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Everything posted by Baltika

  1. Check this thread on the Thirdwire boards:- http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB3w/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=8362 Cheers, Baltika
  2. Hi Przemek, You are not being a dick about it, you have every right to expect to be credited for included work. I'll email Charles and ask him to post an acknowledgement. If there's any of your other stuff you have spotted, let me know & I'll ask that the appropriate updates be made to the readme file. As you will know from the old BoB mod I am quite particular about crediting contributors, my mind was on other things for WoA, down in the sand getting Monty and Rommel to play nice Sorry for the oversight Meantime, thanks for your SF2 WW2 tracer effects - I'm working up something for WW2 SF2, watch this space. Cheers mate Baltika
  3. Add this line to the particular terrain's main .ini file, under the [Terrain] heading, then add the name of your modded environment file, which you should drop into the specific terrain folder. EnvironmentFile= e.g. EnvironmentFile=ANW_environmentsystem.ini Cheers, Baltika
  4. F-4K Phantom II, Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm

    Nice work, thanks
  5. Nice one, thanks very much
  6. Check this out:- http://combatace.com/topic/31321-how-do-you-make-a-red-flyable-campaign/page__hl__baltika Detailed instructions at post #2
  7. New Topic

    Thanks guys
  8. Hi Veltro, Sorry to hear about your troubles. You will truly be missed as an active modder, but hang in there, and keep the faith. I hope things come together for you very soon. S! Baltika.
  9. File Name: North Cape Terrain File Submitter: Baltika File Submitted: 05 April 2011 File Category: Terrains North Cape Terrain by Baltika Beta v 0.6 Credits:- Major Lee - core DBS Tileset Gepard - NATO/WARPAC Runways Stary - Germany CE Buildings and TOD files Wrench - NATO/WARPAC runway upgrade grumpapotamus - Doppler Radar Dome Deuces - terrain TOD tutorial Thanks to the whole gang at CombatAce. Unzip and drop the NORTHCAPE folder into your WoE/Terrain folder. Airbases in Norway are best for scenery. Recommended Files:- Groundobjects:- CVN-75 by Digital Overload http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9684 TAKR Orjol by Gepard http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=5497 TAKR Admiral Gorshkov by X-RAY http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=5830 UdaloyI by China Insky Team http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10336 UdaloyII by China Insky Team http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10330 BRDM_SA-9 by rebelryder http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=7740 SA-11 & SA-17 by 101tfs http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=7627 ScudLauncher & Missile by bigal1 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=6435 Soviet SAMs by gabilon http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=3057 Known issues:- Sea/water effects don't work, yet. Targetisation incomplete. TOD files incomplete. Tested in Wings Over Europe Oct 08 Patch. This terrain will be updated as and when time permits. Don't hold your breath ;-) Slàinte! Baltika 4 April 2011 Click here to download this file
  10. Hi Allen, glad you like it. I can't replicate your anti-ship mission problem, I am running this in WoE Oct 08 patch. Your terrain_MOVEMENT.INI file should look like this:- [FrontLine] FriendlyBase=Narvik EnemyBase=Murmansk Position[001]=600000,000 Position[002]=620000,145000 Position[003]=540000,300000 Position[004]=520000,430000 Position[005]=560000,560000 Position[006]=630000,660000 Position[007]=710000,730000 Position[008]=770000,850000 Position[009]=820000,1000000 Position[010]=920000,1010000 Position[011]=925000,930000 Position[012]=810000,760000 Position[013]=720000,660000 Position[014]=700000,530000 Position[015]=730000,380000 Position[016]=638000,232000 Position[017]=625000,187000 Position[018]=645000,165000 Position[019]=850000,120000 Position[020]=970000,175000 Position[021]=1200000,177000 Position[022]=1144000,275000 