,-1.3 MaxExtentPosition=0.55,0.5,-0.45 PitchModelNodeName=Gun_Belly YawModelNodeName=Gun_Belly GunRange=900 //PitchAngleRate=65 PitchAngleRate=30 MaxPitch=5 MinPitch=-45 DefaultPitchAngle=0 YawLimited=TRUE //YawAngleRate=75 YawAngleRate=30 MaxYaw=190 MinYaw=170 DefaultYawAngle=180 [NoseGunner] SystemType=GUNNER_STATION PilotModelName= SeatID=5 GunnerID=3 SetCockpitPosition=FALSE Position=0.00,4.10,0.28 MinExtentPosition=-0.3,4.15,-0.6 MaxExtentPosition=0.3,3.6,0.23 PitchModelNodeName=Gun_Nose YawModelNodeName=Gun_Nose GunRange=1200 //PitchAngleRate=65 PitchAngleRate=35 MaxPitch=35 MinPitch=-20 DefaultPitchAngle=10 YawLimited=TRUE //YawAngleRate=75 YawAngleRate=35 MaxYaw=20 MinYaw=-20 DefaultYawAngle=0 [CabinGunner] SystemType=GUNNER_STATION PilotModelName= SeatID=6 GunnerID=4 SetCockpitPosition=FALSE Position=0.00,1.29,1.05 MinExtentPosition=-0.3,1.35,0.15 MaxExtentPosition=0.3,0.8,1.0 PitchModelNodeName=Gun_Fwd YawModelNodeName=Gun_Fwd GunRange=900 //PitchAngleRate=65 PitchAngleRate=35 MaxPitch=35 MinPitch=5 DefaultPitchAngle=0 YawLimited=TRUE //YawAngleRate=75 YawAngleRate=35 MaxYaw=0 MinYaw=-20 DefaultYawAngle=0 [Navigator] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=WW2LuftBmrGunner SeatID=7 SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=0.00,1.29,1.05 MinExtentPosition=-0.3,1.35,0.15 MaxExtentPosition=0.3,0.8,1.0 SeatModelName= SeatPosition= CanopyNodeName=Canopy // -------------------------------------- // Crew Bf-110C ------------------------------------ [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=WW2LuftFtrPilot SeatID=1 SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=0.00,1.09,0.878 DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE DamageRating=DISABLED //My estimates MinExtentPosition=-0.3,1.14,-0.10 MaxExtentPosition= 0.3,0.59,0.82 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor .Thickness=5 Armor .Thickness=5 Armor[REAR].Thickness=9 Armor[bOTTOM].Thickness=15 SeatModelName= SeatPosition= CanopyNodeName=Canopy [RearGunner] SystemType=GUNNER_STATION PilotModelName= SeatID=2 GunnerID=1 SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=-0.0000,-0.9446,0.7846 //my estimates MinExtentPosition=-0.3,-0.9,-0.2 MaxExtentPosition= 0.3,-1.55,0.85 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor .Thickness=5 Armor .Thickness=5 Armor[REAR].Thickness=9 Armor[bOTTOM].Thickness=15 PitchModelNodeName=Gun_Rear YawModelNodeName=Gun_Rear GunRange=1100 //PitchAngleRate=45 PitchAngleRate=30 MaxPitch=60 MinPitch=-5 DefaultPitchAngle=10 YawLimited=TRUE //YawAngleRate=30 YawAngleRate=30 MaxYaw=210 MinYaw=150 DefaultYawAngle=180 [Navigator] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=WW2LuftBmrGunner2 SeatID=3 SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=0.0000,-0.7,0.88 SeatModelName= SeatPosition= CanopyNodeName=Cockpit // ------------------------------------
  13. Have had this problem since the days of the old BoB mod for SFP1 083006. Like Stary says, there are probably a number of causes:- Lack of proper LOD scaling in some 3rd party add-ons; Huge poly numbers for some 3rd party add-ons; Multiple tailgunner AI routines; Huge, detailed skin .bmps for multiple bomber formations (bearing in mind the WW2 formations mod will put many more planes in the air than the sim was designed for). Wolf257 has stated that he specifically designed his WW2 plane pack to be low-poly models for just this reason. I reckon most of the old SFP1 bombers will have to be re-made as low, low poly targets, essentially. I mean when was the last time anyone flew an He-111 campaign? (Stuka's different of course ) I understand 3d modelling is a big undertaking, and it's beyond my capacity, so we'll just have to see what the community can come up with