Position[023]=1173000,330000 Position[024]=1177000,375000 Position[025]=1277000,500000 Position[026]=1420000,552000 Position[027]=1358000,717000 Position[028]=1189000,898000 Position[029]=1293000,1063000 Position[030]=1186000,1227000 Position[031]=1205000,1405000 Position[032]=1290000,1534000 Position[033]=1300000,1641000 Position[034]=1371000,1728000 Position[035]=1141000,1877000 Position[036]=884000,1861000 Position[037]=612000,1725000 Position[038]=424000,1589000 Position[039]=307000,1505000 Position[040]=149000,1282000 Position[041]=168000,1150000 Position[042]=149000,1027000 Position[043]=97200,920000 Position[044]=000,750000 StartShow=1 EndShow=44 [Route001] RouteType=GROUND_ATTACK StartArea=Murmansk EndArea=Kirkenes RoutePosition[001]=1428938,1523624 RoutePosition[002]=1264125,1625124 [Route002] RouteType=GROUND_ATTACK StartArea=Vyborg EndArea=Kotka RoutePosition[001]=1174567,282765 RoutePosition[002]=1080237,257721 [Route003] RouteType=GROUND_ATTACK StartArea=Joensuu EndArea=Sortavala RoutePosition[001]=1247768,567890 RoutePosition[002]=1293435,440742 [Route004] RouteType=GROUND_ATTACK StartArea=Lieksa EndArea=Segezha RoutePosition[001]=1266735,677853 RoutePosition[002]=1505742,737876 [Route005] RouteType=GROUND_ATTACK StartArea=Kostomuksha EndArea=Vaala RoutePosition[001]=1314223,896642 RoutePosition[002]=1068234,860884 [Route006] RouteType=GROUND_ATTACK StartArea=Sankt-Peterburg EndArea=Helsinki RoutePosition[001]=1280625,181874 RoutePosition[002]=968375,213374 [Route007] RouteType=TRUCK StartArea=Sankt-Peterburg EndArea=Peterhof RoutePosition[001]=1268625,152124 RoutePosition[002]=1257875,152374 RoutePosition[003]=1250125,154749 [Route008] RouteType=TRUCK StartArea=Vyborg EndArea=Svetogorsk RoutePosition[001]=1188750,285740 RoutePosition[002]=1194875,288374 RoutePosition[003]=1199375,298624 RoutePosition[004]=1199875,310374 RoutePosition[005]=1199250,313874 RoutePosition[006]=1187875,319875 RoutePosition[007]=1187625,327749 RoutePosition[008]=1183625,336874 [Route009] RouteType=TRUCK StartArea=Monchegorsk EndArea=Olenegorsk RoutePosition[001]=1436625,1371374 RoutePosition[002]=1448000,1371950 RoutePosition[003]=1449875,1379874 RoutePosition[004]=1450150,1386244 RoutePosition[005]=1454125,1393740 [Route010] RouteType=TRUCK StartArea=Murmansk EndArea=Severomorsk RoutePosition[001]=1447875,1530249 RoutePosition[002]=1456500,1530249 [Route011] RouteType=TRUCK StartArea=Helsinki EndArea=Porvoo RoutePosition[001]=952000,214250 RoutePosition[002]=959625,222124 RoutePosition[003]=962500,227750 RoutePosition[004]=965375,228374 RoutePosition[005]=967875,232124 RoutePosition[006]=970875,234500 RoutePosition[007]=978000,238124 RoutePosition[008]=983125,236374 RoutePosition[009]=996250,236374 [Route012] RouteType=TRUCK StartArea=Joensuu EndArea=Hattuvaara RoutePosition[001]=1243875,569874 RoutePosition[002]=1256000,581749 RoutePosition[003]=1263625,583874 RoutePosition[004]=1295375,584374 RoutePosition[005]=1307750,599749 RoutePosition[006]=1314250,608374 RoutePosition[007]=1326375,617624 [Route013] RouteType=SHIPPING StartArea=Sestroretsk EndArea=Naissaar Naval Base RoutePosition[001]=1253000,190000 RoutePosition[002]=1200000,175000 RoutePosition[003]=1142500,148000 RoutePosition[004]=1080000,174000 RoutePosition[005]=1000750,128000 RoutePosition[006]=931750,116000 [Route014] RouteType=SHIPPING StartArea=Murmansk EndArea=Zapadnaya Litsa Naval Base RoutePosition[001]=1440000,1524000 RoutePosition[002]=1441125,1527374 RoutePosition[003]=1446938,1533062 RoutePosition[004]=1455438,1533249 RoutePosition[005]=1457438,1535062 RoutePosition[006]=1461500,1535624 RoutePosition[007]=1471000,1545562 RoutePosition[008]=1471000,1584250 RoutePosition[009]=1467375,1588437 RoutePosition[010]=1418938,1598624 RoutePosition[011]=1411063,1594187 RoutePosition[012]=1406250,1592374 RoutePosition[013]=1401375,1587437 [Route015] RouteType=SHIPPING StartArea=Sankt-Peterburg EndArea=Kronstadt RoutePosition[001]=1278875,168062 RoutePosition[002]=1272750,168124 RoutePosition[003]=1269688,165562 RoutePosition[004]=1268438,156874 RoutePosition[005]=1259563,159062 RoutePosition[006]=1251189,161124 RoutePosition[007]=1246938,167749 [Route016] RouteType=SHIPPING StartArea=Veidnes EndArea=Kjøllefjord RoutePosition[001]=1058375,1774874 RoutePosition[002]=1063000,1782940 RoutePosition[003]=1067875,1804624 RoutePosition[004]=1085375,1820624 RoutePosition[005]=1093500,1819874 [Route017] RouteType=SHIPPING StartArea=Hammerfest EndArea=Hansvoll RoutePosition[001]=876375,1771124 RoutePosition[002]=864000,1767874 RoutePosition[003]=846000,1757374 RoutePosition[004]=832500,1746874 RoutePosition[005]=785000,1736740 RoutePosition[006]=778875,1739240 RoutePosition[007]=775625,1748124 RoutePosition[008]=791750,1760980 [Route018] RouteType=SHIPPING StartArea=Bodø EndArea=Fauske RoutePosition[001]=323500,1259249 RoutePosition[002]=327000,1259500 RoutePosition[003]=329000,1261374 RoutePosition[004]=341625,1261000 RoutePosition[005]=344625,1259124 RoutePosition[006]=378625,1260124 I get anti-shipping missions running as per those target areas for both Red and Blue flyable. What plane/year are you running? have you added modded ships, or modded the basic ships in any way? Cheers, Baltika
  11. Also, what terrain are you flying? What does the Terrain_nations.ini say so far as permitted nations is concerned? You will have to set nazi germany as an enemy nation and usaf, raf etc as friendly nations. Cheers Mate, Baltika
  12. Check it out, one of Stary's many environmental mods:- http://combatace.com/files/file/7178-heavy-snowfall-weather/
  13. File Name: Baltika's Full-Scale New Zealand Terrain for SF2 File Submitter: Baltika File Submitted: 15 April 2011 File Category: Full Terrains New Zealand Full-Scale Terrain by Baltika beta v 0.8 ******************************** INSTALLATION:- For SF2 series, drop the NZ folder into the "Terrains" folder in the Mod folder. The default NZ_data.ini file is set up for SF2. If you are unfamiliar with the Mod folder concept in SF2, read this:- http://combatace.com/topic/62302-what-is-the-mod-folder/ ********************************* For WoX/SFP1 series, drop the NZ folder into your Terrain folder in your main game install. Use the NZ_DATA.INI file in the "Use in WoX" folder. ********************************* CREDITS:- Deuces for his Germany_CE tileset repaint which is the core tileset used here. Stary for his Forests and Farms mod which has been extended for use here. All the gang at Combatace. Not a hobby, more a way of life ;-) ********************************* Baltika's musings: Ironically, this is one of the first terrain projects I started, but has taken a very long time to reach this stage. Other things have taken priority at various times, but I always came back to this. I confess it has been sitting on my hard drive for some time. I have reviewed various WIPs and decided that, given the development lead in time for terrain projects is so long, it is better to release such projects as they reach advanced beta stage. Targetisation is rather "cut & paste" for now. I will update the targets.ini as and when time permits. Meantime, all tiling work is finished, all runways plotted and flattened, and all target areas set. All mission types are activated for Red and Blue flyable forces. Comments, feedback, bug reports and Single Malt Whisky to Baltika ;-) Real life purists may wish to note that there are various remnants of the Third Age crumbling in the mountains - although some of them still have bite, so fly carefully! Slàinte mhòr! Baltika 15 April 2011 ********************************** Click here to download this file
  14. An Ancient Evil is rising from the shadows of the past. . . Sauron, the Dark Lord, will soon walk the earth once more. . . The Fellowship must be reformed in a new guise to combat the great Enemy. . . If any of our resident Kiwis have any suggestions for this map/campaign, now's the time. . . And if anyone fancies painting a Nazgul on the side of an Su-27, I'm sure I could put it to use Cheers all, Baltika
  15. Hi everyone, glad you like it Wrench, thanks for the suggestions, good stuff as always If you can send me over your runways (or point to where I can d/l them) I'll add them in. Sorry for not releasing this sooner I have reviewed my terrain release strategy, so flyable betas will be released once they are advanced enough, with targetisation upgardes to follow periodically. Anybody know how to make the map required to get the sea/ground unit thing running in the SF2 mission editor? Cheers everyone, Baltika