  14. The old Euro terrain has statics as groundobjects called out by the terrain_TARGETS.INI file. So, first thing is to go through that file removing those entries for each airfield. Next up, Oct 08 patch and later builds have dynamic statics placed on airfields depending on what air unit is stationed on base (for campaign games) and placed according to appropriate timeframe and available planeset for single missions. The latter type of statics are controlled by entries in the airfield.ini file for each type of airfield. The entries you are looking for are:- ParkingChance=90 ParkingMaxSpan=10.0 Parking[01].Heading=135 Parking[01].Offset=-30,730 Parking[02].Heading=135 Parking[02].Offset=-45,730 Parking[03].Heading=135 Parking[03].Offset=-60,730 Parking[04].Heading=-45 Parking[04].Offset=45,-740 Parking[05].Heading=-45 Parking[05].Offset=60,-740 Parking[06].Heading=270 Parking[06].Offset=55,635 Parking[07].Heading=270 Parking[07].Offset=55,820 Parking[08].Heading=90 Parking[08].Offset=-45,-635 Parking[09].Heading=90 Parking[09].Offset=-45,-705 Where parking chance is percentage likelihood of getting a static a/c there, Parking max span is max wingspan (in m) of the chosen parked a/c, and the remaining entries fix x, y and heading co-ordinates of wherrer your static will be on the airfield. Remember when placing a/c on your airfiled, you have to set the runway heading to 0 before working out the parking co-ordinates. Or, an easier way to do it, is to use the co-ordinates for statics from the terrain_TARGETS ini and use them in your airfield.ini file for the various Parking offset co-ordinates, that should give you sabres instead of Hurris in your revetments. Hope that helps. Cheers, baltika jeez Wrench, you're quick on the draw You got me
  15. Thanks to GrimViper, who pointed out my woeful lack of knowledge of forestation on Iceland Expect an Iceland terrain update forthwith The Forest tile is Brain32's, from his GermanyCE photoreal set, with many transition tiles to the Iceland set by yours truly. The trees are Stary's, from one of his excellent Germany sets. Cheers guys
  16. This from TK over on the TW boards:- "by TK » Sat May 28, 2011 6:14 pm MigBuster, "Cant you just define a policy that states you modify the games at your own risk - TW does not support any issues that arise from adding mods??" Well, that has been our policy since day one, but that didn't stop people from coming in here and complain about them... :S Baltika, Yeah, we'll be adding an option to turn this off in the next patch. We were working toward getting a new auto-patch this weekend, but this will delay the patch probably 1-2 weeks. Keep in mind that because all the parameters are linked, if you turn this off, none of the work we do to fix the terrain issues in the future will work. CA_STARY, Our next terrain engine will not use TOD, everything will be done in max and LOD format. And the map is going to be smaller, and have shorter horizon/clip distance so we can have much more detailed terrain up close. Just reducing the map size from 1000km to 300km (size of iceland, surround by repeating ocean) allow us to increase the detail by 10x already, and by bringing in horizon a bit more, we can display even higher density of objects/terrain details up close. The map is still 100x large than any maps on FPS, helo-sim, or arcade flight games, so we can't never get to that level of details (without further reducing the size and horizon, or throwing ridiculously huge sum of amount of money at it), but we feel it may strike a better balance for most casual players with better graphics." Interesting. . .
  17. Yup, having done exactly the same thing, thanks to your prompting, my little Iceland map now has something approaching the appropriate level of forestation, i.e. not much, but it's there Stary, thanks for the headsup on tilesets, but this was a quick fix to blend in with my admittedly low-res 256x256 Iceland set. I am a bit behind the curve with keeping up on everything these days, I'll take a look at the stuff you have mentioned. And, yeah, now you mention it, Vifilsstadhafloi does look kinda bright blue, but I swear the colour is straight from GE. Hell, I thought that orange landscape with bright green lakes round Keflavik was too frikkin' Martian for words, but it's right there in the satellite photos It's what made Iceland such a fun little tiling project in the first place Cheers mate, Baltika
  18. Why Men are never depressed

    Cheers Dave
  19. 2011 Worldwide Threat Levels

  20. Check this thread on the Thirdwire boards:- http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB3w/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=8362 Cheers, Baltika

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