  16. With apologies to Wrench and Tonix It's just bl**dy typical, isn't it? You wait ages for a New Zealand terrain and then two come along at once Now available in the SF2 downloads section:- http://combatace.com/files/file/11904-baltikas-full-scale-new-zealand-terrain-for-sf2/ Well, the more the merrier . . . I hope
  17. Version 0.8


    New Zealand Full-Scale Terrain by Baltika beta v 0.8 ******************************** INSTALLATION:- For SF2 series, drop the NZ folder into the "Terrains" folder in the Mod folder. The default NZ_data.ini file is set up for SF2. If you are unfamiliar with the Mod folder concept in SF2, read this:- http://combatace.com/topic/62302-what-is-the-mod-folder/ ********************************* For WoX/SFP1 series, drop the NZ folder into your Terrain folder in your main game install. Use the NZ_DATA.INI file in the "Use in WoX" folder. ********************************* CREDITS:- Deuces for his Germany_CE tileset repaint which is the core tileset used here. Stary for his Forests and Farms mod which has been extended for use here. All the gang at Combatace. Not a hobby, more a way of life ;-) ********************************* Baltika's musings: Ironically, this is one of the first terrain projects I started, but has taken a very long time to reach this stage. Other things have taken priority at various times, but I always came back to this. I confess it has been sitting on my hard drive for some time. I have reviewed various WIPs and decided that, given the development lead in time for terrain projects is so long, it is better to release such projects as they reach advanced beta stage. Targetisation is rather "cut & paste" for now. I will update the targets.ini as and when time permits. Meantime, all tiling work is finished, all runways plotted and flattened, and all target areas set. All mission types are activated for Red and Blue flyable forces. Comments, feedback, bug reports and Single Malt Whisky to Baltika ;-) Real life purists may wish to note that there are various remnants of the Third Age crumbling in the mountains - although some of them still have bite, so fly carefully! Slàinte mhòr! Baltika 15 April 2011 **********************************
  18. Hi Spinners, Do you take requests Can we have a stock SF2 Meteor masquerading as the Me-262? Please
  19. Hi there, Could Wrench, cocas, ShrikeHawk and Pfunk check PMs please? Cheers, baltika
  20. If you want to, that would be excellent The 3d models and FMs are the basic requirements - everything else depends on those. As you will know, I have built a few SFP1/WoX WW2 campaigns - if the planeset is there, the campaigns will follow. So, if you can help with adding to the available SF2 level planeset, that would be great. It is really a question of what 3d guys like you want to build - the rest of us just follow. Whatever you want to build, we will use Cheers mate, Baltika
  21. Even better, if stock terrain can be used, that saves a ton of work. I'll start researching OOBs for campaign. Cheers all
  22. Rgr that, Pfunk. Kevin is "The Man" for WW2 stuff round here. OK, here's a suggestion, based on available SF2 assets: Jane's WW2 Fighters for SF2. We have the stock Mustang and Stock spit, with some great Mk 9 skins by ndicki. We have ndicki's 109G10 mod of MontyCZ's Avia 199. It shouldn't be too difficult for Wrench & I to knock up a simple Ardennes terrain between us. Spinners can do us a Luftwaffe skin for the stock Meteor as an Me-262 stand-in. What we are missing are some low-poly SF2 German medium bombers (Ju-88, He-111, Do17) to fill the sky with frame-rate friendly targets. Fancy it, Veltro? They don't need to be detailed, low-poly is better - just ask the CoD guys how their new BoB game is going ;-) And perhaps some friendly FM guy out there could take a look at wolf's P-38, P-47 and FW-190? Battle of the Bulge, here we come

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